now thats a super edited one of me thank you v munchy crucnchy !!!!!! ha ha ha !
i had the lips match my beanie and the skin tone match my top & the background. genius, really.
amateur upgr8ded LOL.
here's me gettin ready B4 goin out... as always, i was the cause of delay so whats new eh.. i totally forgot thailand is all about two-points power plucks so i had to make use of my webcam as a mirror while dryin my hair lol.. i only have ONE 2point-cum-3point adapter ( pls. technical terms pls. even my lack of technical vocabs r killing me.. )
2day was a rather warm day i had all the protections i could make use of..
i finally managed to use my UV expert GN shield LOL.. the beanie is for protecting my hair !!!! cuz i've realized my roots are alr spoilt so im not gna watse efforts in maintaing them. my top hair ( the new grown. ) are still v healthy.. or according to me ANWs..
the flower up there is added on via editing. my head looked too bare lol.. this is my first time doin a beanie so i didnt really know where the positions shuld be grr -..-
with specs n no eyes....
or with eyes and no specs..
( currently my FB header. )
we had lunch at our fave cheap thai-cum-self-barbeque-beef place again !!!! it's named something like farm something. it's so far away tho !!! i swear it took more than half an hour to get there !!!! :O and today we werent even greeted w traffic jams !!!! and to make e matter worse, we had a severely warm day n stayin in the car sittin next to the bloody window feels just like oven. not that i have ever been in2 an oven but u get the floe..
mr jase.
mr joys.
mr jase and mr joys.
check out this super huge fishie !!!!!!!!
i have been seeing him since i went to this eatery ! he's darn pitiful ! i hope no one eats him.. they're so evil they've alr cut off all his teeth :'o( and he's so fierce when he fidgets, the whole tanks shakes.

me playin w the fan.
grans n AYM.

they all BZ eating, no one bothered about me lol.. i HAD to force jase to look this way LOL..
poor mi. photographin is such a nasty job sigh... HAIZ........

mi dear lazy grans lol..

i was ready for a feast ok. but i had to CTRL CTRL CTRL like i said. i'll be attending a wedding soon in a few more days. i dont wanna go as a big fat blob OK !!!!!!!!! after wedding u'll see me grow 856 pounds i tell u.

here's an abrupt end cuz i was 2 BZ eating to take more pics. they have these absolutely adorable clay-made statues of mini babies !!!!!! HA HA HA !!!!! love this !!!! reminds me of childhoods in the mountains. so stubborn they just wanna climb trees and be lil monkeys but at the same time shy about their pants falling and mooning themselves wicked out the whole tribe LOL ^^ ANW, heard i can get em in JJ market but i shall look at the weather B4 i make my way to JJM.. i may not be v fair but i H8 it when the sun blares so wickedly loud. i fear my alr weak and poor skin will get tortured and abused sigh..

CONTENTED !!!!!!!!!!!! + 2KG added.

and then movin on 2 the mini ice cream. i foolishly dropped my spoon so i had to grab a pair of chopsticks from them -..- talk about being eagerly greedy brr :oL

after my ice cream i was lazing around so 老娘-ly jase shamelessly exclaimed
" ewww jie !!!!!! i can c ur armpit hair !!!!! "
bloody hell. no privacy. i ended up askin him to snap a pic of my arm pit pose to c how bad it was and i AM ashamed i admit !

so there goes a hideous pic for u to mock me. release ur pressures. forget about the world and laugh at me for a while.. HA HA HA HA !!!! i keep laughing at myself these days. truly therapeutic. better than shopping. can save $$$. can gain one line tho... facial lines i mean.
so i asked jase to take a model-shot of me and what does he give !?????????
me wanna be an indian so bad !!!!!!!! >'(
they look like barbie dolls can !!!! gorgeous eyes, thick soft hair, woman-y figures, sensual lips, great dance moves oh u name it ~ sigh..... !!!!!
meanwhile, here is an edited burmese woman for u.
ending of w a pic i took !!!!!! of the funny clay-kids ! he he he !
im surprised im yawning.. i feel sleepy it's good ! it's 3.30am here now. i took close to an hr to do this entry it's a disaster.. going to swim tmr so wish me luck !!!
PS look at this channel i ave been watchin all day today !!!! make me wna start a fmaily real bad.. sigh..
PS look at this channel i ave been watchin all day today !!!! make me wna start a fmaily real bad.. sigh..
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