" how many times do i beak till i shatter ? "
seems i've been broken and tampered with countless of times
but lo, i find myself still hanging on against the odds.
the threads on the stitches are bursting free
stubborn self retaliates against pressure
mind's repeatedly coaxing to give in
but the heart just simply refuses to comply.
seeing and hearing,
until now they're not clearing.
all day long,
my mind's fogged.
the thick dense layer of ache is swelling
they're turnin lumpy
they call it unrequited love
i say it's bloody torture
goin on a battlefield with your strongest enemy
the one you'd love to hate and hate to love
it doesn't spell victory.
it spells agony.
i've withstood
i've withheld
and now, i'm withdrawing . . .
- lisa. june 24th 2009, friday.i am @ kismis green again -.-
i spent this whole week sleepin in class . . my system just cant get used to the lethargy. i sleep at 12 every night, get up at 5 the next morning and start taking the train to school at 6. the train ride is both a killer and a murder. killer and murdere combined, u get
the fucking torture. i cant even sleep in the train. there're too many people gettin in my way of a peaceful ride. i've tolerated w/ all these shit for a week and enough is enough. i have had enough of what i can withhold. thank goodness this week is finally over. i'm moving back here this sunday -.-
i can't believe i fucking had the lousiest week -
i should get some brownie points for this -.-
anyway, i am done with it all. the picts and everything. resizing is one hell of a killer. i need ages for them to finally get loaded into photobucket -.- i got here at 2pm and up until now, i am still left with about 5 picts. this is tiring -.- i've been looking at some of my old friend's facebook accounts and my oh my !!!!! they're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo friggin gorgeous it's scary !!!!!!! ha ha ha. fuck. why i never change into a beautiful butterfly ah ?????????? ha ha ha. ella especially. she's really beautiful ! wait and see. now i motivated alr. cos you kno what is the root of beauty ?????? it's called "
skinny. "
ha ha ha. bye bye lisa old body !!!!!!
ok, up until now, i have done nothing to claim my words of dieting are true -.-
i should persuade my mom to sign me up for dieting classes. this way sure v easy to lose the stubborn fats -.-
jogging just makes me sick. so hot still must sweat. any other ways to lose the pounds other than eating less and exercising ??????????????????
oki. i am so excited for the aftermath of Olvl. hehehehehhehe. i've already bought the scarves !!!!!!! i've already bought long nitted pullovers !!!! i'm goin to buy wter coats !!!!!


this is the bear that jan was plannin to buy for her granma as foot rest -.-

i dunno where to place his expression. too happy or wot ?

bimbo is shy >.<

amongst the bears.

jasie fag and koh wei.
ha ha ha, this jan is so cute can.
er, exactly -.-

koh wei and jannie.

monkey and kw.


ok his is so weird of me to say but i find her tongue appealing. v small. v sexi.
jan bimbo picked this ! ha ha, se, bimbo likes flowers ! :oD

HOW SWEET !!!! the cardigan i can wear one ok !

for the guy.

won't he look so bikerish !!!!??
my scarves.
welcome back to BKK lol !!!

fave aunt !!!!!!
KK and i on my last day.

future photgrapher.

ha ha, v cute.
gran dear and i.

loving thawat and i.

cute johnny and i.
all alone in a lonely room.