so i was having my chinese tuition just last night when chinese chan finally settled with the verdict that i, myint myint maw 'a qual mike joyce han zang lisa, was and am cleared innocent from her recent verbal attack. the reason why she flared up like a godzilla who'd just eaten a handful of chilli padi was simply because, she dialled the wrong digits for my mobile phone number. after getting a " wrong number. " from a man TWICE, she scolded me like no tomorrow when i called her. when asked, she sarcastically said if that guy who answered the calls was my boyfriend. very ._. can ???
from the above scenerio, i am still confused and annoyed when the only thing adults can gather when they hear a guy's voice or when you get back home late is, " YOO GO OUT WITH BOIFLEN AHHH. "
alrighties ! i have been checing out on corset piercing ever since i finally laid down on my newly arranged bed. whoa i like how my room look now !! it's squeaky clean+neat+cute+smart = lisa candella's hardwork. well back to cp, my my ~ i feel like getting one but i know, i can never endure the pain and i will have this lingering sense of intimiwhat ? that will keep on ' awakening. ' me. what shiet you talking about joys !? well, i mean like i'm so scared that the piercing will get hooked on to my clothes !!! and then if i move too violently, the piecrings would tear or soemthing ? ~_~
but on the other hand, i hope the next day when i wake up, the piercings will just be there miraculosly cos why !? i wanna wear like this kinda flowy dress that has a really wide opening at my back, and the opening ends just above the end of my spinal cord so i can show off the corset piercings. COOL MUCH !? waaa i really feel like having them nowsxz. i shall go search for pictures like that later after i blog to show you what i mean. if there isn't, then i shall just summom my magical hands to do the work *.8
well well. i reported major stomach cramps today. heh heh. realllllly hor. i have a very weak tummy it's always coming up with weird weird pains each attack. i have been sleeping friggin early these few days !!! i'm sleeping at 00.30 isn't that super cool !? more than claps i deserve. so i rose up early in the mornig at 9 and i started massive clearing my just-been-ransacked room. it's so coolsxz now ! well for me. i lovexzs my room cos i feel protected. HA HA ! it has a hong kong feel. even though my room is the size of your eye wax ??? i will be decorating my room in a few days to come. i have to start shopping for the mini furnitures my room demands and my allowance has been increased !!! hehe but i get it twice, MEANING, every sunday and thursday why !? cos my guardian said,
" oh yes joys, your pocket money has been increased to 60. "
" OH ???? "
" but you'll be getting it twice. i'll give it to you every sunday and thursday cos if i give it to you one go, you're bound to spend them all ! "
" oh ha ha okay sure. "
blast. wasted my happiness of 2 seconds. hai hai hai, wot can i say !? 17 indeed. but still i'm left with a few coins now. i don't know what i spent on !!!!! i think my purse is spoilt. must be ! if not my money all fly where ah !? i think all my notes got blown off by the wind when i wasn't paying much attention to my purse. note to self : GET A NEW PURSE, A-SAP ! moreover, my purze looks like shit now. i wanna get something simple. oh my !!!!!! i just remembered !!!! HA HA ! i recently found this round idknow htcall my moms bought for me when she was in hk !! ha ha ! i will be using it today on wards. it is in perfart condition cos i have yet to use it, the price tag is still intact lawlz. it is bound to keep my money safe. darn sure.
whoah i feel like there're so many things i want now. like new clothes, def. new handbags, def. new notebooks, def. and shit ! new piercings as well. i totally forgot about corset piercing !!!!! i have the attention span of a cockroach i think ._.
weeee i tink i will be organizing an opening ceremony for my room once it's completed. i am so happy now cos tomorrow's wednesday and it will be a few more hours before i get my part 2 allowance !! ha ha ! speaking of money, i was with moms shopping at taka when i spotted this outfit i really really really would love love love to have. it's from tommy hilfiger and fuck. DAMN NICE !!!!!!!!!!! it's like, a creamy white long knitted pull-over on the outside and inside's this tailored piece of " boyfriend shirt. " or whatever you call it. whoah super cool. straight away when i saw that, i knew just what i was gonna match that set of top with. moms was more into this other top which i too, find it smexeh. i'll be praying to get it soon :o) even if i don't, i am gonna save up for it. the one i love should add up to be +250, -300 $. if i have sufficient money, i will also buy the other piece along which is 180 or 150 i forgot. shiet. i love them so. soon lisa, soon. CANNOT !!! I HEAR THEM CALLING MY NAME !!!!! omgoodness !!! i want them soooo bad. okay stop. stop all this whines. it's irritating. MOVING ON !
i want .. . . . those ... HARLOW !? MOVING ON !
i have updated my collection of songs in my imeem playlist. check them out if you have nuffin to do ! hawk nelson's are great ! love all. well, i am so distracted right now. good bye.
much love, cockroach.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
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