well anyway ! of my 3 tirin days here in bedok, myint myint has learnt that washin is really the lousiest any person can ever, ever, ever, try. i did my own laundry for once. beats me but i didn't wanna use the WM coz i thought it'd be much more fun scrubbin my own clothes but really, DON'T EVER ( EVERRR, I STRRESS THIS WORD. ) TRY WASHING !!! COS IT REQUIRES SO MUCH ENERGY !!! the strength to squeeze and rub them. squeeze and rub. ha ! ha ! sounds a little wrong ah. anywyz ! the easiest to wash goes to under garments. just rub rub rinse rinse done. followed by tops THEN pants. even towels are easier to wash compared to pants ! i had a rough and tough time rinsin the soap out. i had to zqueeze and zqueeze but the soap just refuses to go away ! ultimately, i solved my problem with the help of my feet. i just had to stomp on them. ha ha ha !
livin here, i have to get up at a hibyehibye 10 i have to make my own bed i have to wash the dish i have to throw my own rubbish i have to wash my own clothes and most importantly, i have to keep myself alive.no complains tho. i pretty much am enjoyin alla theze. but it's like, livin in differnent houses gives me different attitude. in singapore, if you ask me clean the house i'll do it for the sake of doin it but in myanmar and thailand, i'd be waitin for my mom and uncle to call me do the house work coz it's so much fun ! ha ha ! i can still clearly remember that time when i wiped out all the bloody black ants in my kitchn, and of coz, the mirror wipe. try wiping your mirror till it shines. it really will ! i spent more than half of my time cleanin the mirror till it literally shone me away, the effect is like, you can WALK in to the mirror. like, you can just get in cos it's just too clear and i don't know wot am talkin . . .
i almost died last night. now i know i really am the stupidest person alive. it was so bloody warm i couldn't sleep even tho i've already switched the air-con on why ?? cos i left a portion of the window open .____. pig face.
i had thaaaat stomachache again, which def didn't help. i was finally fallin asleep when that piercin pain kicked in. i got up at 3 in the mornin but nothin came out so i went back to sleep only to be awoken up once again by a much worse pain at 5. the pain was so bad i had to crawl my way to the toilet. well, literally. and there, the cycles of this pain re-cycled. legs shiverin body on fire icy cold sweat excruciatin pain it feels like thousand sharp objects piercin then re piercin again and again at your abdomen. and like always, i end up lyin on the ground cos i'm too tired and in too much of a big agony to walk. anyway the bezt thang i can get outta this life threatenin pain is, A FLATTER TUMMY !!! :oD i diarrhea-ed a whole pile and amidst the pain, i could manage a smile upon the tummy. hoehoe.
well anyway. farah's birthday's gonza be here soon ! and this will be my first time celebratin with her !! tho i haven't really decided on what to give her. ha ha y'know i was plannin to write her a birthday song but that was if i was in thailand but now that i'm here it's pretty sudden i'm still not too sure wot to get her. it's like, i know her i know wot she likes but i JUST don't know wot to GET her. annoyin much eh.
well anywayz. i caught ayat ayat cinta ( signs of love. ) with gonna-be-old arah. this show has a special twist to average romace so for thos of you that're up for a couple of tear drops, go ahead and catch this cos it's not too bad tho i don't get the story. guys, there're many many pretty malayu\indonesian girls and girls, if you wanna get into the world of wot real love is, then, well ! go watch it ! tho i still strongly recommand IRON MAN as THE one. iron man really bloody good please it's like the bezt one i've caught in ages.
went to try on some clothes but didn't get ANY due to time constraint yep for once, not moneh constraints ! ha ! ha ! i think they won't welcome us with graceful gestures cos we tried on so bloody much and spent like for ever decidin on a SINGLE piece ?
went for CC today. she bloody well made me waste my moneh on taxi fare. sometimes i'm just so annoyed when she doesn't understand my time managements. i arrived 1 & a half hour late for lesson today. with the help of the taxi, i was still late. blood boil ah. i don't know why but when i'm stayin in bedok, i crave for snacks so bad. once CC was over, i went over to get my all time favo besides pillows, my panda milk flava ! the taste is heaven i wiped it out within the time span of FiFTEEN MINITS. the bus ride to bedok is very the long. i called hwee koon i called jaw i called mom and yet, after more than 30 minits, i was still at dunearn road. i thought about jason i thought about OB i thought about pod i thought about thailand and yet, i was still at dunearn. sometimes . . .
i don't wanna elaborate more and i still regret makin the big mistake of stayin on in singapore. and the regret goes deeper and sink lower to the bottom of my heart every time i think about it. well on a brighter note, there will be 2 guys comin over to eat my all time favorite, GOR-TIER ( fried dumplin. ) tomorro. they're from myanmar as well. and to me, whoa are they not cool. ha ha, coz right, they're like so much younger than me but they had the ability to fly to singapore ALONE and get applied to the schools here ALONE which i never did myself. i mean, just imagine, them not even knowin singapore or singaporeans but havin the power to speak to the principles. i know tho, one day, my kidz will be just like them. :o) well. thatz all folks ! have a great evenin' ahead.
guardian. " let joys work a lot. "
aunt. " ye i definitely will ! the hader the better ! "
guardian. " ye good ! she can help you take care of the baby ! "
aunt. " woo not so relaxing !! i'll ask her mop the floor ! "
'''''''' .________________. '''''''
sometimes they just underestimate too much of the queen's powa :o\
pigs !

if you cant read the pig, it says i have to connect my PC to the tele just so i can see the whole thang. somehow, all of these are makin my sights go very biak. like, one minit it's small like bee-sai and the next, it's big like law-sai.
wanna watch ? wanna watch. wanna watch ? wanna watch. wanna watch ? wanna watch. wanna watch ? ye wanna watch !