hi i'm lisa and i'm tryin out wot a block quote is.
okay so this is like so late but iron man is real good ! for thoze out there with the same initial thoughts as me, you're wrong ! pack your bag and get movin' coz it's superb ! i was uhm, IRON MAN . . . !? why can't it be angel or somethin else ? cos IM's like so mechanical guy stuff. but it's really really good it's the definition of rock-my-sock it ain't gonna dizappoint ya thatz fo sure. went over to vivo city with jason chriselle tiffany and guardian after i got back from school. dined at white dog cafe before the movie. WDC's food are thumbs up ! their mushroom soup ain't ordinary cream of mushrooms. theirs like real chunky mushrooms thatz probly grounded to its smallest coz i could drink them and not gag ! ye you get it, i Hate mushroom. Hate with the H caps locked. the food's so good i was thinkin of bringin arah there, only to be reminded it's not harlah. dumb. never mind, we can resort to han's and tong song ;o)
well anyway, my mind's now badly polluted with smart men + sportz car = totally sizzlin hawt. he must be very rich so i can afford to drive a diff rent car every day of my life, even not, i at least have to sit in different sort of cars there are in the world form limos to sports cars to oh i suck at mechanical stuff so. but anyway, he has to be a genius with pleasant looks. he has to be humoros, someone who goes light and doesn't take stuff seriouzlee and my expectations are gonna get sky high if i keep goin.
tomorrow will be my last day of school. now i know why it feels so good you can shop whole day and not worry 'bout a single thang coz all youve got is moneh moneh moneh and time time time which are the most essential in a girl's life.
people whove graduated tell me it's gonna be borin once school's out but hor, i think it's better. well, provided you get a job and extra cash coz it's gonna be so long befor you get posted to a new school right. i can't wait till i gaduate ( i hope i do graduate. ) coz then i can finally get a decent job and earn some cash so i can tour the world. i wanna go london again, find what i want ( HAHAHEHEHOEHOE. ) then get a friend and travel to paris then to hawaii and just allll around the globe ! but of coz, i won't wanna go over to asian countries. i wanna go over to the western sides whoopie ! i still remember talkin to se yeon when we were in secondary 1. ha ! ha ! i don't know if she remembers but weve to bring " ass hole. " and my whoever and then go travel together ! :oD ha ha these kinda things really make me smile. arah please remember too okay, that after o's, were gonna go travel togetha ! first to cover is MALAYSIA ys malaysia can you believe i haven't even been there !? ha ha ! sfq was like ive been so far but closer nearer countries like malaysia, i 'avent. dumb. well.
singapore's gettin so humid these few days i'm draggin the walk home e v e r y day. i don't know if it's the Super Summer of singa or it's just global warmin gettin worked up. i have to bring my UV protected umbrella ( ha ha, i just have to emphasize it :oD ) if not i'm gonna evaporate. somehow, i feel no one's really givin any close attention to darlin earth. it's like, we're using air-con 24 slash 7 ! just look at our homes, our malls, our beloved libraries, our restaurants, our hotels, our motels, our galleries, our museums and our hospitals ! my future home the hospital ! and the amount of papers we're spendin is like as tho they're for ever free flowin. just pluck pluck dump dump. but the consequences we gon' pay is real sad. just look at the scorchin sun and you'll know why . . and if you aint gonna take care of your skin now, you're gonna regret when you're old. old like my CC. she has these freckles beneath her wrinkled skin ye not like anyone will care about things like freckles at that age but it's better to play safe than never right. you don't wanna live with regret and die with ugly skin now d'ya ?
i wanna go vivo city again cos i just realized it's a pure paradise. there're so many shops with gawjuz clothings it make your jaw drop. utopia utopia utopia. all right i wanna sleep now am havin really l8 nightz these few days my skin are becomin really unglam my face's the exact definition of pimple paradise so i bid my good bye ! goo nine.
i wanna watch the what smart show or somethin like that, the one with anne h. soon nurse, soon ! ;o)i was on the toilet trip. one thing to take note of tho iz to pee before the movie ! pee even if there's only a few drips cos you dont wanna miss ANY part of the movie !!
this iz the definition of mr hawt !
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