well just forget that nachos and everything's good ;oP
i met KK in the evenin' over at lido's to watch somethin' cos we've already finished watching all them shows that are airing in all the other cinemas ( places such as where we are living. ) we culdn't watch my best friend's girl cos we were late by 4 minits so we ended up watchin Mad about English. ha ! ha ! ha ! this was out quite long ago i think, i saw this when we were like watchin wall-e ?? but anyway !!! MAE is bloody funny !!! the most favorite part definitely gottta be the :
" and if they ask me how to get to the forbidden city, i will tell them to walk straight and blah blah blah blah blah. "
HA ! HA ! HA ! HA !!! i laughed till my intesteines almost came out lor. but the whole theatre was laughin their intestines out so it waz all good. there's this speaker which is really cool. there's one part when he said somehting about studying and it is so fuckin real i had to cry becos he just talks it out so well, puts them in words so perfectly, says it with such strong motivation, touches every hearts so deepy, that i can't do. tho i can't really remember how it goes, but part of his words contain words suchas,
we say we wanna work hard to repay our parents but we always don't and when we finally do, our parents won't be here anymore. all our parents go thru such hard work is all for us. they long for the day we get something in life. day by day, they wait for the day their children accomplish in future ya dee dee dah but the way he said it was so . . . . . touching.
shuldn't miss it if you'd love to hav a good laugh and witness the chinese try so hard to learn english. the people in china no matter what ages really give in their best it just make your heart go really , really, really, in chinese we say " suan. " but i donno the english term for it so. but and anyway, after watchin, KK and i went shoppin ! ok scratch that. i didnt. only KK did. ha ! ha ! ha ! i was left with only 12 lor and that was spent on KFC meal. hehe :oD but anyway, she got another pair of shoes and i just discovered this really cool brand !!! to all the tall people, please go have a peek at this shop over at tang's 2nd highest level, if im not wrong is the 4th. the one sellin sports brands, watches, mechanical stuff and other clothes' brands. there's this brand called the " harajuku. " it is the japanese inspired clothes transformed into modern world fashion. so they have the kimono style top but then it is so cool that it has really bold rocker style printing on it. great figure cutting, very edgy and drop dead cool. just wear that top, tights or straight cut jeans with ur hair updone, sunnies, magnificent handbag, and you're really to squash the world flat. it stands out very, very, very, much. i tried only 1 piece cos i was pretty lazy and sorry i didnt take any picutres. but i think this brand only goes for people who are tall. they have really cool sweaters, knitted vest and all these. sure will look glam on you !!! so go check it out. ain't a waste of that time in ur life.
so then we went to take a glimpse of the watches. i am beginning to think that rolex sound too, wayyy too old for my age :oS it is like. more to the mom's ages. i don't kno. .so i went to look at the watch display for armani coach guess donna karen, but the one that catches my eyes most is coach's. but it is not say very sleek. it's the nicest amongst all becos it has a slim hand strap that i am lookin' for. the others are like filled with such thick and fat ones. i saw a poster for omega's and i think it looks pretty rad ! the one with nicole k posing. i think i might like that, i donno.
speakin of 18th, i donno what i shuld do with 18. i mean, shuld i hold a dinner party at a cool quiet restaurant or should i just hav it at a simple venue where no one cares if u scream ur intestines out ? i don't know. i'm the kinda girl that is more to the loud side so i'm still thinkin. i dont want my memorable 18 to be spent eating quietly like a timid mouse. i'd rather loud and crazy but fast forward ! KK said she's already saw a tiffany's wristlet that is 800 odd. i will not buy a wristlet you know why !!? cos i kno fosho it will break the very minit i put it on :oP i tend to forget what i wear most-of-the-time. but oh well. i will think thru before deciding anything.
so so so ! it was already 10 when we were done. oh ! ha ! ha ! ha ! before we went up to tang's from the underpass, we went to grab some fruits at this fruits stall before enterin tangs. KK wanted a pineapple and mango and i wanted a papaya cos i culdnt shit. so smartie arsie lizZzzZi, trying to act smart,
" hi. 我要一个玻 . . . 玻 . . 玻璃. "
- stunned. - “ 玻璃!!!? ”
" 对啊。这个玻璃一个,再加上一个芒果和 pineapple. "
" 哈哈哈!是叫做菠萝!我还以为你要玻璃,我就把这个给你了!- points to his glass plate. - "
well what can i say, learning is a journey, no ? okay i've been talkin shit non stop so i shall end with a sweet good night ! OH !!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET !!!!
i was late for roll call by a few minits and as i went in to the office, sandi was there. i had absolutely no clue she wuld be the duty person of the day !!! so i just went in, we both looked at each other with friendly eyes,
so i said " hi. "
and she said " ye.. hi. "
to remind her i already told her i wuld be late beforehad, i said
" i messaged u just now already. "
she then said " yah i got it already. you changed ur number is it ? "
ai ya, this is not the important part so i shall miss it.
she asked me if i culd represent myanmare to be miss myanmar for the fashion show this october. (o^.^o) just like i forgot who said, my hostel sound more like a hotel than a hostel. the other time we had a dinner night out and now, there's gonna be a masquerade. but !! this M ( lazy type. ) is nothin like that Ms u hav in mind. we ain't allowed bare backs, deep cuts, minis, or anything to do with the term " revealing. " which i dont see carry any harms. i mean, aren't Ms supposed to be filled with mysteries?? sigh, i have a feel this M's is gonna be the Ms of unvealing. ha ha !! no such word but i just cut short the unrevealing thang. and the funy thing is you gotta march in to the hall with a mask on.
which is so.
i mean if u hav a group of friends then it probly wuldnt be much of a prob but i dont even bother socializing with the boarders here cos i dont even see them as a part of my life so i will be the lonely little poor covered-up suffocating soul floatting around homelessly. ha ! ha ! a sight of a little pretty ghost wandering aimlessly. i added the pretty so it woulnd sound like the ghost is so scary lah. well anyway ! sad to say, i will be missing out the fun becos. oh ! i havent xplained about the miss countries thang yet. they have many boarders from different countires and ha ha, pardon me if you hav to be reading thru sucha chunk of rubbish, and on the M, we are supposed to have someone to represent their country for a fashion show. so there are miss slash mr china, indonesia, philliphines, cambodia, thailand india, vietnam, taiwan, and of cozz, dear little myanmar. im not sure these are all but i think most of the boarders are made up of these countries. so ive made that clear. now, where was i ? aaah, yes, of cos. i hav to miss out all the fun becos i will be, wait lemme caps lockit. BECOS I WILL BE FLYING OFF TO DEAR MYANMAR IN 2 WEEKS' TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXCLAMATION MARKS!EMEMEMEMEME112121223R5T!!!
ok. done. whoopie whoopie whoopie whoop (&_&) ! im not sure if it's in 2 weeks' time but it's after the papers are over and done with lah. and KK is goin back this friday already. how great ! we are gonna reunite in myanmar. i can surely svae money already ! this week i have 9 left in my back. next week add 85 so i have say, 90 to shop with !! which is very little unless i go to the cheap shops of 1 for 10 dollas. even tho i have none, people who owe money pay money ah !!! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha !!!! it shuld be the other way round actually :oP i wanna have a 100 so it sounds much more nicer than 90. so unfinished like that. and of cos i have to start dieting and shit. this is going no where. so bye bye ! enjoy the few pathetic fotos of mine. ha ha ! i had no time to snap.
mine will be spent doing hourly report. :o( such poor poor life. .
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