i just got up -.-
ive been havin one hell of a sleepin pattern. im like a newborn owl. i sleep when the sun comes up and i awake only when the sun sets -.-
my skin, needless to mention, is so fabulos lookin !
pimples are popping everywhere, eyebags are bulging, size of my eyes are smaller than they already are and i have . . . panda eyes.
for once in my life, i can actually spot a panda eye -.-
KK always asks me to triple check if her panda eyes r visible but all i see is a normal pair of eyes. other girlies also complain that the exams are givin them the panda eyes but again, all i c r pairs n pairs of normal lookin eyes.
sometimes they'll even tell me my panda eyes r showin but all i c . . . is my own normal pair of eyes. NO PANDAS R GRWOIN IN THERE R THEY ???
but today, i took a look in2 the mirror n my my ~
AAAARGHHHZ ~! monsterous man.
anyway, i was so buzy last night.
despite my killer cramp, i had to clear KK's room.
we've been leavin one hell of a mess it's a killer to actually just see lest livin in there -.- we've only done the talkin " we'll clean we'll ckean. " but lazy us didnt quite got the zest to do it until yst, i came back from the airport, bought period-armour from guardian's, popped in my pills n started workin like wonderwoman.
threw all the paper-carriers, the wrappers, the tissue papers, the tags, the strands of hair, the cloths, the isolated bits of stationeries o u name it. i even changed KK's sheets tho the blanket's a lil out. i cant seem to spot the head n tail of the cover string ~!!!
threw dozens of clothes in2 the washing machine.
everything turned out fine.
i hung em up n went to the get the second batch of bedsheets n they were dirty so i thot i shuld higher the power of the machine.
i pressed wash 3 times, rinse 6 times. the sheets were big so i hoped that'll get em really clean n smell good. the machine said it'll be done after 42 minits so i went to have a shower. after that, watched some movies online. i got hungry so i decided to get some bread 2 eat. while walkin 2 e kitchen, i suddenly thot of those washing machines disasters in films. i was afraid it'd happen to me. so i quickly ran in2 the kitchen n there it was.
the bloody machine was rumbling at top speed !!!!!
as i got closer,,,,,,
fuck fuck fuck fuck damnit.
i just cunt believe it !!!
of all things i just have to fail at such a simple task dont i !?
i quickly gave it an open circuit n cut off the water supply. i had to mop the floor zzz. when i opend the machine, fuck damnit.
the sheets were still soapy zzzz _l_.
so then i had to rewash em. this time, i played safe.
i clicked wash 2, rinse 1. ugh.
anyway. ha ha, im actually talkin kitchen here zzz -.-lll
told u im growin older :oP
so ANW ~!
prom's on wednesday. still quite a long time to go.
im only shopping for the clothes on sunday. i guess im a lil not so xcited againz i donno. im bored stiff. i aint got no one to meet . . .
now that KK's in BKK,
im literally dyin of boredom -.-
i spend my time watching movies online.
some old some chinese some korean some youtube n shit so lemme do some emotional release aye. n anyway it'been long since i last did a long entry so ye.
many things have been coming in2 my mind clearer now that im alone n aware.
KK's oways been tellin me that after O's, im gonna be like her.
no worries . . . just relaxed n there werent be any more of the school uniforms life. but i didnt even kno how it'd feel like back then. but now that O's r really officially over,,,,,
back then when u r bored, u can actually solve some math probs n read some texts but now, i dont even wna do tt ! it's not tt i H8 it. it's just there aint no more reasons 2 do tt get it ?
it's the official next phase of our lives.
this is the phase that we've always yearned for but now tt it's here,
im aktualli kinda missin the previous one :o(
at least goin to school's like a mission or somethin. i had a reason to wake up in the mornin . . now tt school's out, i dont hav a proper reason to wake up. i dont hav the reason to do anythin. i dont have a reason to sleep early. i dont have the reason to DO ANYTHING.
im actually only idling my time away.
now i can proprely define my life-cycle as " Idling Away. "
realli there aint nuffin i do. i only stare in2 the space.
n now tt there aint no more schoolin,
m i goin spend e rest of my life like this ??
this is SOOOOooOoOoO not wot i was lookin 4ward 2 :o(
ppl are sayin " It's time to party ! "
but party ????
gosh. u dont really want to party for the rest of yr life right ???
i mean. get a grip.
partying everyday is as useless as a strand of fallen hair.
fine. weird xample but get the point. even sleepin's more exciting -.-
ok. i get it. im a total killjoy but hey. im speakin SENSE.
if i've thot tt partyin'd do me good, i'd've been doin tt right ?
but guess wat ??
so ? point is . . . .. . . . ???????
beats me i aint got no idea. go figure it yrself.
i kno partyin sounds wild n exotic but nah . . .
doesnt do the works for me ;o)
ok next topic !
ha ha ha, im in an odd mood rght now, realli.
frankly, ive been quite disappointed in miself.
i culdnt even save a single bit of my money.
now im left w xactly 39 $ with 2 5-cent coins -.- and o yes ive been a lying bitch as well -.-
momsie called n asked if i dared to sleep alone. told her i def do. she asked what time i woke up today n i told her 11am. she asked if i've had my meals. told her i did. she asked what, i said ban-mien cos she knos i like it. she asked me if i still have sufficient money to buy food, i told her im still left with 200 god im such a bum. this is bad real bad. im useless. NO IM NOT EMO !!!! ha ha ha ha gosh. PS, all my entries are not written in the i-wna-end-my-life-so-bad-way. if u kno me, i dont have tt kinda manner in speakin.
i only joke. ha ha.
ok lah. i guess it's all for today. no pics. if not you'll get frightening nightmares for the rest of yr life !!!!
im not kidding either !

jas thawat n i up there.
ha ha ha uncle thawat showin off his new winter clothes -.-
FUCKER !!!!! I ALSO WANT !!! ha ha ha. realli gd to talk 2 em again tho s2upid jas wasnt so keen 2 chat w me. fucker. he only want talk to ploy.
ha ha ha idiot.
ok GTG ~!
time to collect the clothes n hang up those big sheets.
dang naw tts somethin im so not lookin 4ward to :oP