so a couple of weeks ago, i gave " internet dating. " a go.
i wouldn't really call it a date tho. more like meeting them in real and just.... chill ? HA HA HA. it started off pretty strange LOL.
the first i met was ummmmmmm. lemme think. ok. i remember now.
ANW ! ha ha. ok. im too shy to type in event what happened with each meet ups but as i was lying on ze bed just now scrolling through pictures and texts, i've come to realize that i haven't met anyone for a long, long, long time.
the last i met was.. um. before i lost my blackberry. and i have been living without a blackberry for almost a month now !???? i think !!?
these days im just too lazy to find or chat or whatever. i've lost the patience to be glued to my phone typing.
sometimes i wanna meet but then again, when i do, i just feel suffocated. i like to live free and gettin' to know everyone. i hate being tied to just one person. it's like all my pores are buried in oil and i get really annoyed and just pissed that i have to keep coming back to that same person to ask if he's enjoying his time or whatever.
ANW. i know i wasn't into meeting people online out but i gave it a go cos bimbo toe told me it was actually ok if u guys can get along.
so honey me finally gave it a shot and voila ! it ain't that bad after all. like discovering. ok not discovering. just.... like. hi ! ha ha that first moment u meet is like... a little touching LOL. like meeting an old family that kinda thing.
ANW !!! i don't even make much sense cos all my inspiration for words got lost while i was anxiously waiting to be connected to the internet. bloody hell. it's almost 4 in the evening now and i just woke up. my body clock is majorly, majorly fucked up. hope i can get it readjusted back in thailand.
days like this i just wanna type nonsense cos i ain't got no plans. and it's raining. now what i need is a cuppa tea. but im too lazy to budge. hope i can go out for a drink tonight. dang everyone. tmr's a monday. school / work / whatever.
i need to go back to BKK soon. i'm losing my holiday and life. i need to go back. need to book my ticket. monday or tues ? or thurs just in case i wanna go for ladies' night cos i didn't club yesterday ?? was BZ working my ass off last night boohoo.
ANW !!!! it's 3 mins past whatever time it was when i last did a time-check. gonna get my KFC and just stay in and watch Modern Family. dunno which ep im at alr.
ciaoza bella !
the thing is, i stopped meeting cos i found someone quite pleasant. like friends material.
joycy honey will never commit ;-)
since i aint got pics to upload, here're some i took with my very first paycheck !!!!!!
ahppily take alr, i had to bloody lose it. just found it a few days back LOL. of all places, the kitchen -..-
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
the night i got so pissfully drunk, all without remembering a thing :'-)
after gettin' drinks from helipad, lousy me still wasn't drunk enough when i reached zirca. finally gave graveyard a shot. indifferent. so got one more shot of absinthe. the next thing i knew, i was dancing. happily. but boy was i wrong.
woke up the next day to texts asking me why the hell i was so drunk. didn't even remember a thing about me being drunk until nad relayed the whole story to me LOL.
i kept falling on the dance-floor the bouncer had to bring me out. like that still not enough. once i was out, i fell on puddles of what i will convince myself to believe as... water. LOL. nad couldn't get me to wake up so she got this dude to go get water from 7-11. i refused to drink it so she gladly poured the whole bottle down my face in hope of freshening me up trolllllllololllol. of cos it didn't work. i just kept pestering her to bring me right back in to the club cos i wanna dance. she just told me the bouncer woldn't allow me to go back cos i was too wasted. told her i can convince the bouncer to let me in. so we went back to queue again and nad whispered to the bouncer not to let me in cos i was too drunk but apparently, i quote, " you managed to look straight into his eyes and convince him you weren't drunk. you kept saying you're fine you're fine ! " and thats how we managed to go in lol. nad was angry at the bouncer for letting me in HA HA HA but l'sighhhhhhhhhh. i must be pretty damn good at forcing myself to be sober infront of bouncers alr kekekeke.
so once we were in, i told nad i wanted to pee. pee finish alr, happily come out and i had to fall right infront of the smoking room, happily dragging nad along with me LOL. IDK HTF we fell, but our legs must have tangled because i broke her heels when we both fell LOLOLOLOLOL.
aiya. lazy type. long story short, i quote,
" you just keep falling, we all try to carry you, all 5 of us but u still can dunno how just lie on the floor and not move. you just kept laughing and saying " slap me ! slap me ! " so i pia pia pia pia !! slap u. then pam they all ask me stop cos you r drunk. u still refused to move so i kiaped both of ur feet and dragged u. "
moral of the story ???
absinthe and graveyard is le god ~~~
the end.
the boys dropped in for awhile before heading out. " we come disturb you. " as u can see, my room is in a state of disaster zone. le bed was too messy so they both had to sit au naturel on the floor LOL. shariff didn't follow us this time round but he came down to hang with us while we " swam. " and even bought us the glow sticks !!!! yes we've made up LOL. f R e n Z 4 E v AAx
just came to a realization.
dressed like a princess, drunk like a slut :X
after gettin' drinks from helipad, lousy me still wasn't drunk enough when i reached zirca. finally gave graveyard a shot. indifferent. so got one more shot of absinthe. the next thing i knew, i was dancing. happily. but boy was i wrong.
woke up the next day to texts asking me why the hell i was so drunk. didn't even remember a thing about me being drunk until nad relayed the whole story to me LOL.
i kept falling on the dance-floor the bouncer had to bring me out. like that still not enough. once i was out, i fell on puddles of what i will convince myself to believe as... water. LOL. nad couldn't get me to wake up so she got this dude to go get water from 7-11. i refused to drink it so she gladly poured the whole bottle down my face in hope of freshening me up trolllllllololllol. of cos it didn't work. i just kept pestering her to bring me right back in to the club cos i wanna dance. she just told me the bouncer woldn't allow me to go back cos i was too wasted. told her i can convince the bouncer to let me in. so we went back to queue again and nad whispered to the bouncer not to let me in cos i was too drunk but apparently, i quote, " you managed to look straight into his eyes and convince him you weren't drunk. you kept saying you're fine you're fine ! " and thats how we managed to go in lol. nad was angry at the bouncer for letting me in HA HA HA but l'sighhhhhhhhhh. i must be pretty damn good at forcing myself to be sober infront of bouncers alr kekekeke.
so once we were in, i told nad i wanted to pee. pee finish alr, happily come out and i had to fall right infront of the smoking room, happily dragging nad along with me LOL. IDK HTF we fell, but our legs must have tangled because i broke her heels when we both fell LOLOLOLOLOL.
aiya. lazy type. long story short, i quote,
" you just keep falling, we all try to carry you, all 5 of us but u still can dunno how just lie on the floor and not move. you just kept laughing and saying " slap me ! slap me ! " so i pia pia pia pia !! slap u. then pam they all ask me stop cos you r drunk. u still refused to move so i kiaped both of ur feet and dragged u. "
moral of the story ???
absinthe and graveyard is le god ~~~
the end.
the boys dropped in for awhile before heading out. " we come disturb you. " as u can see, my room is in a state of disaster zone. le bed was too messy so they both had to sit au naturel on the floor LOL. shariff didn't follow us this time round but he came down to hang with us while we " swam. " and even bought us the glow sticks !!!! yes we've made up LOL. f R e n Z 4 E v AAx
the gorgeous ladies !!!!!!!
and then there's me -..-
awkward end to the pictures but my night got into a pile of oblivion after that :-Pjust came to a realization.
dressed like a princess, drunk like a slut :X
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