hello-lo-lo-lo ! ha ha i am back from a long tiring tough walking day. well so i met janeele pok the chanel pok in the noon and then took the taxi to city hall, got chased off by the driver, met up with jaw at the train station, got a new taxi driver and went off to the new creation church. this church is real gold. lighthouse church ain't half as bard but NC is nicer cos it's more lively, the pastor is younger than light house pastor so that probly explains a lot. but any way, actually come to think of it, we didn't go anywhere much. all precious time were spent on travelling. to the wrong bus and ended up at orchard so we transfered back yadee dee dah and finally landed at jaw's. was sipozed to meet farahEZ but we decided to have a steady meal before we met her. so we ended up at TBB once again and had hella spicy time eating gloriously. shit. i'm dying for a bowl now.
but anyway ! GUESS WHAT. I HAVE NO CHINESE CHAN TOMORROW !!!!!! I.AM.SO.SO.SO.HAPPY. does caps locked express my joy ? I HOPE THEY DO A GOOD JOB ! ha ! ha ! thinkin about it truly madly really greatly absolutely extremely fantastiaclly make me go do some crazy arsed smile like :o>]}))))))))))))))))))))
but no matter how weird the smile is, a smile IS a smile. so i shall be meeting pok over at not westmall library and then we're gonna study !! went over to BTP's popular and i actually got myself gasp a physics note based book and an accounts assessment ! so ye. but seriouzly. i hate hate hate attending schools on monday cos i still feel weekends are too short. see, 2 glorious days have flown by and now, comes monforkingday. never mind i shan't lower my mood by talking about school days. next few weeks are pretty much jammed.
next saturday : A sports outing at east coast park.
sunday : janelle's church. i may be resting homme.
the following saturday after next's : Ji won and victoria's school fun fair.
sunday : i may be meeting farah. or not. see if she's available.
the week after next next saturday : keren's birthday celebration over at gardenvista.
speaking of keren, janelle and i are gonna serplize her with a big big gift. well, not entirely size based but something real meaningful. we three are the closet amongst all primary school mates i guess. i have known these 2 amazing ladies since primary 3 and i will and never have regretted knowing them. though jan and i don't contact keren that often but we still love her a very lot and obviously i'm not trying to use fucking cos it'll seem fake. keren is like jan and i's motivation. ha ha ! being the slim and beautiful chinese indonesian, she has never failed to be in a matured and steady relationship and oh no. i miss her :o( can't wait till her birth day !! what shall i get her !? i think this is the bad point of me. like i know what my friends adore but when it comes to getting them a gift, my mind truly goes haywire and messed up i can't think straight. jan and i are planning to buy her something to do with art. cos she loves and is great at drawing. either that or i wanna get her dresses and accessories but the thing is, i can't y'knnow why !? cos i'll want them for myself !!!!! see. oh man. what a headache. i'll probly go search deep beneath my soulzzz for some ideas. ha ha still remember the time we took neoprints and ahem designed until like sorry to say, but sai. and then went to take neoprints the other time with sam and when we went in the car. REMEMBER ?? wa. very straight forward ah ! ha ha it's a healthy exercise to sit back and reminisce about your younger days ain't ? oh well. back to year 2008. i don't know why but why is it that shitass hair looks great when you're in pretty clothes but you'll look shitasser with shitass hairstyle when you're in school uniform ? okay let's skip. let's see. oh ye. i am broke now. so tell me if you think i am a glutton. i had a pack of milky bizcuitz on the way to jan's, had a cup of sweetened curry noodle a jan's, had a bowl of rice with a plate of chicken at TBB, had a meal over at king albert's mac and now, i am dying for water but yes, i eat so much i think my stomach has just been stretched bardly. yokies. jason is back from the washroon.
" shit my stomach very pain. "
" go and eat medicine. the myanmar one. "
" which ? i just now diarrhea very pain. now still need shit but i dont wanna. "
" you better go and shit. you know diarrhea is very bad or not. if you leave it in the stomach will pain until tomorrow know. diarrhea is the toxic in the stomach. and you still wanna store them inside you stomach ah. GO AND SHIT NOW. "
" but it's diarrhea you know ? so disgusting ! "
" so ? listen to me. better go shit before you suffer. don't need worry. i am the stomach ache profesional already. i how many time stomach pain already. "
okay i shall go bathe now and how true am i about dragging monday ?

but anyway ! GUESS WHAT. I HAVE NO CHINESE CHAN TOMORROW !!!!!! I.AM.SO.SO.SO.HAPPY. does caps locked express my joy ? I HOPE THEY DO A GOOD JOB ! ha ! ha ! thinkin about it truly madly really greatly absolutely extremely fantastiaclly make me go do some crazy arsed smile like :o>]}))))))))))))))))))))
but no matter how weird the smile is, a smile IS a smile. so i shall be meeting pok over at not westmall library and then we're gonna study !! went over to BTP's popular and i actually got myself gasp a physics note based book and an accounts assessment ! so ye. but seriouzly. i hate hate hate attending schools on monday cos i still feel weekends are too short. see, 2 glorious days have flown by and now, comes monforkingday. never mind i shan't lower my mood by talking about school days. next few weeks are pretty much jammed.
next saturday : A sports outing at east coast park.
sunday : janelle's church. i may be resting homme.
the following saturday after next's : Ji won and victoria's school fun fair.
sunday : i may be meeting farah. or not. see if she's available.
the week after next next saturday : keren's birthday celebration over at gardenvista.
speaking of keren, janelle and i are gonna serplize her with a big big gift. well, not entirely size based but something real meaningful. we three are the closet amongst all primary school mates i guess. i have known these 2 amazing ladies since primary 3 and i will and never have regretted knowing them. though jan and i don't contact keren that often but we still love her a very lot and obviously i'm not trying to use fucking cos it'll seem fake. keren is like jan and i's motivation. ha ha ! being the slim and beautiful chinese indonesian, she has never failed to be in a matured and steady relationship and oh no. i miss her :o( can't wait till her birth day !! what shall i get her !? i think this is the bad point of me. like i know what my friends adore but when it comes to getting them a gift, my mind truly goes haywire and messed up i can't think straight. jan and i are planning to buy her something to do with art. cos she loves and is great at drawing. either that or i wanna get her dresses and accessories but the thing is, i can't y'knnow why !? cos i'll want them for myself !!!!! see. oh man. what a headache. i'll probly go search deep beneath my soulzzz for some ideas. ha ha still remember the time we took neoprints and ahem designed until like sorry to say, but sai. and then went to take neoprints the other time with sam and when we went in the car. REMEMBER ?? wa. very straight forward ah ! ha ha it's a healthy exercise to sit back and reminisce about your younger days ain't ? oh well. back to year 2008. i don't know why but why is it that shitass hair looks great when you're in pretty clothes but you'll look shitasser with shitass hairstyle when you're in school uniform ? okay let's skip. let's see. oh ye. i am broke now. so tell me if you think i am a glutton. i had a pack of milky bizcuitz on the way to jan's, had a cup of sweetened curry noodle a jan's, had a bowl of rice with a plate of chicken at TBB, had a meal over at king albert's mac and now, i am dying for water but yes, i eat so much i think my stomach has just been stretched bardly. yokies. jason is back from the washroon.
" shit my stomach very pain. "
" go and eat medicine. the myanmar one. "
" which ? i just now diarrhea very pain. now still need shit but i dont wanna. "
" you better go and shit. you know diarrhea is very bad or not. if you leave it in the stomach will pain until tomorrow know. diarrhea is the toxic in the stomach. and you still wanna store them inside you stomach ah. GO AND SHIT NOW. "
" but it's diarrhea you know ? so disgusting ! "
" so ? listen to me. better go shit before you suffer. don't need worry. i am the stomach ache profesional already. i how many time stomach pain already. "
okay i shall go bathe now and how true am i about dragging monday ?
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