" kwuint. "
i was " WHAT !? " in my heart only to realize he asked for COINS. no, i'm not jeering at his inability to pronounce words perfectly cos just like me, he's a foreigner. he then shifted his eyes fromt he old man back to me. i just stared ahead. when the uncle asked him what coins he wanted, he just " yar " ed. while retrieving his kwuint, he turned his head to my direction. and finally, he left in eternity. i stared after him and shook my head in total hibyehibye. as if whatever happened wasn't enough, i saw him at the bus top while i was walking outta the shop. i made a big u-turn this time and hid behind this pillar. after waiting for nothing, absolutely nothing but his bus till almost eight, HE AND HIS BUS FINALLY LEFT. so i walked home alone with enrique's voice in the rain and this is where i'm sitting and blogging. actually i'm just typing all these in my notes. i'm afraid my pc'd crash down and my typing'd be all gone in a second right before my very eyes. and that hurt ! it really do ! it's like everything i said just vanished. okies.
in class ;
oh my gaw. thinkin' of this send embarassment in a cute way down my spine. it's just, aaah ! i'm so shy shy => oh well, yeh, like it happened so funny. haha !! hehe !! hoho !! funneh. okies. so the really stunning in a fantabulous way thango is, our birthday ~!! hehe, his is just a day before mine. so he was like wow, we'd uhm, y'know for the longest time and so i said, yeh, from the 22nd to the 23rd ;) haha ! and he was, together with the hibyhibye and yoyozozo. cuttie ! very cutesie wootsie. hoehoehoe. ^^v
australia, naw, definitely not my choice, uk's the answer. he said he wanna go overseas for his birthday next year and that's when the birthday together with the y'know package came trotting in. and mr ali just admitted his feeling yesterdeh. what a silly thang. like i'm here in singapore and he's like one and a half globe away, at what's that ? bahrain or something ? tch.
so eh, you ! be prouda me ! i chatted with this hong kongr yesterday IN CHINESE !! haha, it was fun typing chinese.
(li)meteor says: great
(li)meteor syas: i am from hong kong
(li)meteor says: do you know chinese
Move aside, princess. The queen has arrived. says: 你好,哈哈。我会说华语。
(li)meteor says: 太好了
(li)meteor says: 我是住在香港的
(li)meteor says:你叫什麼名字
(li)meteor says: 中文+英語
Move aside, princess. The queen has arrived. says: 我的华文名叫国怀,英文叫 joyce.
(li)meteor says: 你好
(li)meteor says: 你可以叫我權
(li)meteor says: 英文是david
Move aside, princess. The queen has arrived. says: 你好,我月底有可能到香港
Move aside, princess. The queen has arrived. says: 和我家人去游玩
(li)meteor says: 旅遊??
(li)meteor says:是嗎
(li)meteor says: 如果不介意的話
(li)meteor says: 我們可以約出來見面嗎
(li)meteor says: 你可以讓我看看你的樣子嗎
Move aside, princess. The queen has arrived. says: 我还不太清楚
(li)meteor says: 無所謂
Move aside, princess. The queen has arrived. says: 大概徐要跟父母们去
(li)meteor says: ok
(li)meteor says: 你可以給我看看你的樣子嗎
and then i got irritated of changing from mandarin to english to mandarin to english to mandarin to english. you get the picture. okie dokies. enough about cyber world. t hes. it's kinda nice having this lil' chat thango though, ain't ? oh my my. the really sad thang about bassplaya and me is, we didn't ask for each other's names. i'm calling him bassplaya cos he's in this bando thing and that's his username. i was tired and sick of answering noncensical messges so i changed my description to " Sorry, I don't fulfill your desires anymore. hehehe. " and yet, there're still these messages. this is the funniest.
sephir0th (09:32:36 PM): hi
sephir0th (09:32:58 PM): why dont you fullfill my every desire any more
joycy (09:32:58 PM): hello
sephir0th (09:33:00 PM): :(
joycy (09:33:09 PM): haha, a little too late :D
sephir0th (09:33:24 PM): o come on
sephir0th (09:33:30 PM): if not everdesire...
sephir0th (09:33:36 PM): how bout just one?
sephir0th (09:33:37 PM): :D
sephir0th (09:34:10 PM): ???
sephir0th (09:35:35 PM): hello are you gone?
joycy (09:35:36 PM): haha !
joycy (09:35:41 PM): just one ?
sephir0th (09:35:44 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:35:47 PM): just one
sephir0th (09:35:48 PM): ;D
sephir0th (09:37:01 PM): ill let u pick the desire even
sephir0th (09:37:03 PM): ;3
sephir0th (09:38:52 PM): ???
sephir0th (09:39:40 PM): have you left?
sephir0th (09:40:40 PM): ?
sephir0th (09:40:54 PM): come on just fufill one
sephir0th (09:40:55 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:41:08 PM): ill never ask you to do another one again
sephir0th (09:41:11 PM): :3
sephir0th (09:41:12 PM): ;3
joycy (09:44:23 PM): haha what's ya desires ?
joycy (09:44:29 PM): desire i mean.
sephir0th (09:44:30 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:44:36 PM): where to start...?
sephir0th (09:44:48 PM): well a million dollors would be great!
sephir0th (09:44:51 PM): /\__/\
joycy (09:45:10 PM): haha, first desire, a million, second desire ?
sephir0th (09:45:11 PM): or a pet monkey
sephir0th (09:45:13 PM): :)
joycy (09:45:15 PM): haha !
sephir0th (09:45:19 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:45:29 PM): a pet you
sephir0th (09:45:30 PM): :3
sephir0th (09:45:32 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:45:37 PM): '3
sephir0th (09:45:43 PM): ;3
joycy (09:46:05 PM): haha, me as your pet huh ;)
sephir0th (09:46:14 PM): um....yep
sephir0th (09:46:16 PM): /\_/\
sephir0th (09:46:20 PM): *thinking*
sephir0th (09:46:44 PM): um the ability to shoot spagehtti frum my hands
sephir0th (09:46:46 PM): LOL
sephir0th (09:46:48 PM): /\_/\
joycy (09:46:51 PM): HAHA !
sephir0th (09:47:13 PM): /\_/\
sephir0th (09:47:19 PM): or to pet you
sephir0th (09:47:20 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:47:34 PM): or the talent for singing
sephir0th (09:47:35 PM): :3
joycy (09:48:17 PM): hey i share your last wish too :D
sephir0th (09:48:19 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:48:31 PM): can you do any of those?
sephir0th (09:48:33 PM): kool
sephir0th (09:48:46 PM): i would like t be able to sing better
sephir0th (09:48:48 PM): :D
sephir0th (09:48:57 PM): or dance...
joycy (09:49:01 PM): haha me too !
sephir0th (09:49:11 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:49:20 PM): can u grant any of them?
joycy (09:49:24 PM): let's just practice and i'm sure you can sing better and dance well !
sephir0th (09:49:25 PM): ;D
joycy (09:49:36 PM): i shall grant you all since i share two of yours :D
sephir0th (09:49:48 PM): awesome!
sephir0th (09:49:50 PM): /\_/\
sephir0th (09:49:52 PM): yay
joycy (09:50:12 PM): haha
sephir0th (09:50:37 PM): :)
sephir0th (09:51:17 PM): so lol
sephir0th (09:51:24 PM): what did i ask for again
sephir0th (09:51:27 PM): i fergot
sephir0th (09:51:28 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:51:31 PM): ?_?
sephir0th (09:52:10 PM): pet monkey
sephir0th (09:52:16 PM): million dollors
sephir0th (09:52:18 PM): lol
joycy (09:52:29 PM): dance and sing better
sephir0th (09:52:33 PM): to shoot spahgetti
joycy (09:52:36 PM): shoot speghetti
joycy (09:52:37 PM): haha
joycy (09:52:40 PM): yeah
sephir0th (09:52:42 PM): to dance an sing bttr
sephir0th (09:52:43 PM): :)
sephir0th (09:52:42 PM): to dance an sing bttr
sephir0th (09:52:43 PM): :)
sephir0th (09:52:53 PM): to have a pet you
sephir0th (09:52:58 PM): and to pet you
sephir0th (09:52:59 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:53:01 PM): :)
sephir0th (09:53:09 PM): ;3
joycy (09:53:35 PM): haha
joycy (09:53:43 PM): yeah how many in total ?
sephir0th (09:53:56 PM): lemme count it
sephir0th (09:54:11 PM): 7
sephir0th (09:54:13 PM): :)
sephir0th (09:54:45 PM): 7 in all total
sephir0th (09:54:47 PM): lol
sephir0th (09:54:51 PM): /\__/\
sephir0th (09:55:56 PM): are u there?
joycy (09:56:03 PM): haha, thats walot huh!
sephir0th (09:56:22 PM): srry youll hafto grant them later i hafto go
09:56:24 PM sephir0th has logged out
joycy (09:56:39 PM): alright.
joycy (09:57:05 PM): oh no, but you said you wont be asking me anymore after this ! haha,so, goodbye !
sephir0th (10:00:57 PM): ?
sephir0th (10:01:04 PM): im not asking for more
sephir0th (10:01:08 PM): just those
sephir0th (10:01:19 PM): and yu can choose what one to grant even
sephir0th (10:01:21 PM): :#
sephir0th (10:01:24 PM): XD
sephir0th (10:01:38 PM): *hugs new friend*
sephir0th (10:01:41 PM): /\_/\
sephir0th (10:02:19 PM): what desire are you granting joycy?
sephir0th (10:02:22 PM): XD
sephir0th (10:03:24 PM): are you there?
sephir0th (10:03:29 PM): are you busy?
i wonder if any of you'd read this whole load of junk but whatever it is, this is just a personal memory when i'm 83 => oh, if you're reading, waddaya think of mr bass ?

i was like " smile you hibyehibye ! " cos he was on webcam and these are the few i got. my wc's spoilt. it dropped and i pulled the wires in it accidentally. jaw gave me his but it said i needed to install this and that but the cd for instalation's long with the bin in the incenerator now perhaps. waddaya think they'd think, joys ? y'know, when i'm on ? cos y'know. westerners have a totally different bite compared to us asians. but whatever it is, you gotsa try it huh ? and you jolly well bless me with all the luck =>
oh yeah ! i think i might consider going out with this guy who's in singapore studying like me. he's a nigerain and fuck you daughters \ sons \ husband \ second husbands \ boyfriend \ flings \ brothers for being a racist => wookehs. i'm talking to myself and it's freakeh ! byebye. haha, you're either 83 or 60 odd and how does it feel ? haha, remember when you were young you used to joke about how you'd look like with all these wrinkled and sagged skins and toothless and feeble and everything. ahaha, those were the days ! but hey, whatever it is, you're still cute ! ^^ gosh, i hope i'd still have a wondorous eyesight when i'm old so i don't hafta squint my eyes just to make out what i'm typing. haha, by the way, who's your husband ???? don't tell me it, ah bird ! noo, can't be him ! IS IT ENRIQUE !? why i'm not surprised ;) it's weird i'm talking to the future me. t hehehehehehehehhehe.
Roller coasters ;
i got this picture just before the entrance and just by the look of it sent bolts of excitment down from my head to my toes.

this one is fantastic. there's like no end. the first time i sat on it, i was like. SHIET ! WHERE'S THE END !!? i thought it was gonna go zoom to the other side of the sky into the forest but before i knew it, it stopped at the left tip and skitted down at the speed of light to the other side of the top. there's a 360 in the middle so it's thrilling.

and this is the wheel that make you go screaming at the top of your lungs. and 5 outta 5 !
the two people after the pillar and carms and myself. she's the one with the faded jeans and i was in black so you can't see.
a good theme park is never complete without the cute and odd little things.
okies. that shall be about it, i deleted off my pc alot of pictures taken in thailand, after endda year hols yeh !
my font,my dear fonts are all haywire. and it's already 00.33 now so i wanna go sleep to prevent silly detention to befall on me. tomorrow's this subjects selection day. what am i gonna choose ? hope i'll have a good mood tomorrow for it and make the best choice. i'd prolly do accounts and any of geography or history. no literature agian this year im so sad. okies, pics shall be up tomorrow too. it keeps getting disconnected. VERY irritating. ciao !

taken in farah's housie, washroom. hardly need any editing, there's this light passing from the natural source of light. so.

helping farah's eyes with make up by the professionale.

piece of perfect art.

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