right ! hi y'all ! i am not sleepy yet so i decided to do a quick post about today. i had no red top or anythin' at all to resemble the national flag so i pulled out this really kiddy red top i got when i was a primary sckul kid, ran thru the laundry and pulled out a white spag. mix here match there and i was ready to fly my way gloroiously to the stadium with the national song ringin in my head !
i checked my bank account to see if sandi the amazin had already transferred my money. ha ha guess wot !!? while i was lookin for red tops, the bloody receipt flew out of the closet !!!! i was so happy hehehehe. and i was even more happy when i was greeted with a 50 $ in my bank. ha ha ! i was grinin lika mad woman all the way. it was 10am when i made my way out. i think i woke up at 7 once. but i fell back asleep again. stopped at yew tee as told, asked for directions but i didn't have the motivation to walk alllll the way to the stadium so i waited and waited and waited for taxi cabs but none appeared ! got a text mesage from sean t who asked me to buy them some snacks. so i happily excused myself away from the scrochin heat to the coolin fair price nearby. i bought lays i bought mister potatoe or somethin, i never noticed the brand before, the tube thang, and the small little packets of twisties but i didn't get myslef anythin cos like i said, i should be cuttin' down on my intake of snacks cos it's gonza be endda year holiday soon and i wanna whoa myanmar ! hehehe.
went to 7-11 cos i forgot to get some sweets. plus, fair price was crowded lika bitch and it spelt of old folks and poutries.
called ST and asked him how to get to the stadium blah blah blah and i stopped at the wrong stop so that goes to say i have to walk this real long distance to the stadium !!! but i was on a really good mood so nothin' really mattered.
as i was happily walkin in to the stadium, " myint myint ! " shouted mdm food science. blah bloo bleh whom refrered me to ms gopal so i had to spend million seconds picking up litters at the stadium !!!! all around the stadium !! not to forget i had to pickup the bloody water bottles too. this whole thing made me realize life really is difficult, i dont wanna be a rubbish-picker for the rest of my life.
my packet of snacks got confiscated by the teachers. but thank goodness fatin nabilah came along so i " eh fn you help me clean abit lah ok ? " so i got the black plastic bag, we ran to my pitiful snacks sittin on the bench with the teachers but we couldn't really throw the snacks into the bag cos the teachers were eyeing us suspiciously. so allof a sudden, kidnappers came into my mind. i got the plastice bag and " stuffed. " my chips in. like, oh i donno how to say. u shuld catch them kidnappers in action so ud understand, like you kick this person, when he falls, you raise your sack of sack and bling ! wear it over his head.
fast forward, koh wei seemed gloriously happy when she told me about her stuff. today wasn't that hot. it was windy. but still i got 5 tones darker. all together. NUS sports day and BVS sports day.
wanted to go over to jurong pont o catch a movie with koh wei but the bus ride was so uncomfortable ! it was those vintage buses. darn hot and freaky. cos i am damn certain i saw a finger stuck in the air-con !!! never mind, i shan't talk about it anymore. the waitin-for-the-bus alone wasted half an hour or so of out precious time. so we dropped off at westmall instead. bought tix to mummy at 16.45 but i was so sleepy i left. plus, i had tution @ 19. when i got home, i showered cos i felt so dirty and just when i was putin on the blanket, i got a call from nandar whom told me tuition was canceed since i didn't bring any of my books home. kw sold the tix. but i donno the story well so i will ask her first.
i wanna be slim. i wanna be rich. i wanna be slim. i wanna be filthy rich. i wanna be bloody slim i wanna be atrociously rich but these kinda materialistic thinkin is bad, very bad. ha ha ! jin ting na ghor cf how siao si lor ah. jiang hot hot hot neh tong xi. hehehehe. yi qing ngor dreamt ngor you yi gor hao zhang fu and he happened to be ta ah !!! ah die ah ma.
took manay krazy arzed pigs.
me is sleepy now.
my saturday is wasted once again.
i used to be " yay weekends are here finally can go out ! "
but now i go,
" dreads. . weekends. i can only go out on weekdays . . dreads . . "
i have bloody hourly report.
i hate nothin more than i hate hourly report.
i waz tryin out this new dream effects i juz DLed. darn silly coz it only gave out free 3o pictures trail. so some are dream like while some are just plain. i added those to give it a more vibrant feel since it was a hot sports and singapore's big day. please do not feel free to ask for the un-edited version !! ha ! ha ! ha !


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