YOZZIE MOZZIE !!! I AM BACK ! well, back back. okay, i bought myself a whole new set of clothes. a new dress, a new waist belt, a new bloody nice necklace, a new lousy stockings and a new really really really nice heels !! well, to me anyways. can't wait till next Saturday again !! how i hope i wont have lesson tomorrow then i can shop shop, shop shop ! okay. so today was such a tired day. the bus ride to junction egg takes like 3724825i8324 hours !? anyways ! didn't really see doug sing. went there at around 14.30, left after 5 minutes to orchard where jaw and i shopped. mine's the thangs i listed juzz now. i changed into every new thangs i got and went over to junction egg again. didn't see him sing either. jaw got tired so we went home. and sadly, i took no pictures today :o\ except when i got home of cozzzz. anyways ! there's this talent quest part II tomorrow. i wanna go but i can'tzzz. okay i'm dragging. wadeva doooooode.
new necklace is the black one.

this. NICE NORTZ !?

lousy lam-peh stockings. can see the skin lor.

coolio heelios.

jaw and lisa candella.

" later after i shower then take lah ! "


new maid. sorry worz she looks so small ha ha.

the whole new clothes in the whole new world.
a few days ago pictures thatre yet to be updated.
my bangs got cut. no, fringe i mean. so many people use bangs bangs.

i veh cool leh dun wan be my fren arh ?

tan f happy ^.&

on the line with fatty.

g'bye aunty warni !! will miss you ah ! enjoy the new life and . . .
meanwhile, i've asked my guardian to help me look for nokia 7280 lipstick. i hope there's still one, really, i pray. if there ain't one, then i tole her to but me lg's chocolate. white or black is fine with queen. these lateset mobiles look so bulgy. i want 7280 so bloody bad :o(
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