it was rainigng not only cats and dogs but also elephants and rats, aftar westmalling with farah and hwee koon, i took LWL's taxi to orchard.
" why you want take taxi ? "
" cos now raining. "
" oh ye . . very heavy ah ! ha ha, you see everthwre also so jam. "
" ha ha ye lor. "
" why you don't want take mrt ? it'll be faster you know. you wwant take ? "
i thought about it and it seemed a pretty lot smarter to take the tube instead.
" cos if you take taxi, will be 30 - 40 $ and will take very long to go there. "
" oh ? okay can, i take mrt. eeh !! CANNOT ! i got no money !! "
" huh but you got ez link pass right ? "
" ye have. i mean i no money pay you for taxi fare. not a single cent. all spent already. "
" oh . . so you mean ? "
" means i have to go to the hotel then my mom will pass me the money for taxi. if i drop now i cannot pay you. "
" oh ! your mom at hotel ah ? "
after a few good seonds,
" okay never mond, you don't need to pay me. like this better if not very long to reach. now 6 you reacj 7. "
then his fingers found their way to the " cancel. " button. aww was i not over the clouds. so then he dropped mwe over at the juring east's library and from there i took the tube to orch. i was damn blur. must be the rain lah. all the mrt stations look the same dont they ? when he was stopping, i was " this is still bukit bsatok mrt right ? " when it was je's ._. okay never mind, the highlight of this story is :
i really do appreciate LWL's kind offer ye maybe he's just tryna chase me outta his cab but hey, it's the thoughts that count, right ? what he may be doing seem like just a simple common thing but to me, it meant a lot so i'll like to end my speech with a t-h-a-n-k-y-p-u and meaning it.
baby love was ringing softly in my ears and i was walkuing dead straight when thise 2 malay maats and i walked in the opposite direction of each other. one of them said, " eh girl why you still wearing school uniform ? "
wow i felt like answering him but i was walking too cool like a cucumber to care. like they treat orchard as too much of a kingdom that they HAVE TO MUST GOT TO JUST HAVE TO change into something real cool to boo them rest people who treat orchard as a normal PLACE and wrap themselves into table cloths or picnic mats cos COOLIOS think they look like a what of dust but never mind. went over to pu tien restaurant to bloat my stomach in and with that, i kissed my mom goodbye. she's flown off to thailand already. speaking of countries, i might not be going back to yay my nails are dry now thailand this mid year holiday cos let's say if i go over to any of the overseas' exchage programme, i will be left with simply 2 weeks of holiday to enjoy but 2 weeks is so short so i might as well stay in singapore. so kevin's hunting for a job that's located near bukit timah for me. jaw's working in a hotel. cool i wanna but if the travelling time's too far, i might as well work somewhere near eh. oh no i can't wait to serve,
" hi, here's you order. any more side dishes for you ? "
" yo here's your food boy. want anymore or not ? "
" hi. here's your hibyehibye. any more orders from you ? "
cool. i shall be the kind and yummy maid that is very servant friendly ^.^
should i never mind. okay i guess i better go now before i wake up late for tomorrow ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow no clothes ;o(

might be wearing this.