" silk air. "
" silk air ?? but they can't find. what is the airline ?? "
" silks air. "
" huh silkS air !!? got silks air one meh oh ! you mean SWISS AIR !! "
" ya silks air ! "
ha ha ha ! bloody communication problem. all of us had to " oh ! SWISS AIR ! " co-incidently.
anywayz ! after gettin' back to the hostel after skul, me had the toughest time searchin' for somethin to wear. i tell you i seriouzly gotta start savin' up and clear the bloody ancient closet of mine. but talkin about savin', it'll probly never werk out for me. KK been payin every-single-shit i eat and use since the kbox day ._. and it's sad. i mean, i always tell myself i gotta control my expediture but it juz doesn't werk out. the longest i keep is 2-3days. and the most daft thing is, what to fork did i buy !? they're just spent on food and taxi cabs !! no clothes wotsoev ! i mean, since when and how long has it been since i last typed " i bought clothes today !!!! " ????????????
itz been literally for-ever.
today, the lunch alone cost 40$, paid by KK. the taxi cab fare, 33.5 $, paid by her. i mean. it's gettin' outragous. my movie tix, my concession card fare, me taxi cab fares, my bloody food money, my banana milk shake fare, my ear piercin money, all paid by her ! this is sick. i hate money. brrr. she left me a 50 $ and now it's left with thirty fuckin four. :oC
anwyay ! KK looked pretty today !!! she looked faminely beautiful. famine the girlie. not famine the strave. the other time i typed physic ? well it waz sirpozed to be " psychic. " !!
ha ha ! and i typed as physic.
!!! ._.
well anyway. as i waz sayin, we had to rush to T1 and search for swiss airline instead. today is a real funny day. i mean, as we were ewatin, KK kept tellin' me there was this indian man that kept staring at me. and just so you kno, it was the kinda stare that's the total opposite of affection which = hatred. so i was
" huh really ???? "
" ya. he keep staring at you and he cannot even see your face. i see him until so scared. you look at him. "
" okok. safe to look now or not ? "
" faster faster !!! he drinking now ! "
- lisa turns behind. -
" omgoodness !!!!! he is not indian !! i think he is from the terrorist place !!!! the what ? i something one !! "
" oh ya !!! i think so also !!!! ya the iraq one ! he looks suspicious ! "
" ya !! you see he only drinikin water and somemore he looks nervous leh ! he keep shakin ! what if he bringing the bombs ????? "
" eh you dont scare me ! we faster leave you want ?? "
" no no. if we leave, he will for sure follow one ! waah !!! look at his pocket so big ! i think the bomb is there !! "
- kk stands. - " go already faster !!!! he not looking !! "
-lisa packs her stuff - " okok faster ! "
after brisk walkin to the lift, i was facin the terrosist's location so KK kept askin me if he's still drinkin or not.
" he still there or not ???? "
clearly, KK seemed disturbed by that little fucker. so i
" shit !!!!! he coming !!!! faster faster !!! he coming !!! how ???? "
- KK, aghast, -
" shit !! where ?????? - turns to walk away fromm the lift. - "
" HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA !!!!!! no lah !!! i was just kidding !!! never mind i think he still drinkin. come we just take picture with this airpot lah. better. "
" fuck you !!!!! go and die !! you scared me leh ! fuck go and die ! still can ask me take pictures with airport ! -strings of burmese over-reacting words. follows. - "
ha ha ! over-reacting words refer to fuck and all these shit cos just so you kno, when i say fuck, it doesn't mean fornicate. i mean, fuck. fuck like holy shit !!! fuck like damn !! fuck like, i'm so shocked or happy i have to say fuck to get across what i mean. so.
anyway !! ha ha ! i simply love today and that's that :o)
after a good bye hug, i saw KK sit on the wheelchair and pushed into the check in point. we couldn't keep our mouths shut about the endda year holidays where we can travel together. ha ha ! anyway ! koh wei called while we were havin' dinner. she wanted to see KK off as well. but by the time she got to the airport, KK was already pushed in 30 minits ago. while waitin' for her, KK dropped me a text messgae tellin' me she knew i'd be cryin my hearts out cos he darlin' wife is gone to which i replied i been cryin till the restaurant is partially flooded. ye indeed i felt sad after she left. it seems kinda sudden. like a while ago we were crackin up, literally rollin all over the floor lauhgin but the next minit, she gone. we're seperated. fukcin's sudden. again, fuckin = very very very times more than an infinity. it juz felt like as tho my family member was leavin me and i felt bloody sad i tell you ! and this bloody teenage couple oh my. i hate hate her ! not tryin to say anythin, but i got out of the restaurant to stand at the pavement so i could see when koh wei might come in, as i was waitin, this couple which seemed well off carryin her big azz chanel paper bag came up to stand just a few feet away from me, clearly they were stern faced initially, but when the girl saw me, bing bing bing her black faced turned rainbow !!!!!!! and she kissed her guy happily for so long ! makin me look like a dumb fuck standin there. this is when strings of vulgarities come crashin' in. - a to z all of them ringing. -
i looked up and ta-daah !! koh wei was comin. i waved my arms frantically like a monkey but she couldn't see me. so i ran to the other side and shouted koh wei ! and she heard me so while i was waitin for the lift, i glanced back at the couples and the girl remained her ugly black mask.
- stringsss of or-bee-quack evial mean words crash in.-
well anyway ! koh wei and i just talked laughed the night away. ha ha ! it was funny. and inevitably, our hands were caressing the cameras all-the-time. ha ! ha ! well anyway. i got home at 00.15
" well ok i was havin dinner too as well so . . . "
" great. people were anxiously lookin' for you while you were happily havin dinner. how considerate of you. "
" well . . "
" couldn't youhave at least called the pffice ? "
" i wanted to but i don't have the number. "
" heh, you don't have the number. "
" well i have the number but i don't have it in my NEW phone. "
" couldn't you fill in the late return form then ?"
" well i didn't ? "
" and that not only wasted my time but also people were worrying about you. "
" well ye sorry about that then. "
and many more lines from me and the duty persona. but me iz lazy and tired to type them all out. and guess wot !!!? I WASN'T L8 FOR SKUL TODAY !!! ^__6 first attempt completed !
ha ha, yunxing. a die ah ma. ni hwei khe ner shi hou ngor yi gor reng nhe zang zai na bing ziao boo de ah zuoh shi mor ah. ben ben ne deng zuo. ha ha, wo hwei xiang si ni neh lao por ! kuai kuai le le neh wang gah ! :o)

the process of KK and jlisa eatin'.

koh wei arrives.

bloodless me. too much of cold air in my body i turned white. remember how i told u we go air-con bathin instead ? well when u go sun bathin, u turn black but when u go air con bathin, u turn white ! ha ha !
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