when i first woke up ( suze's loud door opening sound. ) , the sun was just setting, i think i'm really a weirdo. i saw the sunset n i thot it wuz so beautiful, so i took a photo of it,

, , , , , , , , and fell back asleep.

, , , , , , , , and fell back asleep.
awhile later, i got a msg from HK n when i looked out, the sky was this :

anyway, i think jason's in love w me or somethin !!!!!?????
he culdnt even be patient he had to go in2 my facebook account to show mom my tagged prom pictures !!!!!! HA HA HA HA. EH I WANTED 2 GIVE U ALL A SIRPLIZE N U GO N SPOIL IT 4 ME DOPE !!!! S2UPID WHITE BOI. HOPE U READ THIS. HA HA HA.
mom said i look nice, ha ha. she said the dress aint as bad as i described. see ! i think i really am a genius ! people say my hair is nice but no one said my make up was nice ! make up was done in a shop but hair !??
I DID IT MYSELF DOPE !!!!!! ^^^^^^
ANW i cant use facebook from comp i have no idea why. it's banned. so i can only use it thru the phone but there're some functions that i can't do so i'll be updatin the prom pictures in2 facebook when i get back to BKK ok ? but as for blog, it'll be up by tmr. sadly, blogger has no tagging fuction but if it had, it'll be really odd, i mean, total privacy expose !!!!
i'm feelin so groggy. i slept at 11pm last night and i've been feelin so tired. i think i'm like makin up for the loss of sleep or somethin . . . the meds that i'm takin states to take only 5ml per time but sometimes i take 10 sometimes 15 n i took 20 once :oP eh jason dont tell mom !!!!! if not she sure killz mez dope !!!! ok im not a goon takin so much for no reasons. sometimes i cant fall asleep as quick as i'd like to so i just dump tt whole load of liquid in2 my system n bling ! i fall asleep real quick, sometimes even when i dont want to :o) this med causes drowsiness u c :o)
ok, where do i buy paper boxes !????? i asked this person n she said i can get it at ikea !??? tts odd coz i thot it's sold almost everywhere ? i dont kno cuz i dont 1 2 hand carry alot of stuff so i just wanna dump it in2 a box n send it in2 the chain. mom said if i cant find, i shuld look for thos plastic bags ( dont kno wat material. ) the one w a lot of cartoons one. ha ha ha, tts embarrasing but i cant be shallow now. it's emergency -..-
i didnt even think of getting all these alternatives. my aunt n mom called me all e way from BKK daily, callin me in the mornin, afternoon and dinner time to ask if i've taken my med, what i've eaten and what i'm gonna eat next. HA HA !! n they'll end it by askin me to rest early lol.
i feel shy :oP
anyway ! i was damn sad initially when i missed my flight . . . they were tellin me i shuld hav checked in 2hrs b4hand, aunt said i've caused all the " old people. " ( granny n probly her oldie friends. ) to be xcited n waitin for me the whole day. mom said tts the reason why she always checks in 2hrs b4hand, only guardian said i was crazy n wat was i doin the whole mornin ?
thanks to her i had to waste 30 min figuring out how to work KK's printer. she saked me to print my air tic but i culdnt after many failed attempts. she had the bloody cheecks to ask me go back all the way to kismis, take tt piece of paper, come back to novena and then go to the airport. sometimes i really dpnt kno what her cars are for _l_
ANW. shant speak of unhappy matters. ruins my night. i've been addicted to youtube recently. im uploading my vidz. yes ive made a few vidz but i just dont have the time to upload em so here they are. i've already updated the pictures to the old post so either scroll down if u wanna see em or i'll just paste the link to each entires n u can click on it to direct u there quickly. gna watch 下一站幸福 所以我就先下了! 拜拜!
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