okay hi guys !
been forever since i last did an entry again. ha ha ! im now calmly seated ( in a lecture. ) and is finally typing from my laptop instead of phone LOL. bloody phone keypad so small like lan always and forever making spelling mistakes bleurgh.
ANWuzzz !
nothin' much to UPD8 on ! except one sad thing. i've always been telling myself that i HAVE to attend a concert ( cos i've never been to a proper one. ) and finally, ingrid michaelson's coming to SG ! but here i am, just wasting time away and not fighting with the thousands of people for a golden ticket to see her live. i seriously suck balls sometimes. only when it is over will i start regretting fuck.
i'm supposed to be doing my group assignment now LOL. so. the assignment started like 2 weeks ago. formed a group and i told the members what to do and what should be done the next time we meet. twice we've met and twice they've done their share. only me. haven't even read the questions yet zzzzzz. last night just completed my third time's failure. was supposed to email my answers to joshua at 4am but uhm. well. it's now 1345 W2D. LOL.
i'd sooooo hate to be in my own group HA HA HA.
anw !!!
i think i should go get started with my work.
type later.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
something's up with my mobile blogger I can't upload anymore pics cos " I've exceeded the pic limit. " waterfug !!!!
ANW !! am in lecture now. can't concentrate on math today. graph and limits and whatnots.
life's taking a turn again. I'm losing interest in " old uncle. " I don't mind keeping him as a friend but IDK. my hearts wired. now I know why there's a " it's complicated. " in relationship statuses -..-
gonna meet janelle bimbi after school !!!!
miss this bimbo sia been eons since I last saw her zzz. ayam penyet and gong cha and spider man here we come !!!
sigh. I've realized that I dont like old uncle when I'm texting him. but when I see him, I like him a little.
weird me.
suck balls.
ANW !! am in lecture now. can't concentrate on math today. graph and limits and whatnots.
life's taking a turn again. I'm losing interest in " old uncle. " I don't mind keeping him as a friend but IDK. my hearts wired. now I know why there's a " it's complicated. " in relationship statuses -..-
gonna meet janelle bimbi after school !!!!
miss this bimbo sia been eons since I last saw her zzz. ayam penyet and gong cha and spider man here we come !!!
sigh. I've realized that I dont like old uncle when I'm texting him. but when I see him, I like him a little.
weird me.
suck balls.
Monday, July 23, 2012
funny how things take change so fast.
I went out for a meal with Jerome and Dal ( and Lawrence. ) last night at orchard. ok so that's not the point.
point is. goin out with dal is kinda........ comfortable ? like he'll help me get my food, feed me with his food, and just... mind me.
back when i refused any guy's offers to dine out, I would always help myself. like what I want, I order. when the dish is done, I stand up and get it on my own. but yesterday was different. he'd there carrying the plates and just talking.
but if u ask me if I would abandon my independence and officially leave a spot in my life for dal, I don't think I'll sacrifice that. I won't.
now I know how people's always telling me it's good APJ is coming in to mom's life. like the care the guy gives, be it as insignificant as handing you a piece of tissue, really doesn't count a lot. it's the assurance they leave you with that makes you feel you are safe. and if I may, cared for. and also. dal pays for my meal. but I don't wanna be the girl that depends on guys for food and entertainment so i'm always forcing my share of money down him. if he refuses, I make sure the drinks'd be on me the next round.
so. Jerome and lawrenz left us half way. dunno the fuck happened. I'm finding myself to be more irritated with people who says one thing and does the other. aloysius also another one. at first say want come want come then in the end back out. like what the fuck. dont waste my time with tour inability to make up your bloody mind. if it's a yes. then fucking stick to it. don't e a pussy and jump to a no at the last minute. have curtesy at least. I used to be one that always back out at the end which is why I changed. backing out is mofo anal. fucking hate that.
ANW !! as I was saying. dal and I just went for drinks at holland v dice the rest " wanted to walk around town. " -..- finally had my satisfactory beer. It's confirmed.
I'm an erdinger dark girl. I love it !!!! no
more tiger and heineken Liao zzz !!!
so so so !!! after I came out of the toilet, I was just chewing on the bones of the chicken wings happily while listening to the bad play. damn shiok so crispy.
whilst enjoying my chicken, the singer said, " ok. the next one's comin from dal lee. "
while biting and ripping my chicken wings apart, I was like... dal lee ?? why sounds so familiar !! I turned to dal and as I was about to open my mouth to say " eh someone same name as u leh !!!! " , the singer continued with
" goin to Joy with the S. "
and instantly my face turned bloody fucking hot. a person that dont ever blush finally did. I was fucking shocked I didn't even say anything. never expected LOL. now I know why it is best to shut up. u just " ah. ugh. why. um. " LOL.
anw !!!! I'm really sleepy now. 30min more rest till I go meet my bros nad vagina and shariff dick !
point is. goin out with dal is kinda........ comfortable ? like he'll help me get my food, feed me with his food, and just... mind me.
back when i refused any guy's offers to dine out, I would always help myself. like what I want, I order. when the dish is done, I stand up and get it on my own. but yesterday was different. he'd there carrying the plates and just talking.
but if u ask me if I would abandon my independence and officially leave a spot in my life for dal, I don't think I'll sacrifice that. I won't.
now I know how people's always telling me it's good APJ is coming in to mom's life. like the care the guy gives, be it as insignificant as handing you a piece of tissue, really doesn't count a lot. it's the assurance they leave you with that makes you feel you are safe. and if I may, cared for. and also. dal pays for my meal. but I don't wanna be the girl that depends on guys for food and entertainment so i'm always forcing my share of money down him. if he refuses, I make sure the drinks'd be on me the next round.
so. Jerome and lawrenz left us half way. dunno the fuck happened. I'm finding myself to be more irritated with people who says one thing and does the other. aloysius also another one. at first say want come want come then in the end back out. like what the fuck. dont waste my time with tour inability to make up your bloody mind. if it's a yes. then fucking stick to it. don't e a pussy and jump to a no at the last minute. have curtesy at least. I used to be one that always back out at the end which is why I changed. backing out is mofo anal. fucking hate that.
ANW !! as I was saying. dal and I just went for drinks at holland v dice the rest " wanted to walk around town. " -..- finally had my satisfactory beer. It's confirmed.
I'm an erdinger dark girl. I love it !!!! no
more tiger and heineken Liao zzz !!!
so so so !!! after I came out of the toilet, I was just chewing on the bones of the chicken wings happily while listening to the bad play. damn shiok so crispy.
whilst enjoying my chicken, the singer said, " ok. the next one's comin from dal lee. "
while biting and ripping my chicken wings apart, I was like... dal lee ?? why sounds so familiar !! I turned to dal and as I was about to open my mouth to say " eh someone same name as u leh !!!! " , the singer continued with
" goin to Joy with the S. "
and instantly my face turned bloody fucking hot. a person that dont ever blush finally did. I was fucking shocked I didn't even say anything. never expected LOL. now I know why it is best to shut up. u just " ah. ugh. why. um. " LOL.
anw !!!! I'm really sleepy now. 30min more rest till I go meet my bros nad vagina and shariff dick !
Saturday, July 21, 2012
this is a late entry. it is actually already early in the morning at 5.28 am on a sunday :-P
i just got back from work and Mc's breakfast and after meeting jerome and lawrence the two drunk boys :-) ha ha ha. ANW !! work last night was fun !! i finally had a little confidence in myselfe in front of the new manager dangggg he IS fierce ! i've never, in my life, been so afraid of someone !! ANW. shan't talk about work. this was supposed to be a friday entry !!
so so so !!!!
mr dal came over to my place at night to go phuture together LOL. i was a little late. called him and asked where he was while i was walking out and he said he's at the bus stop kekeke. so looked across 2 streets and saw him LOL. i told him i was too lazy to climb the bloody over-head bridge so he then he crossed over to get me LOLOLOL. TBH i just wanted him to climb up a little cos i would look like a monster going down the stairs while he's on level cos i always get magnified at that angle !!!! so must get him to at least be on the same ground level mah niahahahahahaha !!!! yes thats ma evil laugh LOL.
ANW !!!! he still looks handsome ( yes i've told him like a gazillion times. he's the first guy i've complimented so openly BTW. ) while i was climbing, he got one step ahead of me, turned back and i looked at him and said, " mmm ! you are still handsome ! " LOL.
ANW ! im a little sleepy now so there isn't gonna be any feel to this post.
it was don's ( jasmine's friend. ) first time clubbing and we just shoved drinks down his throat LOL. NOT a smart move cos he got waaaaasted. i helped him puke, barged confidently into the gents, stayed there like a boss and cleaned him up LOL. the guys in there were giving the faces and at one point tipsy me was like im a ladyboy it's ok !! pssssh.
ANW !! didn't get to dance that night. wasted. but fun. like a new experience. i like don. hope he and jasmine are getting great :-P but if they get tooooo good, i'm gonna lose jasmine bleurgh. no more clubbing for ppl in a r/s leow lah !
ANW !!! after " club. " dal just accompanied me home. we didnt go under the block this time round tho. my legs too tired to walk. we just sat at the bus stop and talked. the bus ride home was a little heart-breaking tho. i just gave him the cold shoulders. i like heart aches a lot. and.. he seemed kinda.. IDK what's the word but yeah. he kept comin and apologizing but i just stared straight ahead out into the window and away from him LOL. i even shifted my body away from him to avoid any body contact LOL i am so childish. i wasn't even angry tbh. i was just..... enojoying the pain in it. pain is so much better than love. like idk if im crazy or what but i actually really love it when my heart constricts in pain. like mph !!!!! im alive !!!!
LOL. ANW ! lampa ( dal's name. ) and i reached the club early to get our chops. reached at 9pm but them rest aka jerome joel and jasmine n co were still home so dal and i walked over to GWC to watch a movie LOL !!!!! ha ha ha i told him i don't like watching move ( rephrase truthfully, i dont like watching movies with a guy. very pressurizing. i cannot fart. ) and he was like yay we are watching one now ha ha. caught ice age !!!
anw. pictures !!!!! wo yao shui le aka i wanna sleep alr !
Friday, July 20, 2012
hihi !!
ha ha ha ok i'm in a good mood tonight just because :-P
so what's been goin' on in ma boring little life !? i can't believe this either but i've been arriving in school r e a l l y early these days. i'm more enthusiastic about searching high and low ( mostly depending on others TBH kekeke. ) for a math tutor. have found 3. gotta ring 'em up arrange for trials baby !
ANW ! life's been good. there was a day i was feelin' really low tho. but i'm okie now !
joycy falls hard but bounce back stronger :-) that's what i love about me ahem. *shy
so so so !!
oh yeah ! well. my heart's empty again. ha ha ! " old uncle. " is nice and he played a song for me thru whatsapp LOL. but i gotta blame myself. i get bored of guys\chicken out due to the lack of freedom. and by the lack of freedom i don't mean him strangling me with where are yous and what are you doings. their presence just over-shadows my independence. i wake up to their texts and it's good and nice that someone cares but after awhile all i yearn for is a peaceful morning where i don't have to read your message before i start my day. i don't like having someone there for me. it's.... just.. not me.
i hate presence is all. friends are ok tho !!! bombing me with vulgarities and making me start my day off with joys and laughters. the other kinda messages may not be filled with anything off-putting but their concern is just uncalled for. like. hey dude. i've been living on my own without you perfectly for 21 years. i don't need some dude to barge in and good morning me and tell me to have a nice day. yeah that kinda thang.
im one oddball whut 2 DO.
today good mood day never type so much alr. not much pics to upload tho !! in fact not AT ALL.
ha ha ha !!! i only take pretty pics before club\with full make up on.
lol sometimes i really feel like i'm living the double-appearance-life LOL.
on club nights i'm like so pretty i have to pull myself outta saliva r else i'd drown in 'em but in the mornings where im in school\out for food, i'm like this fish market's well. fish. HA HA HA !!! no sense but yesssss !!!!!! make up is bad amigos !!! don't ever trust my pictures. real life ah...... like want to punch people that kind of face. swollen eyes, bursting pimples and unruly hair and ugly clothes LOL. i'm always wearing the same thing to school LOL. no choice. lazy girl whut 2 DO. no handsome boi boi also. and even if there is, i still go ugly. HA HA !!!! i'm liking this whole thing about me. like going really ugly and then peeling off my ugliness on club nights LOL.
me iz a crazee gurll
im gonna sign up for bike classes but 've been delaying since well. since.
i got no $$$ these days lah can't help it. gonna do it next next week yippee !!!!!
like bimbo t said, " nothing is gonna stop me from my dream. "
yes yes. i shall ive by that.
oooooo yes ! while checking out Iron & Air, i came upon a quote i fucking love.
" When life throws you a curve, lean into it. "
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKING NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like what throw lemons all these don't make sense to me but curves !?????
bloody hell it shot RIGHT THRU MY HEART.
i just literally paused and ooooooooooooooh like a stupid retard and then i started fallin in love with it LOL.
and then when i was in the " like this guy a bit. " phase, a few days ago, i came up with a quote i really love !!!! *shameless.
" Sometimes I wish I was as daring in the face of love as I am in the heart of life. "
SHIOK or not !???? HA HA HA. self pride *OOOOOOOOOMMM.
ok lah. gonna eat my soy pudding leow !!!!! slurps !!
old pics that i like !!
ha ha ha ok i'm in a good mood tonight just because :-P
so what's been goin' on in ma boring little life !? i can't believe this either but i've been arriving in school r e a l l y early these days. i'm more enthusiastic about searching high and low ( mostly depending on others TBH kekeke. ) for a math tutor. have found 3. gotta ring 'em up arrange for trials baby !
ANW ! life's been good. there was a day i was feelin' really low tho. but i'm okie now !
joycy falls hard but bounce back stronger :-) that's what i love about me ahem. *shy
so so so !!
oh yeah ! well. my heart's empty again. ha ha ! " old uncle. " is nice and he played a song for me thru whatsapp LOL. but i gotta blame myself. i get bored of guys\chicken out due to the lack of freedom. and by the lack of freedom i don't mean him strangling me with where are yous and what are you doings. their presence just over-shadows my independence. i wake up to their texts and it's good and nice that someone cares but after awhile all i yearn for is a peaceful morning where i don't have to read your message before i start my day. i don't like having someone there for me. it's.... just.. not me.
i hate presence is all. friends are ok tho !!! bombing me with vulgarities and making me start my day off with joys and laughters. the other kinda messages may not be filled with anything off-putting but their concern is just uncalled for. like. hey dude. i've been living on my own without you perfectly for 21 years. i don't need some dude to barge in and good morning me and tell me to have a nice day. yeah that kinda thang.
im one oddball whut 2 DO.
today good mood day never type so much alr. not much pics to upload tho !! in fact not AT ALL.
ha ha ha !!! i only take pretty pics before club\with full make up on.
lol sometimes i really feel like i'm living the double-appearance-life LOL.
on club nights i'm like so pretty i have to pull myself outta saliva r else i'd drown in 'em but in the mornings where im in school\out for food, i'm like this fish market's well. fish. HA HA HA !!! no sense but yesssss !!!!!! make up is bad amigos !!! don't ever trust my pictures. real life ah...... like want to punch people that kind of face. swollen eyes, bursting pimples and unruly hair and ugly clothes LOL. i'm always wearing the same thing to school LOL. no choice. lazy girl whut 2 DO. no handsome boi boi also. and even if there is, i still go ugly. HA HA !!!! i'm liking this whole thing about me. like going really ugly and then peeling off my ugliness on club nights LOL.
me iz a crazee gurll
im gonna sign up for bike classes but 've been delaying since well. since.
i got no $$$ these days lah can't help it. gonna do it next next week yippee !!!!!
like bimbo t said, " nothing is gonna stop me from my dream. "
yes yes. i shall ive by that.
oooooo yes ! while checking out Iron & Air, i came upon a quote i fucking love.
" When life throws you a curve, lean into it. "
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKING NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like what throw lemons all these don't make sense to me but curves !?????
bloody hell it shot RIGHT THRU MY HEART.
i just literally paused and ooooooooooooooh like a stupid retard and then i started fallin in love with it LOL.
and then when i was in the " like this guy a bit. " phase, a few days ago, i came up with a quote i really love !!!! *shameless.
" Sometimes I wish I was as daring in the face of love as I am in the heart of life. "
SHIOK or not !???? HA HA HA. self pride *OOOOOOOOOMMM.
ok lah. gonna eat my soy pudding leow !!!!! slurps !!
old pics that i like !!
Monday, July 16, 2012
negative less than three.
I don't know wtf is up with me. I'm just trying my best ( which today, isn't proving to be too difficult. ) to lower my % and I'm somewhere around 20% now ? it's not because I'm bored of him this time round tho. I'm just afraid :-(
anyway. I've told him I've lowered.
ha ha ignoring his " why lower ? " is much much more difficult that the lowering itself.
so what's my reason really ?
anyway. I've told him I've lowered.
ha ha ignoring his " why lower ? " is much much more difficult that the lowering itself.
so what's my reason really ?
Sunday, July 15, 2012
some things really happen when u least expect it
sorry these r the only pics i have in ma phone. jerome lost his phone so there goes our pics >=-(
Saturday, July 14, 2012
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