DIS HAS GOTSA B THE WORST LUCK I HAV EVER GOTTEN MYSELF IN TO IN AGES ! imagine. ( let ur imagination flow ! )
you march gaily outta the skool, havin juz had your oral examination which ure darn positif of. the weather is just like yor mood, light and breezy. boom boom blast yor happy gay song in your ears, on and on you march, thinkin' of every little things that put a smile on your face when all of a fuckin' sudden, you feel somethin' gluey hit yor head. somthin' gluey drop you. so you stop dead on the track and pause.
cos that waz what xactly happend to me !!!!!
that little fucka !
lemme share wit you wot happend.
so then, i dared my fingers to travel up to my ear to feel the shit that juz landed on me and indeed, it truly did feel gluey and slimy. i didn't kno wot it waz so i looked up but there werent ani birdz wotsoever. so i walked on a little, but then somethin in me juz prompted me to turn back. so i did, just for safety measures, and i saw a pair of legs hurry to the back. ( i was at the path which leads to WM. the tiny weeny one. ) and then, i felt i knew wot was that fucken shit that dropped on me earlier on.
am in caps now cos i was fuggin pissed + annoyed + angry + pissed + annoyed + angry + pissed = shouted.
" EW ! SON OF A BITCH !! "
i waznt directin my words at that fucka but the fact that i think i knew wot he juz did. but i think he heard me anyhow cos his pairs of legs walked back to the " balcony. " of the car park and his mouth were twistin and movin in the shape of god knows what but i culdnt hear him any way cos my happy gay song was still blaztin lik mad in my ears. i felt fkdamn pissed at that mofo i wanted to sco him but i culdnt even hear what waz goin on on the outside. so i raized my fingers up to the slimy fuck again and got even more angry. i then took off the ear-piece that was stuck in my right ear ( my right side of the head is the poor little victim. ) and then i heard that little fuka's voice.
" sorry sorry ! "
" EW ! - i kept frowin crazily and showed tantrum and my displeasure. - "
" you got tissue of not ah ??? "
with that i walked off, my inside were hort enuf to evapor8 the mildly wet ground. i was so boilin mad like an erupting volcano and sure ! luck was so on my side cos of allllllllllll days, my tissue had to run out today. i was greeted with the plastic cover of the tissue. i still felt damn pissed inside so i turned back, and that little fucka still had the fuggin cheeks to look back at me !!!!! mofo !!!! i waz so angry i stared at him and threw my plastic in his direction but of cus, my poor plastic got carried away by the wind. and my my, guezz the next thing that happened !!!!!?
THE RAIN DROPS STARTED POURIN' DOWN ON ME !!!!! i didn't bugde the least, i was just starin @ the carpark that mofo was in, thinkin if i suld go in and look for that fucka but 1.5\3 of me stopped me cos who knos when that fucka wuld rape me. ahem im sayin rape not to compliment myself ahem ahem, but becos if he rapes me, theres nuffin' i can do. but if fights with me, hey ! i am a karatoe pro you kno ! not that i got learn lah. but you know. just a few kicks here a few punches there a few slaps everywhere and he will sure fall right down. but if he rapes me !!!!? see. sometimes in life we have to make the right €hoicez. HA ! HA ! HA ! oh boy, i am turnin' into a full time pope m i not ???
but anywayz !!!! lemme switch back to my angry interior again. i was soakin wet when i got unda the shelta.
" hi aunty. do u sell tissue papers here ???? "
" whoa ! you're wet from head to toe !!! here here, use this to dry yourself. "
if my hearin problem proves to be perfart, then im pretty damn sure she told me not to pay cos i left the shop wivout payin. plus, i still had my left ear piece on !_!
but anyway, i just used the whole tissue pack on my right ear cos i felt like a spitting pit. mofo. SOAB. who does he think he is !!!!!? guys who don't aim where they shoot are truly gettin not on but IN my nerves ! who the fug wuld wanto spend a few minits of their life living with the little fuckas' phlegms !!!!? no one i dare say ! wha lau eh, im still boilin mad when i think if that mofo.
as tho bad luck didn't have their play, i ALMOST got scalded AND scarred today !!!!! when i got back home, i waz still feelin pissy so i went to fry myself some pratas. the oil i usually see was no where to be found today so i saw this really ancient lookin oil which was like damn dusty and dirty trapped in the cupboard but i didn't care anyhow. as it got heated up, it started givin' off this really fish-y smell. i was a bloody idiot i lifted the pan, blew cool ( like it wuld. ) and smelt the fryin pan and it did, indeed smell like a fish. so i got to the dust bin, the hostel's dustbins are like kismis's green's dustbin outside the house. thos super long green ones ? aaah, those in our skool canteen onez. so like i was sayin, even tho i knew wot i waz doin, i waznt concentr8in' cos i was still thinkin' of the fucka's phlegm that HAD to land on MY ear. so i stepped on the paddle but i waz so dreamy i forgot i held my fryin pan right on top of the coverin lid so baaaang ! the force sent my frying pan flying. i wazo shocked i quickly releazed the paddle, and as i was doin that, i also put down my sky high hands + the FP, baaang once more, i forgot when u lift your leg OFF the paddle, the lid comes crashin down so ka-bang ! the bloody lid came crashin on my frying pan so in the end, my FP got sandwiched in between the lid and the body of the DB itself. not to forget my hands were stil holding on to the FP. it waz so shocking. and im still damn sirprized why not one drip of the boiling hot oile spilled !!!! the first thing that came into my mind when the FP first went flying was " oh shit !!! my face !!! " but my dumb left hand didn't function and my eyes were just stuck on the FP, to see when the oil were gonna splash out. and when it got knocked down buy the lid, i thot and did the same thing i did the first time but stil, no oil slashed. ha ha, count me lucky.
i also forgot, i had to help my cluster IC carry her snacks home okay ! i saw her in the bus and she was carryin bags of snacks for the birthday celebration TMR so bein the nice girl i alwayz hav been, i told her i'd lend a hand.
well anyway ! i met KK yesterday over at WM. ha ha ! it waz my happy day. so i was happy t-h-r-u-o-u-t, even when i got to WM. went up to order my daily dish, in case you ever think of treatng me, are the Gor - Tie, Red Ruby without caramel for desert and set 24 with eggs ! xcept i fidnt get #2r this time round cos i waz stuffed of happiness :oD so i went tp the cashier, and little conversation took place.
" ha ha hello miss ! you like to eat gor -tie alot ah ! "
" ha ha, hello,ya ^^ "
" girl you in sec 1 ah ?? "
" no lah, im in sec 3. "
" where are you from ? how old r uy ? "
" im from myanmar, already 17. "
" oh, you just got here ? "
" no lah, ha ha, im here for almost 8 years already "
" waaa so long ah. then why are you wering thisuniform ? "
" oh cos i feel like wearin new one. "
" ya , this one mostly is the lower sec wear one right ? "
" yupp. "
" girl you got boyfriend or not ? "
" ha ha no ^^ "
" why ??? you want me introduce you or noit ? "
" ha ha. "
" want ? why u no boyfriend ? i got 1 boy working here, around your age also. very handsome. you want or not ? "
" ha ha. heh heh. :o) "
" - shouts towards the kitchen but no one waz there. - he very handsome one, but now not here, i intro u him u eant ? "
" hhhmm hhm :o) "
i say " ha ha. " when i have nothin to say. but well and anyway, mr inverted MW was eatin over @ KF as well. i showed KK he waz the one and she said he looked a little kiddy. ha ha ! which i think is pritty true when he's out but when he's in skool then i think he looks pretty rad. oh no no, he looks just nice. ha ha ! he ain't gd lookin but thats whot i like about him :o) ha ! ha ! pardon me pls. im speakin like as tho he likes me :oP
but anyway !!! ja neh neh told me little 12 lotus was a great show so KK and i went to watch it. personally, i dont like the film. KK and i were just xhanging looks and chatting about other stuff. i feel this show is just, i dont know, it's just not my cup of tea i guess. last time when we ran out of movies to watch, i suggested the lian hua ( 12 lotus in mandarin. ) but she told me it waznt nice so we ended up watchin i for got what show, i have to refer to the old posts but then yesterday, after hearin janene's brief summary, i thot it sounded cool so i told KK. people said it waz a nice movie but aaah ! i really dont enjoy it. at all. probly becos we missed the first part again thats why we dont get a shit. we're always l8 for movies. but anyway ! we went sittin at the sofas. since we were l8 and i was lazy to find our seats, i pulled KK towards the sofa and so we ended up sittin there half watchin and half chattin.
well anyway ! i really wanna watch this hsow. something like, " everybody loves mandy. " the title. whoa fuck ! this is the kinda show i dig ! it is like all the guys love this girl called mandy and when i say all, i MEAN ALL. until there's this guy who's crazy over her he starts killin all the guy that she's with. it's like prom night. i think lah, i only saw the trailer once. the parts that made me really wanna watch is when they were in this open field, 1 guy was like huggin mandy, tellin her it waz all gonna be fine when bang bang bang ! he got shot by mr maniac. damn shiok right these kind ! and the other one is the i forgot what title. somthin' like these 2 people got controlled by donno what lah. i go find out the title then i tellu.
well, it is 23.40 but i can sleep l8 cos tomolo is wednesday yo ! ha ha, i was on blogger the whole evenin but i waz doin other stuff so here i am now typing. anyway ! my pictures for the 2 posts are gonza be up up upz !!! my blog looks odd without my faces. HA ! HA ! HA ! holy shit im just kiddin ! but it does feel sad there's no pictures. it feels empty and it just doesn't show me what kinda days i had. how am i ever gonna know what kinda pictures i took when im old ??? how wuld my children know how i looked like ??? huh ? ok. bye.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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a lil' somethin'.
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