8am- i'm awake.
8.45- i have eaten my breakfast now on the way to Waterloo to meet max.
9.10- whited for max to get us some tix to the play.
right, so i went swimming in swissotel leconcorde and then i bathed shaved and thank bloody much i out my make-ups on which is only the eyes actuallly :oD anyways i wore the black dress again but with a red waist belt. was meeting the newly weds from vietnam ( they came to Thailand not for honeymoon, hehe. ) for dinner. they came over to house for lunch too, with another uncle which is the dad of the three punks. hee okay so when i reached, when my family reached, i was like walking to the thai restaurant with my head down initially cos of my jacket, i don't know what i was adjusting, the zip i think. so when i looked up, i saw them and i was i shouldda know that. cos last time, we met them at the same restaurant too. i didn't talk only jaw and jasone cos guys. so after dinner which i had just the fish, and 3 spoons of the really spicy soup, we went over to RCA karaoke. it's a family karaoke. not the pubbish one. i sang top of the world cos i had to practice the song for my vocals, then the adults kept pestering jacks to sing so then i asked him if he was gonna sing, and if so, which song. so he was he didn't know which then after a while he asked me if i knew hello. sounded familiar but i didn't know. so i was in the ladies' when all of a sudden, " hello, is it me you're looking for ~ " sang through my head and when i got back i was like, " is hello the one with " hello is it me you're looking for ? " and he was like smiles and " yeh , that's the one. " the thing that's good about talking to him is that whenever we talk, ( talk like less than 10 sentences. ) is that EVERY time we talk, of cos being me i smile, but he was too like smiles when i am talking and when he answers. yeh some guys lack that. so when the song came, i was is it this ? and he said sounds different, so i yeh ! ha ha, let's just sing it the way we want. the first verse i didn't sing cos i wasn't familiar with the tune, he was like, *look\sing. so i sang, yep and when it ended i clapped so he clapped too and yeh so we both clapped. ha ha, " let's clap for ourselves. " cos the rest were like did'nt clap RIGHT after the song. must be they too in love with our voice lah ! so anyways sone wanted to sing my heart will go on and when the song came, he was away to the gents' so was, asked thawat to sing it with me cos he knows it too but he lah. then they were like. " jacky, sing with her. " but he was all smiles so i sang the first few lines alone ugly then finally jasone came and is it boring ? just reading what i did ? pardon me eh.
anyways, they left cos they have school the next day. har-har. evil and mocking laughters, SCHOOL. t hes. anyways, when they were about to leave, i was with jasone or jaw looking at the play list, so i was away from my seat. then i heard someone shouted my name so when i turned they were they're going back so i was oh right. then when i wanted to sit down, i was on my way to my seat, Jack's came and so i looked and said " bye bye. " , smiled and waved so he was " bye bye. " waved and smiled. yep. anyways.
i have started on my vocals. nothing special, really. just like choir. breathing and stuff. even the breathing thang is the same lor. like breathe and release air for 15 seconds then more more more and the ssssssss is the same. tsk. anyways 1 hour, you get to sing like most 3 songs ? cos there're other kids. a girls that's i think 18 or so. her english is pretty goodie too ! as guy of 6 y\o. a girl of idk how old and an emo poseur. bloody emo lah. he didn't even noticed that i was in the class lah ! i went in half an hour late hehe. he was just having his hood over his head and was on the line, till the end of the vocals. doot lah. i think after a few minutes he finally looked up and he saw me then he was like, twitched the brows and then soon after, he went over to his emo shiet act again and finally when it was my turn to sing, he got outta his world and listened to me then after my song a few minutes later, he was like, " lisa can't speak thai ? " his voice is pretty good. i smiled to him though. he was like all stiff giggly cos the coach was " quality of voice, no good." ha ha ! he has a lip-pierce too. but not cute looking brr. so he smiled and left. thai lesson has also started. very sleepy. having tomorrow again. the launch of my voclas, thai lesson and bkk wedding and the first fall of my cybershot was on the same day and i feel so tired to type. picts now. lazy change fonts shiet. oh i almost forgot to mention, i used to like jacks. but that was 2 years ago when he had that moppy hair and now, i like baldish guys remember and he too, is baldy. jaw was like, " you used to like him right ? " ha ha. yep he's sixteen too. but look forteenish cos of his body frame. skinny like bamboo and side profile is flat like a wash board. his nose bridge is sharpy sharp.
Ive been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams
Ive kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
Is it me youre looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
Youre all Ive ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
Because you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you
I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again
How much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello!Ive just got to let you know
Because I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I havent got a clue
But let me start by saying I love you
Is it me youre looking for?
Becuase I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I havent got a clue
But let me start by saying
I love you
left = carmen's mom , right = lisa's mom.
and in memory of lisa's now no more hair. thank god a mbzillion times i took these pictures cos now i'm left with something the complete opposite.
alrighty, and lastly,
urse, jacky and joycy. weheh.
okay, these are the pictures taken a day before meeting them, the second day of my vocals but the coach was on leave so i was stuck on the room with a six year old called ping, who chatted me up. ha ha ! flirt ah ! nah, we had fun :o) he said " i am very happy today ! " and kept doodling in my cam and i bought doughnuts for us both, then we had a great date wor. okay, mad shiet. he taught me thai, in preparation for my thai lesson. played the ten little Indian boys on piano and iu sang it for him and he danced for the cam and he even greeted me when the lesson was over, i was in mister doughnuts hanging out, doing some thai homework when somebody shouted, " lisa ! " i turned and he was outside, he greeted me sa wa dee krub and the thai praying thing.
and so, presenting .
P I N G !
and a six year ol's mobile, is better than a bloody sixteen year old's.
BUT ! a six y\o's editing skill is not as fantabulous as a sixteen y\o's !
alright, last picture.