i hav found my #3 favo snack !!
thats the, Bread Pan by Oishi.
ha ha ha ! i kno i kno. it sounds and look so ancient-y right ? but i waz so friggin hungry i didnt think all pocky shiet wuld fill me up so i got the bread pan outta the vendin machine in the hostel and fug ! it taste super fantastico ! i also got this tapioca thingo and a few hours later, even tho i was already stuffed, i went down to the vending machine again, to get another bread pan locked deep in the vending machine. still, it tastes friggin good. i thot it tasted gr8 at first cos i waz starvin but no, 2nd time it still tasted nice so bimbo j, if u r readin, i think it's time u learn the second stage of vending machine robbing. ha ha ha ! the snacks one more worth it leh ! got bread pan to rob. this is gonna be the next big task after repairing the badly crushed planes :oP
well anyway ! i am really damn bad at cash managing i have to admit. i got up l8 this mornin so i took a taxi cab and speakin of which, i also found a new route to my school that's defintely a thousand times faster which also goes to say, CHEAPER !!! i see the bright future twinkling so brilliantly right in front of me now kno !! t he he he he he z !
well, it's officially left with 6 weeks befo the endda year examination officailly begins. i h8 that it'd begin so quick but i love that holidays r gonna be here so qucikly too. i love exams but i h8 to prepare for it thus, i never waste my time preparing but nywayzzzz !! i saw mr level 7 today !!! gasp but no my heart beat didn't increaze a tiny bit. ha ha ha ! is it funny or is it funny i only see him when my fringe is up.
the first time i knew he existed, i was havin the not-long-not-short-fringe attack so it was up and thruout the whole time we see each other, my fringe haz owayz bin up but afta cuttin my hair, my fringe been down since and mr level 7 been gone sinze too but today after i got up and went down for tuition, my fringe was up and so was mr level 7 i donno wot i m mumbling about aktually. but if u ged my point then all's goodie dee dee dum.
i seem to be havin this i donno good or bad or both habits of skipping dinner ( not that im on a crash diet due to the myanmar thingo.) but it just so happens that i never get hungry during dinner time but past dinner, my blardy stomach starts rumbling and complaining that it needs to eat so i always end up skipping dinner and eatin supper instead. the supper here aint fattening to say the least ! ha ha ! it is pretty healthy acutally. there was green beans and then there was green bean with sweet potatoe ( i kno. what a weird combo but it tasted nice to be frank ! ) and then on the un-healthier side, there are curry pies, and forgot what shit lah. but ye the thang is, i skip dinner to ave supper instead. let's ee, i havent been havin dinner for about 2-3 weeks ? more than 2, comin to 3. i guess i'll start eatin soon or else people in here wuld start callin me ' the girl with the supper. ' ha ! ha ! ha ! holy shit what a name !!
anyway i aint got any pictures today so allow my lips to do the talkin yo. hi world ! i am lise's lips ! oh my goodness !!!!! speakin about lips, i was at i forgot yahoo or google the other day and i was lazy to open up a new window or a new tab cos my comp been " low on virtual memory. " so i decided to just type in one of the blogs i wanted from there at Y or G and this particular post of mine came up leadin to a mega porn site !!! ha ha ha, call me dumb or call me dumb but the post was darn stupid. i dont know if it's still werkin and no it wasnt listed in the porn site cos of pictures, it's more of the words and so co-incidently, i was talkin about my tongue so ye you get the picture eh ?
well well well, these few days bin good to me. i realized if i dont go to the school, the biggest shit that can happen to me is the missin-out-lesson thang. i didn't even thot about it while i wasn't in school. only when i started goin to school did i notice that but ye . . . i need to ask people to guide me in my studies or not, i will most defintely be de-promoted and to tell u the truth, i am 101 % confident i wont make it this year. but i dont have the guts to break it to me momsie but ye, i just have this feelin i mean, just look at the way i'm treatin the shool shit. it's not like s tho i am so studios and all, just i get home i surf net i sleep i go to school i talk i sleep i go out i come back home i surf the net i sleep the rountine is just like a cycle that has no way of breakage. shot, im speakin like a pope. ha ha ! pope is an inside joke so dont bother crackin ur brain.
hmm, do u know u r still readin this pretty long and useless post of mine !!!? ha ha, holy. well anyway, just to fill u in on my intellectual life ( right ? ha ha, no i donno. ) , i been both yahoo and googling on this topic that i really am interested in. nope not dieting shopping managing your $$$ good skin skin care yadee deedah becos like i said, it's Intellectual. with the I caps locked. ha ha ! i am pretty damn smart one okay ! ha ha, emmm not okay. WELL ANYWAY !!! havin' been living in this hostel, i use the lifts to get up and down of the building daily hourly. but while the lifts are travelling up and down, i never seize to wonder how these lifts function. like when i am on the 12th level, why does the lift on level 7 go down first before picking me up or vice versa ? how does it make its choice of fetching me first or dropping him first ? it's like there's this somethin really interesting thing about lifts that i never stop thinkin about. and then what if there really is a day when the lift drops ? like when i m in there happily thinking, ka-bang and it all goes black and before i even know it, it starts sliding down of whatever that holds it ? it's just scary and mega intresting i was so curius of what really surrounds the lifts outside of his " metal box. " i started knockin on the walls of the lifts. obviously i was alone !!!! ha ha ! and it's like at some point it sounds hollow while at the others, it sounds . . . solid. juts when i was knockin, my stupid mind thot about the way lifts dropped in horror slash thriller movies when bling ! the lift doors opened ( my ears were pressed on the door. ) and in shooshed a bloody guy that rushed in so quickly he gave me a heart attack --!!
but back to my point, there def isn't gonna be any way of knowing the answers just by askin people so i started doin researches but nothing appeared !!!! it's frustrating. just when lisa's curiousity comes alive, the sources all die on her grr. i did manage to find one article tho. it was about the 911 case. to tell u the truth i have already forgotten the thing but it was about the lifts too. something like, the lift doors didn't open thus the people inside were burnt to death. and something like, there're 2 doors in a lift and what a special door or whatsoever that holds the door or what shit so people wont fall when the lift falls or donno what lah. ha ! ha ! i am really damn daft right. go read if u wanna but it's not say very intresting. I JUZ WANNA KNOW HOW LIFTS FUNCTION !!!! okok. cool. i am a girl whom never gives up so go go lisa ! ha ha ! self encoraging yes !!!!? well well. anyway ! i guess this is all for today ! a very long post i suppose ? well, have a gr8 dayyyyyyyyyyyyy ! hopefully i expanded ur knowledge on lifts ! HA HA HA ! which reminds me. damn stupid leh i feel when i told KK what i told her my magnificent research-in-process. she responded with,
" are you krazy !!!!!????? since when did u become so .. . .. ??? "
so u see. i need supports from friends first befor i hit off as the professional at naturel dizaztaz. HA HA HA ! holy shit i truly are is m a pope arent isnt aint i ?????
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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