The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009


it is high time i start doin somethin other than sleep, eat and read story books.
i need to get up, see the world, smell the flowers, jog the park and sweat it out.
only too bad i am lazy -.-

my entries are losing weight. my big fat mouth is running thin. words are being chunked off. i donno where they gone.
i look back at my site and see there arent anymore of my feelings typed. im enclosin myself. i donno why but these few days have been pretti rough for me. i keep shuttin myself out from the rest of the house. and probly the res of the ppl too. sometimes i feel so empty i donno if im even alive ALIVE u get wad i mean. i dont kno what it is i feel the only solution is i'll go to bed. even as early as 11am right after i get back from school. my sleepin pattern has been pretti damn *ed up too ( im quittin crude words dont ask.) . i have been frequently tortured by nightmares . . . of all things.
ugh. i hate nightmares -.-
after i wake up at 7ish in the night, i'll make miself a freezin breezin amazin cold cuppa, listen to the radio and continue w the story books insteada preparin for the paper ima gna sit e next day. i will then go back to bed at midnight except no, dreams dont kick in.
i lay w . . i . . d . . e awake until 2-3ish before i fall asleep. my system iz running haywire. i think we're left w 40 or so more days to Os but here i am. i dont kno. o well. i dont kno. im weird now arent i.

how much i hope to skip this chunk of my life and fast forward to next yr :oS and the yrs to come by when i will be a mom. but recently, i m kinda hopin my kids wont ever grow. cos i quite scared they trun astray one u kno. i like em innocent and stuff but smokin and screamin at the top of their killer lungs . . . ???? er, thanks but no thanks. maybe a few sticks is ok lah, but like 10 a day ???? pls. i dont have the notion of dying under my own children's pleasures as much as it sounds like im an evil mama but oh why am i even talkin about my future kids ugh ugh ugh -.-
ta ta ta my kids ~! future kids. this ish ur mami talkin ha ha ha, o mi. somethin seriously is UP w me -.-.-.-

PS: my 18th sucks :oS
can someome compens8 mi ?????? it's realli e damn lousiest birthday anyone can EVER ask for -.- i had a bowl of BAN MIEN of all bloody food MYSELF. ok, maybe w jason and janelle too but still !!!!! who the fuck eats a bowl of ban mien on their birthday !!!!!!!??? UGH UGH UGH !!!!!!!!!!! and only 2 ppl gave me gifts some more ! ha ha ha ha ha ha, ok lah. im not the petty count-gift sorta girl but still !!!! KK sis gave me a necklace ive been wearin since. it's the cross neckie she got from SKJ. i think im just not a v good christian. i want things that r christian but i dont save for it myself. of all the crosses-related items i have, more than half of em are bought for me from KK includin a pair of ear-rings.

realli, KK, if u r readin, i dont know how to repay all these that u have done for me . .

momsie got me a pair of bangles and a pair of drop ear-rings from C. and oh ya, i also got a stalk of rose from someone i kno !!!! ha ha ha ha, thats mi dear rabbit ^^ seriously, why am i even here typing about my friggin louzzzzzi asshole birthday when it's alr wayyyy over by errr. jan to now is how many months ah ??? wait, janfemapjunjaseptember 9 NINE 9 MNTHS !! goodness mi. ok lah. i want go alr. my stomach rumblin. and i aint no torturer.

" Some cars you want.
Some cars you need.
Some cars you want to need. "

ha ha ha, how cool man. i aint no car freaks xcept i love audi but this slogan seriously is genius man.

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