The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Piercing Pain.

ha ha ha ha, i betcha no one's gonna beat me at greeting you the earliest ?

KK and i are still up and alive like monkeys. school is startin . . again. i shant be disappointed. a few more months of hard work and im gna get a tattoo that says " I DITCHED STUDYING. " on my forehead and be reminded every time i look into the mirror that studying and i have no more relationships wotsev. thing about me is i love learning but i absolutely hate studying. ow fuck !!! my finger's bleeding !!!!!! i was vigorously sweeping food crumbs off the mattress blindly and before i knew it, there was a sharp pain followed by drips of blood. stupid metal can.

this is another last entry of mine for the time being. i'll update again mid may when KK's new house will be ready. my o my. prom is gettin nearer by the day and my meaty body is so not ready to face The Day. i have been shoving down food after food these days and there's no way i can stop. i lack self-control brrr o(>﹏<)o

all righty mighty. ima gonna sign off now with a very good night ! i been multi-tasking. reading and blogging. how very cool of me, eh ? this just about tell you not to mess with the genius.

ha ha ha !

a pict off the WC rather long ago at mc's.

here is how i look in reality !!!!!

AND THE PICTURE OF CENTURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BEHOLD .. .. .. .. ..


























AND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA !!!!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Knowing he'd be kissing the other girl . . s that suposed to hurt ?

hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

ok. that was rather bimbotic of me. i shall get started with a much more matured side . . i am already 18 after all \(^o^)/~

after being missing in action for a bloody long time, zang zang zang zang lisa is finally back !
i would really love to type out everything that has happened to me during the time i went M-I-A but it's gonna take hella long time so i'm gonna do it the sweet and simple way by cutting the whole chunk into a skinny entry.

i am currently staying in bedok at aunt JX's house cos thawat's here in SG so KK is here too which explains why i can actually be here typing. ha ha ha, have i told you that my lappie's completely lifeless ??????? it's completely dead. no cure. even if you were to defriberate ( seplling ? and see. this so proves that i pay attention in class. i am a changed woamn :o) ) it, the chances of it working is zilch. i can't complain and say it's a bad thing cos look what it's done to me !
i don't have lousy complexion like i did before -----

a) pimplish to the max o(>﹏<)o
d) deep sucken eye bags.
h) lifeless looking eyes with real yello eye white.
z) dull looking face.

the list of many sweet things rolls on but i shall swallow a h u g e humble pie. i have yet to UPD8 on my yangon trip now, have i ?
well lemme tell u this -


 end of story.

i have never, in my life, realized that handling kids is a sucha hard chore. worse than herding chickens. not that i've tried one but you ged the drift . . childrenz zuckz. ha ha ha, ok. i sound like an old witch. i do love children, i just have no clue how to play with them. ask KK. she'll kno. ha ha, geniuses with kids like her ? i dont kno how they do it. i'm livin with a year old angie now and lemme tell u this. she doesn't laugh when i give her seriously stupid faces. i twist the muscles in my face 360 degree north south east west double north, triple south, mid east far west but all angie baby does is stare at me blankly (⊙o⊙)

. . . now i've lost faith in being the perfect mother. not to mention the bigass ego in me has suffered a huge dent. i meant no exaggerations hor.

but it's ok ! like what adam khoo says,
ye. see. i use the quotes. niway, as i was sayin, livin life in yangon last december is yet another recollection to my chapters of memories. bumpy roads, slow traffics, little hang-outs, zero mr rights, bad weathers, little rainfalls . . u name it, i have it. the joyous thing is the addition of the little 2 kids, the 2 bundle of joy. ha ha, isn't it fkin ironic how i say i despise kids but love them all the same ? what i dont understand is why they have to drag me to bed even before charlie barlie sleeps and why they make hella noise and wake me up even before the shy sun is up. they piss me off real bad when they wake me up early in the mornin just to ask where their color pencils are .__.zZZzZzZZ can ???????
wakin me up when i am sleeping soundly isn't a wise move.
it leaves me with a very foul mood. i don't like to be distracted when i am doing something. no matter what it is i am doing .. .. .. be it shitting, drinking, doing work, typing, sleeping .. .. .. now u learn something about myself. anyway. brother jaw'd be " ok, kids ! that's enuf toys for today ! one more thing you buy and you'll be whacked !!! " and then we'd herd them out of the malls. ha ha, i need to forget karate for the time being and concentr8 on being a good mom. ha ha. the good thing about kids is they make u happy and important. ha ha ! important.they will cling on to your arms and treat u better than kings. lol. they carry my shopping bags ha ha ha ha. ok. enuf about yangon and kiddies.

the one most or worst, in this case, thing i can't stand about SG is the heat. omigoodness !!!!!! the hot hot weather sure drives me insane #_# !!!!!!
i hate walking back home.
i hate even walking to the bus stop from school.
i hate hate hate walking out of shelters.
another thing about me ?

i can't stand heat.
. . . . .. . and i never will.

it drives me mad. bonkers. insane. crazy. nuts. which about sum up to the same thing - crazy mad. ha ha ! i make no sense but who gives a shit. it is 4.02 in the mornin, i have begun typing slower than before. but speed is not ever-ree-thang. what is is the passion, the hard work behind every thing. am i right ??????? damn. i feel like a mad woman conducting a class full of invisible students. i guess i shall quit now. had mini chocol8 fondue this evening followed by dining at pu tien restaurant.

P.S:now that i am staying here for the march break, i am looking worse than before. no make ups no good clothes. i no fringe. i no clothes. i no mood. ha ha ! i mean, hello ?? bedok ?????? who'd i possibly meet ???????????????????
lol. it's crazy cool not givin a bird's shit to how you look and just be someone you truly are beneath. i was telling kay if someone were to like me lookin like how i do now, he'd def. be someone that truly loves me cos crazy plain doesn't always work magic on guys. it's disappointing havin people like the you with the aid of make-ups. i want someone who likes my face naked and heavily exposed. i am drifting off the point again . . oh yes ! i forgot to mention, my guardian is the " school bus. " now !!! ha ha ha, she drives jase and i to school every altern8 mornings ^____^ have i mentioned i hate walking to schools and tuition centres ? oh well. it has been long but i promise the pictures will make up for it ! ciaozzzzzzzz for now !!!!!
ME GONNA TRIM HAIR TMR LE happy happy.bye bye. i will sign off with last year's pictures and a little of this year's. lazy edit already. the night is no longer young. bye !!!!!!!!!
i forgot, i have gained 3kg. hope you lose ur appetite. he-he. ~\(>..<)/~啦啦啦

2 old picts.

brows threading.

lisa fierce kk sweet.

Valentine's Day.
where i had chilli chocolate ^_^

we're dateless face lol.

open ur eyes big joys ... open ur eyes big ..

after watching slumdog millionaire. fkin cool show. gr8 graphics.
.... will be continued .. nightzzzz.


Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.

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