blog revamp under construction but still alive and breathing !!!
short note, turn up the volume on your speakers cuz this season's playlist carefully selected by yours truly features amazing ladies such as adele, in michaelson, jewel n many other voices that cry out to the angels up above !!!! ok. i dont know what that means. i cant think of a better metaphor XD
so so so so !
i just got back from orchard tired ~~~~ 've been hitting the town continuously since i was here ! but the crowds are always the same !!!!! as crowded as the weekends XO
the sales are almost ending ( from what i've seen.. ) which means......
joyzhanzy gta storp shawpeeing !!!!
ugh. ha ha ha, ANW. itz been ages since i last caught a movie ( not too keen on elabor8ing myanmar's theatres. ) !!!! watched harry pothead last night ( i know. im ancient. IDK how long it's been airing alr -..- ) and dang it wuz ahhhhhmazing !!!! emma looks jaw-droppingly gorgeous X'( i was gorging at her throughout the show cuz it was in 3D lol and boy i would love to see a pimple on her XD it'd make me feel a tweeny bit better XD
so so so so.
i've been lookin at MDIS ( yes again. ) and SIM lately, MDIS said she ( i think the sch is a she ????? ha ha ha. IDK. ) can accept me again but somehow im still more keen on SIM !! the people in SIM are much more matured and grown up IMO... which is something i like.. and MDIS is a lil too....... warm... for me. ha ha ha i was like walkin from blocks to blocks and fekkkkk it was blardy humid -..-
so ANW, i'll be applying to both, pray SIM accepts me t hehehehhehehe then i'd be closer to IMW.
HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!
im not kidding !!! i dont know why i still have feelings for him i must be crazy. i dont even know him but here i am acting like a ......... fucking wife _|_
something about him just captures me. it really is true what they say...
" It's always the one you least expect to fall for,
that you fall for the hardest. "
but of cuz i havent been liking him... diligently. im on n off. when i spot a macho dude across me i'll be in luve w him for 3 days.. until the awe dies away and then i'll go back to IMW like.. uhm, 1 week later XD #juzsayin XD
something about him is just.... captivating.
he's weirdly good looking.
he's.... reservedly friendly.
he's..... coldly warm.
ha ha ha i really m crazy WTF. i shuld name this entry " IMW. " instead lol XD but let's just dedicate this one entry to him so my weird affection for him can die off.
so yeh. it's funny. i dont feel like talkin about him already. im just in luv with the fantasy i've built around him. i don't even know him, i dont even know how he sound like for goodness's sake XD so yeh. there goes. i'll try to die down the flame XD
ok. im gonna go continue turning this blog into a comfortable and simple space.
that's how i roll these days. my styles are gonners.
im all for comfort and simplicity naw XD
ciao ciao ~~~~
oh yeah, be a kind sweet soul and help out the needy by leaving a tag to show that some kind sweet soul is out there in this cold wide world's reading this site of mine !! ha ha ha ha, dont have to type anything special, really. just leave " ...... " or spacings will do.
ok B4 i begin uploading picas, look at the diff. between long.... and short hair !!!!! totally luvs it !!! the long hair looks wet cuz i juz showered XD
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
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