anywayz !! i slept at a rockin' 7 last night. and i got up at a rockin' 10 in the mornin' ! this is what you define as the super woman. i told ya i was gonza be spendin' my monday in the TV room revisin my math right, but guess what !? well i didn't :oP ha ha ha, i met up with jan the bimbi instead. ha ha ha ! today is so drama momma.
the big azz tee i wanted to wear was in the laundry. + it stank cos i didn't dry it after takin' it out from the washin machine. so i rinsed it under the tap again to get rid of the foul smell. but after almost 20 minits, it still didn't dry so i hung it on the window, hoping evaporation'd take place quicker but still, the tee remained cold and wet. jan pok was already on the way out so the iron momsie sent me suddenly came into my mind.
i was happily ironing away when i thot i'd share with you how i was ironin. got my camera, set it on timer, and just as i was reachin out for the camera on the floor, i felt something hot, somethin' really hot pokin @ my tummy. i looked down and shouted fuck ! but i didn't kno what on earth just happend to my tummy so i pulled up me shirt, and fugging hell !!! my stomach got burnt by the bloody mofo iron !!! it's damn scary i tell you ! i was like just staring at my shrinking skin without knowin wot to do, until the skin peeled off on its own, i was ouch fuckidity fuck fuc what should i do so after a good 4 minit or so, i got to the basin to run cold water over the little scar. only then did i kno why people are so shocked they react so slowly to a situation, like in wars, vehicle accidents, fire, bombs et cetre et cetra.
if youre wonderin what skin peeled on its own shit is, as i looked down, a part of my skin turned black and it started breakin on its own, it shrunk and peeled off on its own. i think it was due to the heat. im damn unlucky i tell you. i set it on the maximum heat coz i had no time to wait but instead of heatin the tee so it dries, it heats my tummy so it will become flat.
well anyway ! jan poky went to get some math assessments yadee deedah and together, we went back to bukit timah to get a bus to newton. ha ha ha !the bus ride to newton was especially funny. we didn't know where to stop cos the destinated stop is obscure. told jan we should stop at this particular place but she insisted it wasnt the stop yet somehow, i managed to make her stop and so ta-daah ! we alighted but it turned out to be the wrong one. when the next bus came, i told her to stop again at the pretty fermiliar place but she said no and then again, somehow, i made her stop and it turned out the wrong one again. ha ha !! life was crzay funny. the expresions on jan pok's face and all.
well anyway. had real l8 lunch @ newton circus and i have no mood to blog on. here's me endin with the txt messages of the severing of the guardianship between me and sandi the fab.
please kindly transfer my allowance. need to eat. my mom already said i can take it.
I have already refunded the 40 plus dollars last week. Ask her to call me at night then. They served lunch at hostel today.
that was supposed to be my allowance in da first place. i used my money for food on toileteries and starved for the whole week. the new 40 u transferred i all gone to my friends. i only used 10 on myself. i havent even returned my friends fully. well im out with me friends now. am i supposed to go back home, eat, then meet them again ?
Not my busniess. I have already told you not to bother me every now and then.
hello whats wrong with u ?? i need to eat u kno. my mom got no prob so why r u makin it so bloody tough for us ?? go call her if u still dont believe. shes in the gym. if u dont wana call then jolly well transfer now. im hungry.
oi u nvr get me msg meh. dont waste my time. u dont undrstnd me ?
oi u nvr get my msg meh. dont waste my time. u dont undrstnd me ?
i kno u r very bz in the lab but pls pass me as soon as u r out. im becomin anorexic. moms fine with the money and she knows im right.
Sorry. I cant be at your service as and when you want. Find somebody else. I am bloody angry with you two. I am wasting time on such stupid stuffs. I am out of this. Make sure you find another place to stay. I don't want to have anyth to do with you now.
too late now, sandi. u r the one that got me out of my home stay into the hostel. u jolly well settle the mess u created.
Oh i jolly well ask your old guardian bring you back:)
r u the reason why im accpeted in the grand hostel ? if not i can appear as and when i like. since u r not my guardian, i have no time to entertain u. wash ur hands off me. i can find a new experienced guardian and stay in the hostel still.
Yes, i am the reason why you are there. You will only get to stay here till november.
jut great. many houses waiting for me. hip hip hurray ! now u have the 3 xtra months to chase the distinctions u been waitin for ! go on babe, impress me. make me proud !!!!!!!
Jaw and joyce, this is to inform you that i am no longer your guardian as of today. I have nothing to do with you. I have returned all your money to your mother too. I will not be responsible anyth from today. Do not contact me for any reason.
one last question. have u transferred the 85 i rightfully deserve ?
One last sentence, i am the judge here and i don't think you deserve it. Return the books that you borrowed asap.
too bad u r not a certified one. u are just assuming u r right. u shuld learn that nt everythin flow the way u think they do. too bad im out nw, go get it urself in my room like u always do with the magical keys. its in my billabong bag lyin somewhere in the room. and i will nt stop askin until i get it. im nt someone who gives up easily.
No need to certify. If i am a certified one, you would have long been hanged. Anyway, thank you for letting me get a sense of what a spoiled, rude and hopeless child is like. I would have no idea in life if not for you.
i would have been hanged ? holy shit r u kiddin me ?? anyway, it is ok. im contented ive taught a real life lesson to a girl like u.
well so ye ! thats how we roll. anyway, visit jaw's blog @
foodzforwormz.blogspot.com today !
ha ha ha, i dream of becomin a news caster as well :o)
it's 00.15 now i waz zirpozed to be revisin math. i will go early and revise in skul instead. bye !

ha ha ! can see my nose wax !!!!

bimbi !

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