ok it's been too long since i last wrote anything smart here XD
anywayza, this is me joycy reporting live from BKK ( after fleeing to PTY to escape the flood. ) and ugh. IDK, life has happened so much in the past few days i don't even know what i think or feel anymore. i'm taking day for day and nothin for granted. my life is changing, or.. I am changing - yet again.
anyway, i've learnt something about myself today ( while leaving pattaya. )
i said i've been accustomed to changes and the movings in my life, i said i can adapt to changes easily and don't mourn over any differences but there is this tiny period where i lose myself and feel a bigass sense of loss once i leave a place which i've juz gotten used to. my english is sounding rough. blame it on the break.
anyway, all i wanted to say was :
even the strongest fall.
here're the piczzzz i've gotten over the past few days !? weeks !???? le sigh.
i've squeezed dry every drip of my energy into resizing n editing the picz so yes, u may steal them ;o)
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
finally. wordz.
ok. this is late. but here i am. typing.
it's ben too long since i last did a proper entry !!!! :O i've never, in ma life, been this BZ it's crazy !
i've been spending so much time with proy i don't even know where to start -..-
ha ha ha, anywayz, point of this entry was to note down that i, myint myint maw @ joys han wang guo huai,
bloody fell asleep in the cinema today ( 17th oct 2011. ) !!!!
we were watching spy kidz, it was good it was funny but i was so sleepy i couldn't even hang on till the climax ( the kids getting their own cool gadgets. i think. ) i had to slouch down low allllll the way till my head was comfortably leaning on the back of the seat. see. timez like these i wish i had a man to lean on and be my makeshift pillow. y'know. for the sake of my neck coz after the show my neck was so sore it almost rolled off my head -..-
soza. what's new ??
hmm............... hmmmmmmmmmmmm
well nothing much has changed in me, but it feels like i'm becoming less bothered by everything i feel. ugh. it doesn't even make sense cuz i don't even know what i'm feeling these days. life's going on the fast lane i can't even pause to get a breather. so nope i haven't done any thinkings lately. agh well. my eyes are tired i shall go now.
dinner&ice-sk8 w proy n her sibs tomorrow night i need to sleep.
it's ben too long since i last did a proper entry !!!! :O i've never, in ma life, been this BZ it's crazy !
i've been spending so much time with proy i don't even know where to start -..-
ha ha ha, anywayz, point of this entry was to note down that i, myint myint maw @ joys han wang guo huai,
bloody fell asleep in the cinema today ( 17th oct 2011. ) !!!!
we were watching spy kidz, it was good it was funny but i was so sleepy i couldn't even hang on till the climax ( the kids getting their own cool gadgets. i think. ) i had to slouch down low allllll the way till my head was comfortably leaning on the back of the seat. see. timez like these i wish i had a man to lean on and be my makeshift pillow. y'know. for the sake of my neck coz after the show my neck was so sore it almost rolled off my head -..-
soza. what's new ??
hmm............... hmmmmmmmmmmmm
well nothing much has changed in me, but it feels like i'm becoming less bothered by everything i feel. ugh. it doesn't even make sense cuz i don't even know what i'm feeling these days. life's going on the fast lane i can't even pause to get a breather. so nope i haven't done any thinkings lately. agh well. my eyes are tired i shall go now.
dinner&ice-sk8 w proy n her sibs tomorrow night i need to sleep.
SK8 !!
ok. picture entry. again. but but but tonight has gotta be the best i've had since... well, forever !!!
a ha ha, proy n i both got ourselves a new eye-candy ( yumm yumm !! ) and argh. it was crazy. her mr taylor lautner is really taylor lautner-esque. whereas for my mr skinny, well, he's just plain skinny with a really gorgeous head. the eyes the nose the lips and agh !!! the dimples !!!!!!!!
it was funny how we " met. " tho really. pon was showing me this side-way-skate thingamajig when i saw this dude charging straight towards me from the corner of my eyes. it's really funny come to think of it. i don't even know why i saw him since i was concentrating on the side-skate thingeh.
but anyhow !! this dude was charging straight towards me and i didn't know how to skate backwards so all i was doing was " oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. " till ka-bammmmmm !!!!! i was skating backwards and mr dude\skinny was like i think. holding on to my shoulder and i dont know what how when but we just both fell -..-
surprisingly it wasn't all that painful. mustave been the adrenalin\beer kicking in but i was really chill. hiak hiak hiak albeit with a wet pants. like a wet-peed-pants -..- he was like " sorry ! " or somehwere along that line. my mind was like racing up the mountain cuz it was all so bloody sudden and i was caught really fuckin unexpected -..- and pon thot i was oh-shitting cuz i was gonna fall from learning the side-skate thing -..-
anywayzah !
mr skinny disappeared. ok i shuld stop callin him mr skinny here cuz it might ruin my impression of him hiak hiak but anyway, mr dude disappeared after the great fall and i soon forgot about the whole thing until quite awhile later where i was skating alone and he ( so handsome !!!!!! ) ( now that i was alright and not shaky from the fall. ) came up to me and was " hey, i am sorry. " and stupid me just said " it's ok ! :D " and skated away.
UGH !!!!! i really H8 myself sometimes.
i should have at least added " are u all right ? " or whatever right !????? le sigh ~
anywayz. i saw him looking at pon skating past him so i think he's gay !????? ugh IDK.
anywayz ! we all went for mcdonald's since that was the only place that was open after midnight and ola ola ! mr dude came in a while later !!!!! ha ha ha ha !!! proy and the rest were like persuading me to get a pic with him and due to the high i went along w it ( even tho i chickend out once. or twice. or thrice ugh fuck me !!! ) a ha ha ha, while i was BZ chickening out it all felt like a deja vu. the thing with prom night and taking a pic. no, running after him to request for a pic w him. and then soon after that i was like ugh fukkit. what have i got to lose eh !? so yupsie daisy ! that's probably it ! SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
but the last bits of mr dude was really quite disappointing. instead of turning back to him to say bye or whatever, i walked dead ahead without even turning back or smiling. shit me.
anyway. thats it. useless guy rants XD
picktures !
a ha ha, proy n i both got ourselves a new eye-candy ( yumm yumm !! ) and argh. it was crazy. her mr taylor lautner is really taylor lautner-esque. whereas for my mr skinny, well, he's just plain skinny with a really gorgeous head. the eyes the nose the lips and agh !!! the dimples !!!!!!!!
it was funny how we " met. " tho really. pon was showing me this side-way-skate thingamajig when i saw this dude charging straight towards me from the corner of my eyes. it's really funny come to think of it. i don't even know why i saw him since i was concentrating on the side-skate thingeh.
but anyhow !! this dude was charging straight towards me and i didn't know how to skate backwards so all i was doing was " oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. " till ka-bammmmmm !!!!! i was skating backwards and mr dude\skinny was like i think. holding on to my shoulder and i dont know what how when but we just both fell -..-
surprisingly it wasn't all that painful. mustave been the adrenalin\beer kicking in but i was really chill. hiak hiak hiak albeit with a wet pants. like a wet-peed-pants -..- he was like " sorry ! " or somehwere along that line. my mind was like racing up the mountain cuz it was all so bloody sudden and i was caught really fuckin unexpected -..- and pon thot i was oh-shitting cuz i was gonna fall from learning the side-skate thing -..-
anywayzah !
mr skinny disappeared. ok i shuld stop callin him mr skinny here cuz it might ruin my impression of him hiak hiak but anyway, mr dude disappeared after the great fall and i soon forgot about the whole thing until quite awhile later where i was skating alone and he ( so handsome !!!!!! ) ( now that i was alright and not shaky from the fall. ) came up to me and was " hey, i am sorry. " and stupid me just said " it's ok ! :D " and skated away.
UGH !!!!! i really H8 myself sometimes.
i should have at least added " are u all right ? " or whatever right !????? le sigh ~
anywayz. i saw him looking at pon skating past him so i think he's gay !????? ugh IDK.
anywayz ! we all went for mcdonald's since that was the only place that was open after midnight and ola ola ! mr dude came in a while later !!!!! ha ha ha ha !!! proy and the rest were like persuading me to get a pic with him and due to the high i went along w it ( even tho i chickend out once. or twice. or thrice ugh fuck me !!! ) a ha ha ha, while i was BZ chickening out it all felt like a deja vu. the thing with prom night and taking a pic. no, running after him to request for a pic w him. and then soon after that i was like ugh fukkit. what have i got to lose eh !? so yupsie daisy ! that's probably it ! SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
but the last bits of mr dude was really quite disappointing. instead of turning back to him to say bye or whatever, i walked dead ahead without even turning back or smiling. shit me.
anyway. thats it. useless guy rants XD
picktures !
Saturday, October 15, 2011
ok, i just got back from a great night of beef, bowling, and oh, cars 2 !! hehe, cars wuz pretty ok but i still ( highly. ) recommend real steel man that was one hella good one ;o)
anywayz ! met up with proy's family for lunch @ kor-khun, this super cheap ass but fuckin' delicious beef place that everyone in my family adores. ADORES. ha ha ha, to a a beef lover like me, KK's heaven. where can u get great beef at cheap rates !?? WHERE ? ugh. anyway. pics.
heres me and moi darling ~!! this precious has been in kor-khun's fish tank since the first time i went there. IDK if it's me or if it's juz really me but he seems to remember me !!! everytime i walk to the bigass fish tank, he swims straight at me and we'll make crazy eye contact and i turn in2 a fish.
ma dear lady !
here's simple me cuz IDK what i should do w my face since the place's not air-conditioned and it was still in the afternoon ugh.
tell me. WHO. WHO could resist !????
ha ha ha i've realized throughout these few days where i spent ma dayz n nightz w proy that she's a really great cook !!!!
so here's a pic of masterchef swimmin in the oil.
after a heavy lunch we made our way down to esplande's to bowl or kaloriezzzz away.
( nana's camera. )
meet proy's lil sis denise !
n proy's lil bro pon !
here's to....... us XD
of cuz, after the load of shit we burnt off, we had to relax at the theatres :P
PS. yes. i know. ive gained like a mofo tonne of weight. ugh.
ok, i just got back from a great night of beef, bowling, and oh, cars 2 !! hehe, cars wuz pretty ok but i still ( highly. ) recommend real steel man that was one hella good one ;o)
anywayz ! met up with proy's family for lunch @ kor-khun, this super cheap ass but fuckin' delicious beef place that everyone in my family adores. ADORES. ha ha ha, to a a beef lover like me, KK's heaven. where can u get great beef at cheap rates !?? WHERE ? ugh. anyway. pics.
heres me and moi darling ~!! this precious has been in kor-khun's fish tank since the first time i went there. IDK if it's me or if it's juz really me but he seems to remember me !!! everytime i walk to the bigass fish tank, he swims straight at me and we'll make crazy eye contact and i turn in2 a fish.
ma dear lady !
here's simple me cuz IDK what i should do w my face since the place's not air-conditioned and it was still in the afternoon ugh.
tell me. WHO. WHO could resist !????
ha ha ha i've realized throughout these few days where i spent ma dayz n nightz w proy that she's a really great cook !!!!
so here's a pic of masterchef swimmin in the oil.
after a heavy lunch we made our way down to esplande's to bowl or kaloriezzzz away.
( nana's camera. )
meet proy's lil sis denise !
n proy's lil bro pon !
here's to....... us XD
of cuz, after the load of shit we burnt off, we had to relax at the theatres :P
PS. yes. i know. ive gained like a mofo tonne of weight. ugh.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Taylor Lautner BayB ~!!!!
today marks the last of my 10days ( or so XD ) here in darling little singapore ~!!
ha ha ha, ok, i was all " darling singapore. " cuz this time round it was a much much much better " experience. " i had cuz koh wei my dearest was spending her time with me unselfishly !!!! ha ha ha, unselfishly, vocabs where art thou ???? ok. when im excited my englsh goes blah so bare with me. anywayzah, here's KW the sweets sending me to the airport ~!!!! picture entry.
i wuz rushing like a mad cow ( what's new. ) so i was bare-ass faced with really hideous clothes and refused to show my true colors. ahem. ( until i made up and changed in the toilet. which u will see. later. )
ha ha ha, ok, i was all " darling singapore. " cuz this time round it was a much much much better " experience. " i had cuz koh wei my dearest was spending her time with me unselfishly !!!! ha ha ha, unselfishly, vocabs where art thou ???? ok. when im excited my englsh goes blah so bare with me. anywayzah, here's KW the sweets sending me to the airport ~!!!! picture entry.
i wuz rushing like a mad cow ( what's new. ) so i was bare-ass faced with really hideous clothes and refused to show my true colors. ahem. ( until i made up and changed in the toilet. which u will see. later. )
bye naw ~!!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
A first for everything.
the day i wanted to be left alone
the day i went out to orchard and shopped solo
the day i honestly enjoyed the freedom and solitude i bathed myself in
the day i listened to people around me talk, walk and laugh instead of my iPod
the day i finally got the tiff & co. necklace i been eyeing on
the day i truly had fun
Sunday, October 9, 2011
ola ~!!!
okay here's me sitting really uncomfortably on the hard solid cold marble floor with a gleeful expression pasted all over my face.
i just finished talking to moms ( or rather, she talked and i mm-ed. somethin's up w my hormones these days. ) and she said she's planning a big ( china. ) trip for the fam ( minus my 2 darling brothers cuz they're schools r startin. ) to hong kong-china ( guang zhou moi lurve, bei jing ( this is just me solo really. to go visit my love KK who's currently studying there. ), zhang jia jie ( the scenic background of the movie avatar. ) and i forgot. a ha ha. oh !!! right right, gui lin ( some scenic places again. )
so while excitedly listening to the plans, my mind inevitably goes to the well, inevitable XD
HOW can joycy hannie go traveling to these gorgeous places without a great camera in hand !??
i know i know, i just got my new camera a few months ago but that was chosen ( and bought to me by my darling grans. )
on a rash and based purely on bad decision.
KK recommended olympus pen ep2 but it was so bloody expensive i settled with my canon ( a few hundreds cheaper. ) before i bought it tho my mom was telling me to think carefully cos she doesn't want me moping around crying over split milk after i bought the canon. however, being the soft-hearted ( ahem. ) gurrl that i wuz, i decided to go with canon cos family business wasn't going so well then. and now, amigo, NOW, I REGRET.
there. i said it.
ugh. but it's ok. i will not buy a new cam. i will not buy a new cam. i will not buy a new cam. i will not buy a new cam.
now i shall chant that till i fall asleep.
so, i've been talking about how i'm on a journey to search for the " old. " me.. one who was so cheerful and on-the-go, on who was so carefree she wouldn't care if the world threw a hundred rotten blueberries ( um, my fave now. ) at her cos she had the power to bounce back instantly, one who smiled so much more than she frowned, true, one who cried more then but was all smiles once the tears sat dry. now i'm just a complete opposite of the old joys. i now do. not. live life.
i scowl thrice too often, i no longer l-i-v-e, i am the pessimistic polly i once so negatively believed in. however, i shame-facedly admit my quest for the old me amounts to..... well,
i look back at pictures, read my old entries to get back in tune with how i thought about every thing back then but sadly to suffice, i just can't seem to reach out to the past.
i've been doing a lot of thinkings and i've come to a conclusion. no. scratch that. i've come to a realization that i cannot go back to the old me anymore. every one has their moments in their life and i, sadly, has passed mine. the peak of my sad little life is gone, now replaced with what i'd like to call as, boring-lonely-funless days. ok, i know, not a very creative name but what gives.
my moments of scouting for cute boys and dolling up like no tomorrow came quickly and died down rather quickly too.
the old me whom used to say ( found in earlier entries. ) " OMG the ppl here dress so simply just normal tees and jeans. " has in fact, become the " now. " me.
i no longer have the goal and zest to pretty myself up now. which is, really, tragikk.
anyway, having said those chunks, the realization is, i can never go back. but that's not that.
i've grown. i've evolved. i've.... i've..... i've moved on. the thing is to embrace the new me with the love i once was showered with shamlessly, to accept the new me with open arms and just to live with it.
everyone changes, don't they ?
my change just came all too quickly.
here's a sad little picture ( from ma phone. ) i got last night on a dinner date @ billy bombers w' KW.
i know, i don't even bring my camera out anymore let alone snap pics.
okay here's me sitting really uncomfortably on the hard solid cold marble floor with a gleeful expression pasted all over my face.
i just finished talking to moms ( or rather, she talked and i mm-ed. somethin's up w my hormones these days. ) and she said she's planning a big ( china. ) trip for the fam ( minus my 2 darling brothers cuz they're schools r startin. ) to hong kong-china ( guang zhou moi lurve, bei jing ( this is just me solo really. to go visit my love KK who's currently studying there. ), zhang jia jie ( the scenic background of the movie avatar. ) and i forgot. a ha ha. oh !!! right right, gui lin ( some scenic places again. )
so while excitedly listening to the plans, my mind inevitably goes to the well, inevitable XD
HOW can joycy hannie go traveling to these gorgeous places without a great camera in hand !??
i know i know, i just got my new camera a few months ago but that was chosen ( and bought to me by my darling grans. )
on a rash and based purely on bad decision.
KK recommended olympus pen ep2 but it was so bloody expensive i settled with my canon ( a few hundreds cheaper. ) before i bought it tho my mom was telling me to think carefully cos she doesn't want me moping around crying over split milk after i bought the canon. however, being the soft-hearted ( ahem. ) gurrl that i wuz, i decided to go with canon cos family business wasn't going so well then. and now, amigo, NOW, I REGRET.
there. i said it.
ugh. but it's ok. i will not buy a new cam. i will not buy a new cam. i will not buy a new cam. i will not buy a new cam.
now i shall chant that till i fall asleep.
so, i've been talking about how i'm on a journey to search for the " old. " me.. one who was so cheerful and on-the-go, on who was so carefree she wouldn't care if the world threw a hundred rotten blueberries ( um, my fave now. ) at her cos she had the power to bounce back instantly, one who smiled so much more than she frowned, true, one who cried more then but was all smiles once the tears sat dry. now i'm just a complete opposite of the old joys. i now do. not. live life.
i scowl thrice too often, i no longer l-i-v-e, i am the pessimistic polly i once so negatively believed in. however, i shame-facedly admit my quest for the old me amounts to..... well,
i look back at pictures, read my old entries to get back in tune with how i thought about every thing back then but sadly to suffice, i just can't seem to reach out to the past.
i've been doing a lot of thinkings and i've come to a conclusion. no. scratch that. i've come to a realization that i cannot go back to the old me anymore. every one has their moments in their life and i, sadly, has passed mine. the peak of my sad little life is gone, now replaced with what i'd like to call as, boring-lonely-funless days. ok, i know, not a very creative name but what gives.
my moments of scouting for cute boys and dolling up like no tomorrow came quickly and died down rather quickly too.
the old me whom used to say ( found in earlier entries. ) " OMG the ppl here dress so simply just normal tees and jeans. " has in fact, become the " now. " me.
i no longer have the goal and zest to pretty myself up now. which is, really, tragikk.
anyway, having said those chunks, the realization is, i can never go back. but that's not that.
i've grown. i've evolved. i've.... i've..... i've moved on. the thing is to embrace the new me with the love i once was showered with shamlessly, to accept the new me with open arms and just to live with it.
everyone changes, don't they ?
my change just came all too quickly.
here's a sad little picture ( from ma phone. ) i got last night on a dinner date @ billy bombers w' KW.
i know, i don't even bring my camera out anymore let alone snap pics.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
viohaha !
this is me reporting live from majura singapura ~!!!
hehe ive been here for almost a week ? wait lemme go check my calender. oh wait, i've been here for only five days XD this time round i'm living in poverty. ha ha ha i gave all my USD notes to my aunt just so i won't go to the money changer gleefully to magically tranform them into darling little SGD notes that would satisfy me to no ends kekeke.
sigh but with these lousy rates nothing much comes up anyway x'(
anyway ! i've applied to SIM ( yep just ONE school. ) so hopefully i get to be a student soon. ha ha ha i was telling koh wei the other day i wanted to save $$$$ to get me a decent bike here in SG so i could travel to school with it instead of takin public transports and risk bumpin into people HA HA my dream bike ducati that one er, can wait abit longer lah hor. i think i'll just settle with a low key honda. ha ha ha if my first bike were to be a ducati, my next few ( BMW, fcking nice. ) no hope alr. ha ha ha go slow, go slow XD
niways ! nothin much to write, just a quick UPD8 XD
and no pics of,,,,, wel, me. ha ha ha ha i've become a fucking balloon no mood take pics. and my card reader also left in myanmar so bleah. my english fckin lousy here dont even ask. yawn.
niwayzzz ending with some pics ( not of me. )
my new luvvs !!! ok i havent exactly tried them on yet but judging from what i've seen, it's love ~~ HA HA HA HA. ok thats crap. koh wei n i've been patronizing sephora these past few days and every time we go there, we find something absolutely amazing n to-die-for lol. i got the sugar lip treatment in honey too but dont have a pic of it cuz im like using it now XD the estee lauder( for my aunt. ) n la tweez ( for KK. ) one's bought from the plane XD
studious ( ahem. ) me's been reading loadzzzz too lol. ha ha cosmo ( UK edition, top. ) is bought from the thailand's airpot while i was in transit to SG hence the bigass Bh 395 ~~ PS, cosmo rokkz !!!! ugh i sound like a kid =o|
my new wallets !!!!
since my " salad. " wallet from hong kong was stolen, i've been keepin an eye out for a suitable replacement but none came in sight.. until i was in thailand's airpot ( again for transit to SG. ) shopping that i came across the benetton ( above left. ) one. the folli follie ( above right. ) coin pouch is bought in flight XD i love the airport n airplane.. or rather, shopping there XD XD everything's so new n cheap XD and who could forgot ?? airplane food ? IDK why but i abso adore airplae food. or rather, thailand's ariplane food. it just tastes abso good.
nothing of any significance but here's my ( temp. ) myanmar driving license !!!!!! gagaga.
this is me reporting live from majura singapura ~!!!
hehe ive been here for almost a week ? wait lemme go check my calender. oh wait, i've been here for only five days XD this time round i'm living in poverty. ha ha ha i gave all my USD notes to my aunt just so i won't go to the money changer gleefully to magically tranform them into darling little SGD notes that would satisfy me to no ends kekeke.
sigh but with these lousy rates nothing much comes up anyway x'(
anyway ! i've applied to SIM ( yep just ONE school. ) so hopefully i get to be a student soon. ha ha ha i was telling koh wei the other day i wanted to save $$$$ to get me a decent bike here in SG so i could travel to school with it instead of takin public transports and risk bumpin into people HA HA my dream bike ducati that one er, can wait abit longer lah hor. i think i'll just settle with a low key honda. ha ha ha if my first bike were to be a ducati, my next few ( BMW, fcking nice. ) no hope alr. ha ha ha go slow, go slow XD
niways ! nothin much to write, just a quick UPD8 XD
and no pics of,,,,, wel, me. ha ha ha ha i've become a fucking balloon no mood take pics. and my card reader also left in myanmar so bleah. my english fckin lousy here dont even ask. yawn.
niwayzzz ending with some pics ( not of me. )
my new luvvs !!! ok i havent exactly tried them on yet but judging from what i've seen, it's love ~~ HA HA HA HA. ok thats crap. koh wei n i've been patronizing sephora these past few days and every time we go there, we find something absolutely amazing n to-die-for lol. i got the sugar lip treatment in honey too but dont have a pic of it cuz im like using it now XD the estee lauder( for my aunt. ) n la tweez ( for KK. ) one's bought from the plane XD
studious ( ahem. ) me's been reading loadzzzz too lol. ha ha cosmo ( UK edition, top. ) is bought from the thailand's airpot while i was in transit to SG hence the bigass Bh 395 ~~ PS, cosmo rokkz !!!! ugh i sound like a kid =o|
my new wallets !!!!
since my " salad. " wallet from hong kong was stolen, i've been keepin an eye out for a suitable replacement but none came in sight.. until i was in thailand's airpot ( again for transit to SG. ) shopping that i came across the benetton ( above left. ) one. the folli follie ( above right. ) coin pouch is bought in flight XD i love the airport n airplane.. or rather, shopping there XD XD everything's so new n cheap XD and who could forgot ?? airplane food ? IDK why but i abso adore airplae food. or rather, thailand's ariplane food. it just tastes abso good.
nothing of any significance but here's my ( temp. ) myanmar driving license !!!!!! gagaga.
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