my internet's back, at last.
hi 2008, i fancy a new guy, what more ways are there to kick start this year ever so perfectly ? well not perfect perfection, but still.
sadly, mr j ain't make it but whatever like who gives a flying fuck. this is so off but i have been bathing before 21 every night ! since this year !! well even if it's only been three days since 2008, but three days is still a three days spelt from t to e. this morning, i resumed my somewhat hatred towards mrs g, YET AGAIN. omg i think she has got to be the rudest teacher alive - ever ! it's funny how they tell you to be polite yada yadeh but they themselves are the exact opposite sometimes i hate myself for being so sweet with teachers but all i get back from them is a fucken attitude. bloody hell, so much for my thoughts. okay and i didn't even know that she was the vice president of the school until this evening. brr. today i like a new teacher. actually i have a liking to almost all of the new teachers but mr nonoi has gotsa be the one that i showered with an instant liking. nah, not that he's an eurasian but it's just his way of communicating and oh i love that " know what you say, don't say what you know. " i think it's so . . . well, not inspirational but somewhat cool right. like some self education shiet. where was i about anyways ? aaah yes, a new teacher. i have forgotten his face, how he looks all of a sudden and i don't quite know his name but anyhow,
hi " stand up. "
hi " why is there something on your leg ? "
lisa. " yeh !! it's henna. "
hi inspected my little " tatto. " and forgot what shiet oh !
hi " then you have to wear a sock to cover it up ! "
lisa. " i know but my socks is not with me now so. "
hi " okay nevermind you just stand there first. "
so fastfoward,
misss c " i have to attend to myint myint first, she's got a tatoo on her leg. "
other staffs came too though i can't regconize half their teacher-ish faces.
lisa. " it's not a tatoo it's just henna. "
staff 40877 " can you get it off ? "
queen. " no i don't think so. "
hi " yaa if it's henna then they can't get it off, have to wait for it to disappear. "
just when i was about to tell them how i got it, bloody beauty ( beauty with the open quotation marks mind you ! ) bugged in. omg i'm so bloody mean but shiet, i think it deserves it. so much for thinking she looked slimmer than before lor !
it" WHAT IS THAT !? "
higher than her queen. " henna. "
it " go and get it off now ! "
queen " can't. i have to wait for a few more weeks. "
it " then you go and buy a socks to cover it up !"
queen " i know ! but the book store is not opened yet ! "
i poked my head out and
queen " oh, it's open now. "
it " GO AND BUY NOW ! "
omg lah !!!!! i couldn't help it, my eyeballs just did a 180 rotation towards the west. so i marched off and half way walking, i heard her talking about me i got so pissed i turned back my head and stared so angrily at those lifeless staffs. i was almost in tears when i reached the book store. i don't know it's just me, i ave tears in my eyes when i'm angry and if i feel like i'm treated like an animal. the way they talk. omg. like i'm the servant and they're those big fat boses with ferragamos stomping towards me demanding me with a thousand and one things RUDELY. if they can just change their tones ? y'know ? insteadda girl ! tuck in your shirt properly ! why can't they just " xcuze me gyal ! your blouse's out. could you make some adjusments to it ? now that's better. " RIGHT !? nevermind so anyways ! i was waiting for miss a to attend to me at the bookshop when hi came.
hi " it's henna is it ? where did you do it ? "
lisa. " ha ha, yaaaaa. i did it in thailand. "
hi " next time you wear higher socks to cover it up. if not people think is gangster not good. "
lisa " yeh i know. but i only have ONE pair of looooooooong socks. haa i don't have high socks one. the one i wore yesterday's washing. "
hi " *smiles weakly. next time got henna you don't do it there. "
lisa. " but it's during the holidays so must have party mood. "
then forgot what shiet so my socks came and he said something which i didn't catch. so ! as i was waiting for miss c to be done with her students, this uhm, don't know wotz her name, came over to me and
gabbana " your hair's too long !! "
lisa stunned.
gabbana " you have to cut your fringe. "
just so you know, she had a pair of scissors in her hands.
lisa. " okay i'll get it cut in a salon cos you all cut like . . . "
gabbana " you have to pay when you cut in a salon but here's just for free. "
lisa. " but i can't cos my hairstlye's not from this kinda country. "
wait i got a call from fat pig.
okay i'm back well where was i again ? oh yes.
gabbana " but your hairs too long. see this part. you pin it up properly if not i must cut it already. "
lisa. " oh. . . okay. "
gabbana. " what's you name ? "
lisa. " myint myint. "
gabbana. " which class ? "
lisa " 2e3. ey ! 3e1. "
gabbana " okay myint myint 3e1, i'll be ( muffled by construction. ) "
well school life's just like that. OH !!! that g made me wasted my 2.50$ !!! this small amount never seemed so big to me. i mean, 2-50 for a pair of ugly socks which i'll only be wearing for at most another week. tell me,
TELL ME WHO IN THIS MOTHER EARTH WOULD WASTE SUCHHHHH PRECIOUS MONEY OVER SUCH A PAIR OF GROTESQUE SOCKS !?!?!?! NOT ME ! but i had to, thanks to her. sorry miss a your socks ain't no ugly i just have to make it sound so bad am i bad ? but really. your socks is cool nehz but people have different tastes don't they but hey i think you will also agree with me over those pairs of socks lor shiet i am making those poor socks sound so ugly shiet hsietshiet sorry, the socks is alright it looks beautiful but it ate my money !!!!!!!!! thanks to who !? aaaargh.
waste my money leh !!! thinking of it really makes me mad. to think of the big drastic sales going on . . . those heavily discounted clothes. i feel them calling my name !!! omgomgomg, so loud so bloody loud ! on wednesday, i went over to westmall with farah for our trip to the coffee bean's to finish up left over assginments when my shimmering eyes caught those big red lettes that says " 70 % SALE " seventy707070afucjingseventy70. i was loaded on the first day of school ( though after cb i was left with only 30 ahem. ) wait bloody fat pig calling again. what a nuisanse !!!!! okay just hung up so fuckkkkkkkkkkk haaa-haa !! just when i was about to answer his call, MY CELL PHONE WENT DEAD ! IT SWITCHED ITSELF OFF !!! GOOD JOB, GOOD JOB, LOUSY PHONE. i love youuuu. okay, i, lisa, hasn't got a great mobile now okay so whatever shit you needa text is not gonna come to me instantly or our conversations will just be cut off cos my phone can go berserk. i want and i have to get nokia 7280. yeh i know it was out years ago which is why i ain't got no mobile now cos i went everywhere in thailand searching for it but no i didn't find it. it looks so slick. veh cool. okay off topic so anyways, my SALES ! no aunty tan helped me prevent getting into hehe hi i've made a new friend ha ha ! sorry this is so irritating to go on and off of my topic birdy just called me to conference with his tom-boy friend all the way from thailand. the girl sounded nice, her voice. but she's a l lah ! i like people okay what am i talking about ? fuck idk. anyways i hate guys that go " she's fat "
" oh, so how are you niways ? "
" okay, this is my friend. she's fat. "
" oh. "
okay i lazt type lah but birdy was all, half way chatting, he'll " she's tom. "
" seh's tom " oh what the hell, go screw tom up his fart arsehole lah so irritating guys dont feel shiet about girls feeling hurt it's high time they should wake up and see the world and feel everyone else around them. whatever so today farah and i cabbed off to teck whyne to but my pinafore ! eh lazy type ah all of a sudden i want go already siao what a post crazy.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
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