The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

HOWDY !!!!!!!

HOWDY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GUESS WAT IM OFFICIALLY A CHOCOLATE !  >.<'''' ( forgettin the flavor of cuz :oP )

im as tanned as a beef, as a dark chocolate, as dark as . . . as . . .  as . . . . POO boo hoo hoo hooo hooooooo !!!!!!!!!

HA HA HA. this is mi last night here in phuket so im doin an emotional rant here sobs sobs. i'm so in love with living here, where nothing bothers me ( even wearing a full bikini omgeez !!!!! lame.. HA HA !!!!!!! ) where i wake up at 8ish in the morning feeling so hyped with fantastic moods just seeing the waves crash against the sand aaaaargh !!!!!!!!! i've been telling my mom that unless he can buy me a house here in phuket or any beaches, i aint gonna marry him HA HA HA HA HA !!! this must be the first priority after having super broad shoulders LOL ^^ !!!!!! ok. now aint the time to discuss priorities watsoev. im makin use of the internet time. christine wanted to use facebook so i applied for a 24hr i-service and it's already costing me 700 so here i am typing nonsense :oP see. i am such a great $$saver$$.

let's c... i'll be leaving phuket tmr PM. then leaving BKK for TW on the 23rd. life is taking a turn and im enjoying it. lousy moods like i had in SG are already kilometers away :o) mom's condition is improving amazingly well ^^ she doesnt need her pills to sleep anymore. as for me, i've grown 5kgs fatter but seems like i'm still enjoying my food like i've always enjoyed. HA HA HA ! so don't be surprised if u see me grown amazingly well like a tsunami overnight ok.

right about now im in my rosy red dress with a freshly plucked orchid stuck in my ear listening to eva cassidy and being lovingly caressed by the salty wind, with the sound of distant waves rolling and ahhhh.... pure bliss :o)

ANW i'll UPD8 more later. gotsa go do ma packing. dang. i feel so sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad if only time could take a u-turn and allow me another chance.......................

en route !!!!!!! heart beating 10000000% quicker LOL -..-

gawjuz christine ;o) she hardly needs any editing i swear !!!!!!!!!!

told C it's always been my dream to laze around on the fluffy clouds. she said i'd fall cuz it's all made of water droplets.. sigh... i feel like a stupid bimbo and she's only 12 !!!!!!! :O all thx to me not payin attention in science grr.

my face's suffering frm wat i call the camera phobia. so hence this pic -..- 1hr flight seemed like eternity i swear !!!!!! :@

welcome to phuket indeed !!!!!! sry this shot is suckass..

C n momsie.

ma pretty princess ;o)

finally reached e hotel !!!!!!

yummmmm instant mood-lifer ^^

3 gorgeous women ;o)

C n her mommie.

C n momsie.

ma mom w ma jacket cuz she didnt bring hers lol !!!!!! it was pretty chilly @ night !! :O

i magically turned more human looking by night.. 
me lovely mom :o)

n GOOD NIGHT !!!!!!!!! while waiting 4 hair to dry n while waitin to fall asleep LOL.

ANW, here's a sneak peek at the following days taken via WC. UPD8 again when me is back in BKK ! GN !!!!!!

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a lil' somethin'.

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