WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( pardon my french. ahem.)
.. but my left eye is a complete freak show and guess wat !! i dont even know wat caused it *_- !!!!!
im convinced a bloody bug bit me while i was sleepin but all em adults are claiming otherwise -..- they said it's cuz my bod is too heaty ?_?
trust us to be chinese -..-
we keep coming up with funny reasons but i mean hello !!!! how could a bloody swollen eye be linked to my body being too heaty ?? well apparently they say the heat travelled from my tummy\toes and sneakily crept all the way up to my poor eye.. in some cases it goes up to the nose ?_?
frankly ?????????
i'm still stickin to my bug-bit-me theory. it's easier to accept.. plus, that way i don't have to drink funny assortments they're makin me swallow -..- im doin a quick entry cuz this might be my last. i'm leaving BKK to go TW tomorrow at 13 oclock.. YES. W MY BLOODY SWOLLEN EYE HOLY BUG.
ANW, im goin to the doc's now to cure my disease.. wish me luck arigato go go go. i'll be uploadin the subsequent pictures to phuket trip b-low. if not i'm gonna have to work on BOTH phuket and tai wan and that's somethin i dont quite njoy TYVM. so bye bye !!!!!!
finally away from people who have such childish thoughts i swear they'll never grow. pray tell me how old u REALLY are -..- sigh..
my eye still fine in here. taken before my lazy nap t he he..
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
HOWDY !!!!!!!
HOWDY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUESS WAT IM OFFICIALLY A CHOCOLATE ! >.<'''' ( forgettin the flavor of cuz :oP )
im as tanned as a beef, as a dark chocolate, as dark as . . . as . . . as . . . . POO boo hoo hoo hooo hooooooo !!!!!!!!!
HA HA HA. this is mi last night here in phuket so im doin an emotional rant here sobs sobs. i'm so in love with living here, where nothing bothers me ( even wearing a full bikini omgeez !!!!! lame.. HA HA !!!!!!! ) where i wake up at 8ish in the morning feeling so hyped with fantastic moods just seeing the waves crash against the sand aaaaargh !!!!!!!!! i've been telling my mom that unless he can buy me a house here in phuket or any beaches, i aint gonna marry him HA HA HA HA HA !!! this must be the first priority after having super broad shoulders LOL ^^ !!!!!! ok. now aint the time to discuss priorities watsoev. im makin use of the internet time. christine wanted to use facebook so i applied for a 24hr i-service and it's already costing me 700 so here i am typing nonsense :oP see. i am such a great $$saver$$.
let's c... i'll be leaving phuket tmr PM. then leaving BKK for TW on the 23rd. life is taking a turn and im enjoying it. lousy moods like i had in SG are already kilometers away :o) mom's condition is improving amazingly well ^^ she doesnt need her pills to sleep anymore. as for me, i've grown 5kgs fatter but seems like i'm still enjoying my food like i've always enjoyed. HA HA HA ! so don't be surprised if u see me grown amazingly well like a tsunami overnight ok.
right about now im in my rosy red dress with a freshly plucked orchid stuck in my ear listening to eva cassidy and being lovingly caressed by the salty wind, with the sound of distant waves rolling and ahhhh.... pure bliss :o)
ANW i'll UPD8 more later. gotsa go do ma packing. dang. i feel so sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad if only time could take a u-turn and allow me another chance.......................
en route !!!!!!! heart beating 10000000% quicker LOL -..-
gawjuz christine ;o) she hardly needs any editing i swear !!!!!!!!!!
told C it's always been my dream to laze around on the fluffy clouds. she said i'd fall cuz it's all made of water droplets.. sigh... i feel like a stupid bimbo and she's only 12 !!!!!!! :O all thx to me not payin attention in science grr.
welcome to phuket indeed !!!!!! sry this shot is suckass..
ma pretty princess ;o)
finally reached e hotel !!!!!!
yummmmm instant mood-lifer ^^
3 gorgeous women ;o)
C n her mommie.
C n momsie.
ma mom w ma jacket cuz she didnt bring hers lol !!!!!! it was pretty chilly @ night !! :O
i magically turned more human looking by night..
me lovely mom :o)
ANW, here's a sneak peek at the following days taken via WC. UPD8 again when me is back in BKK ! GN !!!!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
“ For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;
for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness;
and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. ’'
weehee !!!
hi KK !!!!!!!!!!! this is an entry goin out to thank you for your time in my life and to celebrate our future years together ! cheers !!!!!!!! believe it or not but i think i love u :oP
HA HA HA !!!! ok. go watch ur football and sleep early !
really hope we can see each other soon ! life without you feels empty sigh........ no one understands me the way you do and no one knows the way we like to sing and take flattering angles of our beautiful faces ha ha ha. i really miss u !!!!!!!!!! ok enuf of emotional rants. :o) take care of urself in SG and don't ever fall when met with setbacks ! i recently learnt to be a fighter. ha ha. so we must be fighters, not runners oki doki !!!!!!!! ( shuld probably tattoo that. ha ha ha. ) <3 <3 <3
heres e last pic we took tgt :o)
hi rise and shine ! it's me droppin a quickie ! i'll be off to phuket tomorro so i'll be back with loadsa picts of the beach aightie bitey ! since i have no picts to UPD8 on, i'll just go randomly.
brought christine and ming to watch prince of persia. i sat alone mua ha ha ha ha !!!!!! ANW e show is pretty gr8 ! i watched it twice LOL >.
here is me super edited cuz i was bare-faced :oP ive been bare faced 2 weeks now :O
3 days ago i went to stay w DJD and the gang at town in town apartment. so i'll end off w bits here n thr. i didnt take much picts cuz i feel ugly these days n no one knows how i want my picts to look like so... thre goes ~.
e view from window.
taken from the window !!!!

just woke up w a grumpy face and a sleepy bath -..-
pretty old school but im lovin the black against the white. e mirror esp.
bringing u a piece i did in the room. half way completed. cant think if a good color for the stars ATMo.
while waitin for hair to dryz.
ha ha ha ha ha look @ e geisha lips. i edited the color hence the shaky outline -..- healthy breakfast -..-
HA HA HA HA LOOK @ RULE 21 S CUTE !!!!!!!!! <3.
ANW !!! it's alr 3.30am here ima gna sleep ciaoz ! endin off w a new bikini i got today for phuket ^^ i got only 3 of em >C will get more in phuket cuz it's cheaper there :oP i think :o)
love this so much it's so indian-y !!!!!!!!!!!! yes im still in love w india :o)
woohoooooooo !!!!!!!!!
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