" hey lisa, i got something to tell you. "
" come here, " *hands indicating for me to move to his side.
i came as i was told like a bitch, i was so near him, like he had some secretive secrets to tell me, regarding jasone and his " girlfriend. " thang when he said,
" i love you. "
" reallllly. "
hah, i was like shocked definitely, i'm like uhm, 3 years his senior !? and he's gonna be 4 years my junior next year ! ha ha ! what a joke. so i was just smile and walked back to my position. we were playing badminton for your information. i tried not to burst out laughing so i was just all, shoot, shoot, shoot, serve serve serve. then i tried talking cos his face was like, waiting for an answer, he kept looking with that look that says, " so ? " so i said,
" you gonna have school tomorrow eh ? "
" yeh. "
" you're really beautiful. "
" hngh, reallly. "
" yes. "
serve serve shoot shoot.
" when're you coming back next year ? "
" june. "
" what month ? " ._.
" sixth. "
" whoah. long. "
" heh, yeh. "
" you're really beautiful you know ? "
" heh, realllly. "
" when's your birthday ? "
" january. "
" which day ? "
" twenty-third. "
" oh ! near mine ! "
" oh ? when's yours ? "
" eighteen january. "
" oh, ha ha. "
now, typing, padz's is 22nd january ! and it means a whole lot more to me. really, it does :0(
" but i haven't prepared anything for you ! "
" heh. "
" i really love you, so much. "
" heh. "
suddenly ob came into the scene, with tears in her eyes, she said, " joy ! yoo forgot me !? "
she invited us to a christmas party but i was too lazy arsed to go.
" hey !!! merry christmas !! no, of course not ! lan badminton mai ? "
*shakes head, gimme the look that says what the fuck !? badminton NOW !?
" okay, lisa bai now okay. "
turns to pod, who looked somewhat disturbed.
" hey i'll be back. gimme five, fifteen minutes ok ? "
" ok sure. "
walks away then ob said,
" i know, jaw no want come party, i know. " and looked terribly upset.
" no, mai chai, jaw yoo nai ? "
" jaw mai yoo baarn. "
" oh ? then yoo nai ? "
" it okay he no want come i know it ok. "
" no of course he wants to come, leuw korn, i'll go ask him. "
" okay, i wait here. "
" okay, be right back. "
after running past the gate to house, i said in so much exasperation about what happend to pod and me just awhile ago to carms and her mom who were in the living room, but carms was on the line so i told her to get on with the conversation, i forgot i totally butted her and don't know whose convo. so i ran upstairs and saw momsie watching the teevee, so then i was, " MOM !!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT FAT GUY JUST SAID !? "
and told her in every detail what happend, halfway through my story did i realise that thawat was there too, mom laughed like anything, saying,
" weh, if his mom were to know, she'd die laughing ! "
" yah lah ! so young right !!! "
thawat. " he's just curious. "
" yeh lor. "
so then i ran down again after being informed that jaw was really out, suddenly pee oh dee's " i haven't got you anything. " ringed through my head and i searched for the cadbury's luxury selection of 72 percent of cocas ha ha what a joke, got one at first , for ob cos i forgot to buy a gift for her, ran out only to come back running in again cos i suddenly reminded myself to get one too for pee oh dee.
oh bee wasn't where she was supposed to be waiting for me so i went down the street to get jasone to accompany me, he was still playing badminton with pee oh dee. so i was,
" maggie mee ! quick let's go !! "
when i reached sone, pee oh dee was like looking, like wanting to smile but paiseh paiseh like that. so i.
" hey. we'll be back soon, five minutes. "
linked hands with sone and walked away only to return back,
and handed him my fine dark chocolates, HA HA ! he was like a little surprised and
" thank you ! "
" hee. "
and then he suddenly said,
" i want go home now, i have school tomorrow. "
" okay sure. "
he kinda gestured to jasone something, i think was to get the badminton racquets, then he ran to me and gave me a grin, then stood beside me and we were like strolling, so then he opened his mouth, i know what he was gonna say, if not i love you then you beautiful yada yadeh so i cut him short,
" when's yours school tomorrow ? 7 ? 8 ? "
ha ha ! the look on his face really made me " achieved " something. like his mouth hanging open then shut.
after a few seconds,
" i don't know. "
tsk. so then i just walked ahead then when we were reaching the house, he was,
" lisa, do you love me ? "
just outside his house, and just so you know, we're neighbors, and i was, smile and
" uh-huh. " -ed.
and for your further information, my uh-huh doesn't mean uh-huh uh-huh, i say uh-huh sometimes when i don't know what and how to answer a question so then he smiled and walked into his house but i didn't, couldn't just give a false hope so i shouted,
" friends ! "
" right !? "
he turned back and managed a weak smile so then i walked down the street to oh bee's house and shouted my last " good night ! "
while in oh bee's party, was pretty alright ! we first played musical chair, i was again, the first 5 fews along with jasone but we were all planning to lose intentionally cos we din want to do some lame arsed " punishment. " so i voted myself out on purpose and they were like " lisa !! " then i just smiled and said " mai pen rai :0) "
jasone finally lost and that left with two guys competing for one chair. memories on my 14th birthday came back through me where i was against randall or something for the last chair which i lost or win i forgot. so then we went to karaoke in oh bee's boss shop. hair salon then partayed. i couldn't fucken dance !!!!! i have to have to learn to dance that disco dance ! not hip hop not break but just simple swaying of your bodily sexily. paiseh eh. last year while learing ballroom dance, patrick was all he's gonna teach the swaying of your body during one of our lessons but still i couldn't master it cos my body bloody stiff lah ! but still i can manage ballroom dancing i don't know why but not curly wirly body, no. i have to start self-practicing. go go liseh ! you can do it ! ( i hope !! )
well, something personal happend which left me mourning till my eyes were like swollen, really. i was so bloody hurt i cried and cried till past midnight and sprayed myself all over with water from the shower head as if to cleanse myself or something i was soaking wet and so sad i teared non-stop. and then i started singing but was songs of tears, just couldn't control it all. then i sang " if you're happy and you know it clap your hands . *clap clap and i cried like some big arsed fuck. anyways no more elaboration i refused to get off my soaked outfit and slept in the bathroom till 12 the next afternoon. and surprisingly, i didn't get a cold which i hoped and prayed i would.
anyways i was un-noticed of the time, let alone the date. i didn't even know that jason'es birthday was on the day. anyways, his birthday celebration was okay i guess. go read his blog if you wanna know lah ! lazy type. a few convos for the day.
" ???????????? "
“?????????????!?????????????? ??????“
ha ha okay lazy type mandarin, so long to find the exact word anyways i helped clear up and shiet on his birthday you see then momsie bought some sea food and asked me if i wanted to take pictures and yeap. pictures shall summarize evah ree thang."
christmas was spent simply. no turkeh. last minute celebration cos of stupid thai tuition. the three kids' dad invited us for dinner but mom's down with a cold and i've already bought all i needed for my spaghetti so we didn't appear. well i prepared everything for x'mas. i did the dishes. i had carbonaro, DURH ! and i made them eat the tomoto one cos i love love love love love carbonara around the globe a gazillion times ! so then ! i forgot about my mushroom soup until half way through dinner when i gasped out loud with " my soup !!! " but it turned out not too thick if ya know wad i mean. then we ordered pizza on top of the spag and so it was a little simple dinner and i did no taking of pictures. yeap i'm gonna get myself a plate of carbonara now, i loves it so should you ! bye bye ! and,
and !
I LOVE YOU !!!!!
waa pwee ah !
pictures !
last day of vocals and i didn't even know it -.- i only went for 2 sessions outta all v.v
sorry lisa haven't edited any of them, i just managed to get them transfered into the compie and i ain't in no awfully fantastic mood to edit them.
mr ping ping here to entertain y'all again !
lisa was talking so bloody much to him, not the cam.
now, are the very few pictures i have yet to uypdate on, bangkok wedding and shiet.

when queen was a young damsel in distress AHEM !

these top two edited. bedding i was.
now fishies for lunch pictaz.
i am the tigeress fish mongress ! ha ha, okay, what a joke. what a day, i wore just like a fisherman's mother.

after taking these pictures did i realise that fishes have suchhhhhhh small nostrils it's hardly noticable -.-
ah moon's birthday.

if you're keen, the one furthest to the right is pee oh dee.

ahem !! i remember hor . . . hor.

blarder and slistar !
jia ting.
with carms famileeeeeeeee.
pooot poot.
queen eating ! wan sui wan sui wan wan sui !

ah moon's birthday.

now, the raper of all camerars iz heeeeeee-ere !
and if you're a pretty observant observer, you wouldda noticed that my eyes look tinnily smallily small these two days because of the bathroom flooding tears that i've shed.
so i went for a double eye-lid surgery and it turned out downright disasterous.

meanwhile . . .
which is better ? color i mean. red's like so yesterday so now is like bronze ?

and then . . .
is this message all right ? this is going up to michael from myanmar suren introduced me.
Hey Michael !
It's me Joyce, now known as Lisa, here. I was just reading up my msn conversation history and I came across yours and yeh, actually it's kinda silly, y'know the way our conversations went. Mainly my fault and I'm sorry about that. Let me just get it through for once and for all.
About Suren, well actually there's nothing much to explain but after y'know he started telling me about you blah blah blah, he was like asking me over and over again on why i didn't wanna meet you, which i couldn't give a proper reason cos at that time, really, I don't know what I was thinking. It's just that I don't like meeting people, not to forget how grotesque I looked !!! So yeh, after a few days of shooting me with the same un-answerable questions, he started like, acting cold to me or something ? We weren't like the closest bestest buddies in the whole universe but our friendship definitely went sour and so what " friendship " I had with Suren is now just, a mere glance of " Hi. " and nothing more. I wanna talk to him and text him but something's just blocking me. Well that's the past anyways. Don't tell him all these cos no one cares anymore.
Aaah well, let me see what I have to clear. Oh yeh ! That zebo thang !?
Ha ha, seriously, I don't give a shiet to that. I didn't even know I invited you ! I simply clicked I agree okay okay I agree I agree yes yes okay okay and then ta-dah ! An invitation was sent to you. Well forget about getting an account there, I rarely touch that stuff. But if you wanna join then go ahead !
And then we have the malay girls sitting acting bitchy thang ? Well thaaaaaat, I have no say. Afterall, it's what YOU think about me so yeh, be it.
Well, so long ! And just so you know, I didn't block you or do anything of that sort, I don't see why I should and I only block people that goes " can you intro ? " " can you intro ? " y'know ? damn irritating right !? I mean who would give a shiet and waste their ever so precious time introducing unless of course, ahem ! the other guy's cute lah.
Well, that's probably all about it, so see ya !
Friends !? Ha ha, so threatening seh, that's how malays under the block should be wad rite !? right rite right right rite !? okay ._.
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