oh my great great god. THIS SONG IS UTTERLY GREAT ! it's my first time hearing it and i loved it instantly, no doubt ! no description no reason no nuffin', just --- AWESOME !!! listen to it. this chris's voice is so bloody good i thought he should be a singer. he has this kinda voice that's like a matured singer, unlike some you tubers who has great voices, but their's is just that, great voice, no additional singer's voice. i read others' comments only to know that HE IS THE LEAD SINGER OF APRIL SIXTH.
anywayz ! the second video is on an animated love story with the song. utterly stunning.
so anyways ! moving on to the highlight of my day ( what's the code for highlighting the fonts ah ? can tell me nort ? ) , i saw daveyan at the aisle next to the canteen, connecting to the gate after my little mr detention. daveyan aside, during dc, i was like close to passing out. i have no idea, totally no idea why i keep having tummy ache these few day, well, these few years, but last december, the amount of tummy ache i can get sums up to at least 3 times a week. so just now during dc, i suddenly shiverd or shuddered and all of a sudden, i had goosebumps. no it's not those kinda goosebumps. mine was gb of acheness. i felt like vomitting. my eyes went blurry and i felt like, death is here, joyce, death is here. the whole thing was nasty. bloody tortorous. i'm not sure if you've been through this but if you have, you'd understand. this really really really really scary stomach ache i had last november, it hurt soooooooo much i teared no it's not like you wanna shit pain it's just, bloody pain you feel like it's just another constipated trip so you try to squeeze with every ounch of energy you have but you ain't got no energy left and your kidneys start to hurt and you start having cold sweat and you start shivering despite the warmth. and throughout those little process, pain's with you. imagine a big needle sticking into your inner skin, now imagine it 8 times more painful. that's how bad the pain is. i spent at least 45 minutes in the loo.
moving on ! during detention class, my spine ' soured ' all of a sudden. aiyah, no more of sickness. * mocking myself about choosing not to have a whole body check up when momsie asked me to. depresses me lah deh. even as i'm typing, my back's very the strained. i was in such a depressed mood i went over to 7-11 to get myself a pasta, but sweet * Lisa Candella thought of jasone so i got one for him too, waste my money actually i ended up with just 2 fucking dollars so i went back home and asked jasone to pay me back, well 2 third of the price which leaves me with 4 dollars to spend. i am oh so broke now.
anywayz ! i went to the canteen, told farah i wasn't feeling well ( bloody stomach, screw you, screw you stomache ! ) and that i wanted to go home first. she was studying or whatsoever, so as i was having my leisurely walk, i glanced up and saw a familiar face. i smiled ( with teeth. ) and waved to him. he did likewise all of a sudden i looked down and was pai-seh-ed. and then as i was walking, ( he was a few foot steps away from me. ) melvin came through my mind all of a sudden. why which i'm lazy to type but in short, i didn't just wanna smile of hi \ hey \ bye so i felt the vibe of speaking to him so as i was beside him, i asked,
" you come back ? " sorry hor my engerish lige soh bed.
dave " yaa "
queen. " oh. okay. bye. "
dave " i came back for ncc. "
queen. " oh. okay, bye. "
dave " you going home now ? "
queen " ya. " turns to walk away.
dave " how's school ? "
queen turns back and " okay lah. kay bye. "
dav " ok bye . . . "
i don't know what was wrong with me i kept saying " o,k,bye. " cheebye bye tmd. sorry again i'm so violent tmd. eh tmd is a saussage and some pork brand in thailand lor not ta ma der tmd. okay ._.''
SO ! the second highlight of my day is, during physics, mr forgot what name, goh i think, was talking about symbols and such when he talked about this " Candela. " it means how many candles are there to brighten up or something about light that's why there's this unit for Candela. and instantly, i fell in love with Candela. it sound so sweet ! so i was just, i'm gonna call myself that. the girl that lives her life as bright yet subtle as the flames of the candles. COOLIOS NORT ! Lisa Candella. SOUNDS TRIPPLE SHIOK EH !? so then thought of naming my kids these. copyright-ed ah ! don't come snatch my kids' name or else i kill you. i will de hor i won yoo.
i can just shoot shoot bang bang ! and, you'll perish. gone. simple, g-o-n-e.
first son ;
reason behind this name -
i've loved the name sean since i was in primary school cos of this really funny ang-mor-lang friend SEAN TOBIN MARTIN. ha ha, but the toby doesn't come from his name. i just thought of the name toby myself.
first daughter ;
reason behind the name -
i like the bloody name sarah and jessica. sarah cos the guy i was so in loe with's sister's name was sarah and as young as i was, foolishly in love, i hoped my name, too, was sarah. for jessica, is long for jessie. jessica doesn't match me so my daughter shall have it.
second son ;
reason behind this name -
jules sound very macho and cute and all-the-girls-want kinda guy's name. sounds cool right. if my guy has the name jules, i'd love him twice as much as i love a guy with the name of thomas ! or or alexanda or any gay names. gay as in, good-ass-you. okay, what's good ass you ? beats me. as for mac, it sounds so simple yet sweet. i can imagine jules mac's gf calling him.
second daughter ;
reason behind the name -
wah seh ! bloody nice right the name !? i tried thinking of something that can go well with candella. something sweet and girly. but kylie doesn't do. neither does liz. so lilly came along. candella, i believe i've explained why.
third son ;
reason behind the name -
jon is a cool name and lee is a cool last name cos lee is also used in the western countries. unlike goh toh tan lim mok han shietsoever, lee is also well-known in ang mor lang place. jon lee. whoah.
yeap ! that's all ! i wanted another girl but i ran outta name for her so. i was thinking of julie something but can't think lah. julie miles ? julie alexis !? OMG !!! JULIE ALEXIS !!!! nice ~ but sounds so kampong-y. like so nerd name. ha ha ! COLETTE ALEXIS ! ha ha ! i texted cheepeng that i was colette alexis of a salon and if he'd be interested to share some hot spicy receipes for having such fine hair cos his haid grew alot and i got a " ... " as a reply. (.)_(.) lll
guys name i fancy = alex b c dominic e felix gabe h i jack kyle lex m nathan o padraig ( heehee. ) q robert stan tim u vernon willz x y zack
girls name i fancy = abel berry candella dawn eliza felixis gabriella halley izzie jessabelle kristie lynn m n olivia p queenie rozalee stoofutoo tootootoo umbrella vibrator on valentine's day. willy xanga yellow zoo.
I bleed for the second time tonight holding the love that's in my mind. If only my love could be with you. If only this pain, this pain died too So I break you away, away, away from me.
today, i learnt another term of friendship. i didn't go for recess cos i presumed farah was studying in class so i stayed over in class. when vreak was over, hweekoon came over and she was, " you never go recess ? "
" yaaa. "
" why ? "
" i think farah wanto study so don't distrub her. "
" you want me go with you now ? "
that's darn nice of her innit ? you may not realize that your simple acts means alot to someone else. so ; friendship is spelt with the simple acts of concern you showered me.
and then i saw this coconut tree at the bus stop at my place yesterday right. i tried looking at it from different angles with my own naked eyes and it looked so so so so beautiful. things doesn't have to go under the lense just to look photographic, it's what you see and then you capture. so then ; photography is not what you produce, but is what you see with your own eyes. but sounds funny right. so just now while walking homme, i looked at the trees and clouds and birds ( i realized the way they flasp their wings are really adorable !!! it's like flap to halt and to speed up. from what i observed lah. )
when it hit me. so ; photography is in the depth of your eyes. sounds better right !? well, so long ! i'm just wasting my time here cos i'm procrestinating. i hate to procrestinate but this kinda thing just, just, just have bloody to. why ? just because.
holiday assignments here i come ~!
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
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a lil' somethin'.
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