KK and i cooked our chi-burmese cuisine today. i must say she sure does kno her work !
the " real ” chef lisa fried some yummy sausages ! ha ha ha. it was not much of a biggie compared to KK's. i cant post the pictures becos the port is stuck stuck with the other memory card so . . anyway, i'll post some of burma picture now. it's in me phtobucket acc.

i forgot to mention in the previous post the bag is meant to cover me meaty tigh heehee ^__^

ah fag trying to be mr healthy early in the morning.

lookin up !
first day back and first time seeing me cousin !!

ah fag and i.

me forcing little cousin to take a pic with me. PS, if u can see, i have grown fatter and the curtain of fringe works as a double to cover me fat face :oD

. . . .. . . .. . TOBECONTINUED . . ..
gotsa go home. ah kay is waiting for me.
tomorrow. see u tmr.