HARLOW LOW LOW LOW !!!lisa is seventeen.

so today was sir-pozed to be the class cheer practice day but i thought it was at 1 in the noon so before i slept last night, i went to set my alarm at 11.45pm. got a few missed calls from people at 12 plus. so forced myself outta bed, called bao kun who told me that cheer started at
11 in the morning ._. so i knew better than to make my way there. cos by the time i get ready, it'll soon be like what ? evening time ? so i text messaged farah and we decided to meet over at king albert's mac. to study but ha ha you'd've guessed that i was over distracted though i completed 2 comprehension questions for chinese chan. ha ha speaking of cc, we pretty close now. well, closer than before at least. she shared with me her travelling experiences and apparently, she been to Paris a couple of years back !!!! gasp out loud, i am so so envious
!!! *.* i'm sirpozed to get married there
!!!!! :oD but anyway, she's been nice all right. instead of scolding me for being late for an hour for lesson last night, she asked me if i've taken my dinner and what's so cute about her is that, she was like,
but anyway, farah arah and i made a pretty good amount of vidz today, IN THE LOO. ha ha ! i was trying to memorize the lyrics hard last minute. we sang tatoo by jd and becos of you by kelly. we are known as Intara. we formed a band. a " band. " that supposedly involve just me and her actually :oD Intara comes from my
INT and f
ARAh and nope you ain't right ! ha ha, it's not pronounced as In-ta-ra. it's pronounced as i-an-tra v^_^v
but anyway, i just realized that i've got the maid's name wrong all these time. it's sirpozed ter be nah-nee and not neh-na. ha ha ! i was asking her if i got her name right and then she was all, " ha ha ! no ! i am nah-nee ! " okay.

i suck at accuracy.

lisa's first choice of jacket.

i'm walking away.

from the troubles of my life,

i'm waling away.

brown collection.

pink collection.



farah i take picture for my contact.


screen saver.
back home !
come we take pig.
eh you want hair ?? we take close close then pretend my hair is yours.
in chinese, you say 吃饱没事做。


timer went too quick boom.


was sirpozed to take a pig.
i'd rather you not watch this cos this is just for my when-im-89 thang.
was sirpozed to help me take a pig :o(
tatoo first verse 1.
tatoo chorus, too high pitched, 1.
tatoo verse 1, 2.
tatoo chorus. 2.
tatoo verse 1, 3.
tatoo chorus, 3.
becos of you togetha. behind the scenes.
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