so i figured this is a pretty good way to get myself started. to see how and where i'll position myself in the few years to come. i got this brilliant idea from the slide show this morning during assembly :oD it truly is useful. well for me at least. and this is how i see myself when i'm thirtyish.
2009 : graduates from bukit view secondary, contented.
2010 : work all year round, go the the gym all year round, enroll english classes with causcasians as teachers, hang out with buddies as much as i can, stock up my wardrobe with summer dresses, evening gowns, shorts ( by this time i shall achieve tanned slender legs. ) and all 4 seasons clothes ^.^ stuff myself half full with roti pratas every meal, and most importantly, spend my time with greatest friends :o(
2011 : go over to UK to study. first priority = to get back to the salon to check if mr rome's still there. visit all around london. the fashion musuem ! the musuems ! i love musuems !! the hyde park, the ever-ree-thang !! alone or with a londoner. HA HA ! obviously i'm too carried away by my own dreams. really study this time round. read up the history and not just walk here and there pretending to be interested !!!!!
2012 : accent should be out by now. HA ! HA !
2013 : should have completed all courses.
2014 : start working there !!!!
2015 : should be able to achieve the " youngest hard working multi tasker " award.
oh no ! by then how old will i be !? i forgot to count my age !! wait let's see. 24 ! still young ! i shall just be working my entire ass off to get them sexy pounds in my hands. he he. i will really work hard and travel around. first to cover is inevitably, Paris. the place where i shall get married ^.^ then i will go over to Hawaii kawaii. then i will go over to north pole and go racing just like mr dr william tan did. ha ha ! okay i was just kiddin'. i'm still so sad i missed out his talk :o(
but anyway ! i will seriosuly study hard and now all i can promise is i w i l l study hard study hard but hello like can i do it ? i get distracted VERY easily. momsie has already told me a mbzillion times that if my results are applicable for the colleges in london, off i will shove my backside in your face and ta-ta for literally ever ! ha ha ! obviously not. i will come visit goh chap may, ah pork, keren indochinese, hwee koon save money !! okay. so where was i again ? ah ye. she actually gave me choices and they are -
united kingdom.
and state of america.
australia ? ha-ha no thanks. i have had enough of fun socializing with singaporeans. somehow i feel many singaporeans are heaving their in and out of breaths there and i just don't wanna go somewhere infested with.
america is rockr man ! it's so partyish ye ? but the thing is, i truly love london and i'm hoping heshe will love me back. but anyway, see this.
" hey where did you graduate from ? "
" america. :o) "
" oh coooooool !!!!! "
" hey where did you graduate from ? "
" oh. united kingdom. :o) "
" wow. "
ged wad i mean ? US is like the ideal country for wild life but UK is just, grand and sophisticated. so well. i will study hard for the last time. cos like i said, it's just a matter of choosing to or not to.
anyways ! today is a day you can pretty much christen the emotional day. i experienced a whole series of unfortunate events. after gettin back from breakfast, hwee koon's usually kept cell phone in my bad wasn't where it was sirpozed to be. i turned to her and told her it wasn't there half laughing cos she was laughing and asking me " faking right. " but i was serious except i couldn't plaster on a straight face. so after a few kan-chong-ness, ta-daah the phone appeared in hk's hands.
my boobs felt electricuted as i was jotting down notes for accounts. then my heart and rib cage felt like they too, have been electricuted so i placed my phone under the desk on my lunch box ( i'm saving moneh. ) ( i initailly placed my phone in my breast pocket. ) so then i went for history class, absent-mindedly leaving my phone there so when i got back, i went to check and gasp !!! it wasn't where it was sirpozed to be !!!! so i told hk that my phone was missing but she was like laughing away with poh ling i thought they were crackin' up cos of some conversation so i went back to my seat, dejected.
" joyce ! cannot find ah ? "
turns to hk and ta-daah ! my phone was in her hands. ha ! ha ! oh well. we went over to WM to buy some stuff but ended up having lunch there as well. there we talked about june holiday. speaking anout JH, i'm sofa king disappointed europe isn't confirmed :o'( i reallllllllllllly wanna go there. but now that i didn't even sign up for japan, i stand no chance in school exchange programme whatsoever. momsie called me, just, and told me to go for japan. but europe oh darling europe but anyway ! if i did go over to any OEP, i won't be going back to thailand but to work here instead. so hk and i have already planned where we're gonna go during the mid year break. ha ha ! we were so carried away time tickled past by. fast. it was like, 16 odd when i reached back school ? i was sirpozed to meet farah for v'ball but not only couldn't i find her, i had no means to contacting her so in short, i was being bang-saied lah. i went to the canteen ( i was in my pe attire so library was being a btich no no. ) so i did my chinese chan work. i saw ekx and i said hi ! well, half a smile. and then someone said something that made me tear. well i ain't wanna type it out. i texted hk about that fucking son of a byotch. then i saw cheese. well cheese has already told me long ago, last year in fact, about fugger saying that about me so i told cheese what he just said and my eyes welled up with fresh salty tears. aaaah well. i left the school at around 17 and i got a text message from aloysius tjj. ha ha too bad i was already in the bus when he asked if wanna meet. anyways i am so sad. . . NOT ! somehow these kinda thing actually make me grow stronger. when he said it, i didn't feel anything, at all, but it's just that my brain was like, telling me how pathetic i felt and thus, the tears. oh well. whatever it is, that son of a rotten peach is gonza get my ugliest stare ever shot to people in my history. and that i promise you, ogre. i didn't know ogre exist until i saw you ;o)
okay enough about these nonsensical rantings. cos by the endda the post, it all sums up in the word of s-t-u-d-y-h-a-r-d. eh ? i just feel like typing on. it's 00.55 but i don't feel sleepy, at all ! ha ha okay so here's a confession. uhm. how do i put it. well, it's abso normal for girls to have crushes right. but my crush is just so near, so so so so so near but yet, so so so so so so far away and i can never talk to anybody about him cos he's just the kinda guy i normally don't go for. he's so not good looking. he's so not kind. he's so not thoughful. he thinks he's sofa king cool. he thinks he rulesxz the world but heck. i'm interested 37% ( ha ha i was like placing my index on the digits. i first placed it at ' 1 ' but thought about it and it seemed too little. in short, i gave it a major run-through so my % is undoubtly, accurate. ) . ahh well. oh ye oh ye ! good news for me ! i lost a kg ! it's gone missing !! but no, you don't have to hunt it back for me. BYE FOR NOW !
i forgot, 2010 : get married.
t he. obviouzly am juz teasin ;o)
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
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