The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
the dinner's over but yet here i am, seeking refuge in KK's room :oP
PS, have i mentioned i lost the cross neckie right after the day i made the birthday gift entry ????? jas said he passed it to me but i have no slightest hint where on SG it is. KK's place at novena, MRT at BB or my place at toh yi ????? ugh.
now my neck looks so bloody plain jane.
lisa needs a necklace ASAP, charity !!!
speakin of charity, i am ruthlessly broke. is that sad or wot.
PS, im givin up. after all these while, i cant believ i culd be goon enuf to aktually see thru the loopholes thatve been starin at me intently all these while -.- also, i have made a big mistake. im left w only 30 days to the O's. not 40 or 60. am i really so dense ???? ugh. really.
and yes, no more internet for mi @ home so the only times this site of mine'll be alive is on weekdays where i'll be sleepin over @ K's. so yep, chowz !
remind me i need to diet. BB.
reminder to self :
G . . . I . . . A . . . N . . . T . . . . S .
beats mi.
hi hi. KK is sleepin now. im goin against my body. dont kno why it has to be so bloody stubborn to give me the killer aches whenev i sleep l8 . . anyway. i have come to face the truth about who i like. he's ginormous i have to literally look up while i talk to him -.- he's even taller than jason -.- like 2 heads. no joke.
and am i realli thaaaaaaaaaaaat short ??????
jas's friends " why is ur sister so short ??? i am taller than her ! "
oh, the cheek.
grrr. i am not short, thank you. ok, scrub that. maybe i AM short -.- ugh.
i feel tired. but i aint sleepy. my legs feel so sore.
went to bugis for l8 lunch early dinner w KK and bought groceries back for her house-warming tmr. innocent us bought wine but didnt kno how to go about choosin the right one so after much dwellin, we settled w the one that looked somewhat innocent yet strong yet mild. after poppin it open, god it tasted so bloody awful. so bitter and smelly. dweebie mi or wot. need to ask fake president teach me how to shop for wine. she's the pro when it comes to stuff like these. ha ha ha ha. goodness. i do feel tired ~
anyway. i have thot about my prom dress. simplicity's the key. if only my limbs were longer boo hoo hoo hoo boo :'o(
i miss mom.
good bye.
and yes, the issue bout my hair has gta stop my dear sweet as sugar cool as ice friends !!!! i kno i look so cute like a friggin potato but unless u wna c mi walkin around like a zombie w half her face masked by her long fringe, then as much as no one's used to it, middle partin is gna be the only way now :oS anyway u have to agree i realli look like a potato !!!!
so round and brown. hey now that realli rhymes ~! :oS
PS. im not gna drink coffee evr again.
Friday, September 18, 2009
it is high time i start doin somethin other than sleep, eat and read story books.
i need to get up, see the world, smell the flowers, jog the park and sweat it out.
only too bad i am lazy -.-
my entries are losing weight. my big fat mouth is running thin. words are being chunked off. i donno where they gone.
i look back at my site and see there arent anymore of my feelings typed. im enclosin myself. i donno why but these few days have been pretti rough for me. i keep shuttin myself out from the rest of the house. and probly the res of the ppl too. sometimes i feel so empty i donno if im even alive ALIVE u get wad i mean. i dont kno what it is i feel the only solution is i'll go to bed. even as early as 11am right after i get back from school. my sleepin pattern has been pretti damn *ed up too ( im quittin crude words dont ask.) . i have been frequently tortured by nightmares . . . of all things.
ugh. i hate nightmares -.-
after i wake up at 7ish in the night, i'll make miself a freezin breezin amazin cold cuppa, listen to the radio and continue w the story books insteada preparin for the paper ima gna sit e next day. i will then go back to bed at midnight except no, dreams dont kick in.
i lay w . . i . . d . . e awake until 2-3ish before i fall asleep. my system iz running haywire. i think we're left w 40 or so more days to Os but here i am. i dont kno. o well. i dont kno. im weird now arent i.
how much i hope to skip this chunk of my life and fast forward to next yr :oS and the yrs to come by when i will be a mom. but recently, i m kinda hopin my kids wont ever grow. cos i quite scared they trun astray one u kno. i like em innocent and stuff but smokin and screamin at the top of their killer lungs . . . ???? er, thanks but no thanks. maybe a few sticks is ok lah, but like 10 a day ???? pls. i dont have the notion of dying under my own children's pleasures as much as it sounds like im an evil mama but oh why am i even talkin about my future kids ugh ugh ugh -.-
ta ta ta my kids ~! future kids. this ish ur mami talkin ha ha ha, o mi. somethin seriously is UP w me -.-.-.-
PS: my 18th sucks :oS
can someome compens8 mi ?????? it's realli e damn lousiest birthday anyone can EVER ask for -.- i had a bowl of BAN MIEN of all bloody food MYSELF. ok, maybe w jason and janelle too but still !!!!! who the fuck eats a bowl of ban mien on their birthday !!!!!!!??? UGH UGH UGH !!!!!!!!!!! and only 2 ppl gave me gifts some more ! ha ha ha ha ha ha, ok lah. im not the petty count-gift sorta girl but still !!!! KK sis gave me a necklace ive been wearin since. it's the cross neckie she got from SKJ. i think im just not a v good christian. i want things that r christian but i dont save for it myself. of all the crosses-related items i have, more than half of em are bought for me from KK includin a pair of ear-rings.
realli, KK, if u r readin, i dont know how to repay all these that u have done for me . .
momsie got me a pair of bangles and a pair of drop ear-rings from C. and oh ya, i also got a stalk of rose from someone i kno !!!! ha ha ha ha, thats mi dear rabbit ^^ seriously, why am i even here typing about my friggin louzzzzzi asshole birthday when it's alr wayyyy over by errr. jan to now is how many months ah ??? wait, janfemapjunjaseptember 9 NINE 9 MNTHS !! goodness mi. ok lah. i want go alr. my stomach rumblin. and i aint no torturer.
" Some cars you want.
Some cars you need.
Some cars you want to need. "
ha ha ha, how cool man. i aint no car freaks xcept i love audi but this slogan seriously is genius man.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
finally went to sleep at the sound of the paper men throwing the morning papers over the gates so high . . . what a hard job thud thud thud.
mi iz confuzed.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ugh ive never seen pimples that could form a str8 line bloody hell !!!!
just so u kno, i presently have 14 pimples on my face.
and i needed to switch my super white light on to make this picture more presentable. real life ah oh mi. ugly until can literally die man.
anyway !!! ima gna sleep now !! donno why facebook's inaccessible from KK's comp.
we did a 800 word essay based on creativity for her project -.-
i didnt know accounting could be so demandin -.-
PS: losing interest -.- whatever -.- to have thot. sighhhhhhhhhhh.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
aunt AX's friend came over w her kid jimmy if im not wrong. oh mi ~!!!
i didnt kno it wuld be so much of a chore to lift him and fly him around ~!!!!
the only gd thing is his meat's damn nice to pinch. ha ha.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
ha ha ha, early bird is up and running while KK and jas the 2 lazy owls are still sleepin ^^
met KK yst and watched final destination w her friends and jason. ha ha, ask me a zil times and i still wuldnt kno how on earth jas managed to get thru the security :o) what a bloody show. ha ha, im waitin for sorority row and the time traveller's wife. i dont understand the book cos mr man's always movin thru time and it gets a lil confusing for my puny little brain so hopefully the movie will be like a whizz for me ^^
anyway. since it was a alr l8, jas and i slept at KK's which explains why im online -.- my guardian's permanently offf-ed my intrnt cnnctn !!!!! *_*
anyway !! since it was a cool and breezy night, we went swimmin. ha ha ha, tho KK and i were more of floating and dippin in the pool :oD after the swim, we decided to be health conscious by having a bowl of cereal each. while watchin the tele, our stomachs spoke to us again. HA HA HA !! KK the chef then went to prepare some of the myanmar cuisine to satisfy our tummies ^^
momsie called and u kno wot !???
i donno wots got into me but im not gettin jittery w xcitement for it like i used to be. now im just " ok. " .
anyway, are parents allowed to come ????????????? they're askin me to book a table for them -.- ha ha ha ha, moral support is what they claim -.-
note to self : just like what K says, be solemn since they're givin me everything a girl could ever ask for. if not, i will regret when i see my prom dress aft i get back my O results. haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. what a phase my lil heart and mind is goin thru -.-.-.-.-

narcissistic jaz.
Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.
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