i figured out as much that by now, readers of my blog would have fallen to zilch,,, which explians why i am here. i get privacy. i thought of opening a new blog but something kept holding me back . . . i just dreaded working with new templates, i just dreaded having to recompile all of my future memories, i just dreaded leaving this site alone . . . . so the bottom line ???
HA ! HA ! HA !!!!!
pardon the very first F word there (^__^) but it sounded more cool mah !!!!
ha ha ha ! anyway !! the reason for relaunching this site of mine is fairly simple -- i needed someplace to jot down the steps of my life. i dread writing alot now cos my handwriting a bit ugly now. abit only ah HA HA HA. school's been out for so long i don't even get the chance to practice my writings so the next best thing available is of cuzzzzz, blogging it all down lol !
so yes.
as i was saying, i have been absent from here for god knows how long. my life has kinda flipped AHHHHHHHH !!!!! MY MOM IS CALLIN ME DOWN 4 LUNCH !!!!!! C C C C C C !!! ALWAYS !!!!! ALWAYS WHEN I HAVE SOMETHING 2 DO, I NEEDA GO UGH !!!!! NVM, im gna continue stayin here. i need to climb stairs leh i h8 climbing stairs. my non existant muscles bloody throbbing juz now lor. be careful o. future weight lifter n ok. im goin outta point.
so yes. like i said, my life has flipped. a third maybe.
i have lost the person whom loves me most on earth to unfathomable matters.
i dare not even accept the truth of it all becos somewhere deep beneath me, i am just grasping on to the fact that if i admitted it all, i'd have REALLY lost him.
i keep myself BZ with whatever i can get my hands on to, i coax myself in2 sleep every day, persuading my conscious mind that he is alive somewhere but deep underneath the dense layer of pretence, i know, i know that he is already gone from earth, already long gone from my grasp . . . .
i often yearn for his arrival, to make up for the times he have been absent in our lives, to make up for the times he did not spend with us... mostly, to tell us he loves us, to hear it from his mouth but when the truth hits me, it hits me hard and all i can do is crumble down in tears and battle on with the surging emotions that creep all over me to the fact that . . . . . . . . . .
he is already gone...
the fact still remains that i will never be able to hear it from himself that he loves me. that i have never been absent from his life. that i am truly his pride. the fact remains that i will remain all my life.
when i realize this, of course, i already have to admit defeat but u know wot !?????? aint gonna blog about this matter any more.
i need happier matters to cheer me up dude !!!!!!
so yes !!
i am back in BKK already !!!!
this holiday has been one of a kind. things happen without me realizing. i may be in here this minit but the next ??? i am away from here, already on my way to the next destination -..-
i was first in 29degree, then i had to fly to a 30 odd degree, then i had to fly to 20 degree and back again to 30 odd degree. now, i m back in a breezy 30 degree -..-
and the suckiest thing !????
i always get sore throat when i reach BKK god knows y -..0
anyway !!!!!!!! i have so many thing to rumble on n on but i go eat first. hungry mah hehez !!!!
so i m back ! apparently they didnt cook 2day -..- had 2 eat some chinese take outs..
so yes yes yes, hmm where shuld i start !!??? o yes !!! up until now i dont even kno how 2 check which poly im enlisted 2 lol !!!!!!! :oP
ANW, i m officially goin for MDIS. shcool starts in april. i have 2 sit for 4 months of bridging first tho cuz my math n accounts is suckass :oP
i finally persuaded momsie 2 allow me 2 take T & H ( tourism. )
she wanted me to take business management but pls !!! everyone knows my math n accounts is downright sucky !!! i would only be sending myself 2 da pit of bullshit digits-filled hell if i go for biz course :oP
i hope my course ends fast cuz i m !DYING! 2 strart working !!!!
i m gonna be launghing an apparel cum accessories shop in MM cuz i am inspired by my friend !!!! he's only 20 but he's already making a living outta himself !!!!!
i m truly amazed :O
he quite handsome also HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!
so irrelevant :oP
anyway !!!!! he came 2 yangon to get some stocks. he's my mom's friend's son so. ya, so i kinda know how this line of business works now ^__^
visit my shop soon !!!!!!
it's gonna be called " ma li ba wang. " MUA HA HA HA !!
location unknown.
time of first opening unknown.
big dreams ????
lol !!
ok. this shall be all 4 2day !
i need resize my loadsa pictures taken. my FsBk looks fugly right now. all albums wo pic :oP
so BB !!!!