went cycling with ah tan today at east coast park. we had absolutely no idea that west coast was the one nearer to us so off we went to the east, carrying the heavily packed bags. yeh our bags look small like shiet you ain't know what's inside !!! i had cap, handkerchief, big pack of tissue, purse, the necessary items for defining eyes, mag, perfume, pillow ( an actual pillow, mind you. blame Evian. ) , a super duper big Evian water bottle and a mini sized Evian bottle. both containing water. i could've sworn my bag would drop dead. farah had her cosmetic pouch, mag, and what not. actually i can't list them all out cos items were too many and i can't quite remember. oh oh oh yes. and fruits ^.^ fruits were bought from bedok while lunch-ing but ended up thrown away. except for 2 plums. okay, fast forward, i went from all the way from bukit timah to bukit panjang to meet farah then from there we took some bus to clememti and dropped at the wrong stop so we took 11 ( it's nathanial's joke. ha ha ! 11 = your two legs = you walked. ) to some bus stops and took a bus back to clementi and then we took the train to bedok then from there we waited for some bus, oh, 401, which took half of our lives to come, and then we finally reached our destination at 4 in the evening. we cycled for 3 hours, reaching from end to end. which is very long just so you know. i think you need most 1 hour back and fro but we were busy stopping here and there taking pictures, video-recording, chatting by the beach, enjoying the breeze, singing, eating one and a half ice creams each, watching people play soccer, envying couples groping over each other and what not. finally, our cycling session ended at approximately 8 odd and then we took everything back like everything we took to ecp except this time, it's reversed. and extended. we took the mofo train to lot one just so we could eat but by the time we reached there, it was 9.30++ so everything in there were closed. first off to korean set, closed. then off to delifrance, shut. then off to pizza hut, off service. then went to kfc, finished. then off to long john, yet to close. and ta-dah ! we were greeted with some stomach filling thangs. took a few peekchas here and there and then i was sent home but a death cab. oh my great great lord. the driver was fucken reckless !!!!! i swear i could have had a heart attack ( which thank god, i didn't. ) right there and then. mr harmless-as-a-baby was no no, definitely someone who doesn't reflect his looks. as harmless as he may be on the outside, he is the exact opposite in the inside. wwwhewfhaaaahuhfdsjhj ( the car screeching sound. ) and he sends you not only flying back to front, but also east to west. with his driving skills, i was sent repeatedly rocking in every directions and angles. it wasn't even green healthy light yet and bam ! he stepped on the accelerator and made a turn at the junction where other vehicles were driving towards us. i suppose i needn't tell you what i was feeling, need i ?
beep beep beep !! beeeeeeeeeep.
" wha you drive lah ! now no car just go !!!! " horn horn.
" wah. * some hokkien words that go *ahlimahsodjsahmahahpek "
" cannot stand. stupid. ahhh now you go, you die. you cannot see got cars coming ah. go. you die now. "
talked and cursed so much and he went and drove himself too. eh, still say if other cars go they'll die right !? i think he went by the speed of 120. no joke. it was just, simply,
death cab for cutie.
and then i was scolding myself for not keeping my mouth shut cos on the way to ecp, i told farah that i hoped we'd be in a car accident, minus the whole people dying thang of course, coz it'd be fun to see what a REAL accident is like. not from the drama momma thang. cos i was all alone and i definitely, did not want to experience it all alone by myself. let alone die looking like a sheep and no no, not with the death cab driver.
going !
hey !! nice watch !! where did you buy it from ?
i swallowed a mini fly or a grass insect cos i was shouting to farah to shout. ha ha, this reminds me of last last december,when i was in yangon. mom was buying fruits with the chauffeur. so me and jaw and jason were crazing in the car, screeching at the top of our lungs. they got in and then jesse mccartney's beautiful soul came on. i was singing along with him when all of a sudden, a live mosquito got sucked in to my mouth. i was, omg ! what is that !? in my heart. then nudged jasone and pointed to the tissue. i then realized, that the mosquito got sucked in cos of the high pitched notes i had to do for the song. so i was like, deep breath in ? and the mosquito got sucked in. ._.

somewhere over the rainbow, where you cant see.

all of you, fling. one week of abundance. one week to allow the new beginning. one whole week to restart. one whole week to restore what is lost.

no more.FLING !
it's not easy. because it's all spelt with hurt. so from today on, ive got nuffin to do with.
someone who loves sukier.
when you were younger.
eh. i veh kuit. wan be my boilfand ?
kampong glarm.

ghosts attack !!
cheerleaders !

oh.my.goodness.gracious. very glam innit !?
changing hair by queen time !
NICE NORTZ ! DONE BY, AHEM ! LISA THE HAIR ARTIST. i think i can become a hair professionale when i grow up. my fall back on profession.
from -

to -

we went for a haircut together. she permed her hair. which was promised to be big luxurious curls ended up maggie-mee curls. she was so pissed she told the hair dresser to change it immediately cos she can't stand it. so in the very end, she still got her maggie-mee curls, but this time, a little less curly. and then she told the hair dresser that she wanted her fringe like mine. but there wern't any difference. so she paid 4500 bahts for her non-different fringe and ruined hair which both to me, makes no difference. at all ! so she came to my room and told me she really can't cope with her hair and told me to cut it like mine for here so yeh i did and ta-dah ! it was for free eh. HA HA !

waddaya say ?
all of you, fling. one week of abundance. one week to allow the new beginning. one whole week to restart. one whole week to restore what is lost.
no more.FLING !
ghosts attack !!
cheerleaders !
changing hair by queen time !
from -
to -
we went for a haircut together. she permed her hair. which was promised to be big luxurious curls ended up maggie-mee curls. she was so pissed she told the hair dresser to change it immediately cos she can't stand it. so in the very end, she still got her maggie-mee curls, but this time, a little less curly. and then she told the hair dresser that she wanted her fringe like mine. but there wern't any difference. so she paid 4500 bahts for her non-different fringe and ruined hair which both to me, makes no difference. at all ! so she came to my room and told me she really can't cope with her hair and told me to cut it like mine for here so yeh i did and ta-dah ! it was for free eh. HA HA !
lol the videos were so cute!!!
the video cute or the people inside cute ??? HA HA !
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