" what's his name ?? what tan ? kelvin ah. i hope he burst and burn because of the temperature - kelvin ! "
" trip ! trip ! trip ! trip ! bom bom bom. ( cos fa and i were behind him. ) "
" how dare he not allow us to go that stupid man, i off his lights ! ( we were on out way to the loo and i piak ! and off-ed the lights went. but sadly, queen's lousy aiming skill hit the " fan " switch instead of the " light " switch ._. '' )
oh yeh ! ha ha ! farah repeated what i said and i think it was really childish.
" haaaaa. we cannot go ahhhh. okay nevermind, farah we go eat macdonald. bye koh wei ! have fun ! " so koh wei aiya lazy blog.
1) went to mac's to eat and study a little.
2) farah left.
3) koh wei and i started crazy pig taking.
4 ) koh wei and i started crazy video recording.
5 ) koh wei and i decided to go over to ther house to " further delevope " our vidz.
6) koh wei and i walked home speaking mandarin, pretending to be foreigners with bad englis.
7) reached her house and we sang laughed took pigz.
8) ended up staying till 22.30
9) i'm back home.
10) i go bathe first. i will edit this later.


self entertainment.
jumpz !
crazy woman jumped.
girls with pretty har bands.

lsat day with original hairz.
don't worry. i'm with you on this. such pretty hair !!!
watch. and laugh. our ending is owned mian.
d'ya geddit ?
koh wei expressionism.
lisa expressionism.
you raise me up.
" we are h-a-p-p-y x2 "
ugly gyal singing j'mraz.

d'ya geddit ?
koh wei expressionism.
lisa expressionism.
you raise me up.
" we are h-a-p-p-y x2 "
ugly gyal singing j'mraz.
little miss koh wei presenting a korean song !!!! *.&
pra ohng take one.
pra ohng take 2.
the collaboration of both kw and lisa. but !! i too low-pitch cant make it.

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