SHIET ! MY HAIR'S SCREWED ! TOTALLY SCREWED ! THE TOP PART IS COPPER BROWN AND THE BOTTOM PART IS, BLACK !!!!! AAAAAH. NOW I LOOK LIKE SOME MALAY HARDCORE'S GIRLFRIEND AND WHAT'S WORSE !? I LOOK LIKE I'VE JUST HAD MY HAIR DONE IN A RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP SHOP !!!! i don't know how momsie's gonna react. she made me not to touch my hair a single inch cos she's gonna bring me to hk for a new hairstyle and now . . . . . . ????
but i can't promise if my hair will look this bad tomorrow. hopefully not, under the sun, either the really pretty hair, will rise and shine or either the very ugly hair, will stand and get weird stares and quiet mockeries. oh boo hoo hoo. save me from this misery !
after coming back from the washroom at 3.29 in the morning, joys goes up to jasone's bed and,
" cold or not ? look at me, i look like one ang mor lang. "
he didn't wake so i started pulling his sheet, actually was pulling his blankets cos i wanted to flip it to the other side which was facing the air so it'll be cooler and he won't be so warm.
" what're you doing? are you crazy ? "
" when i was young i'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite song . . . "
i sang him a lullaby ! in which got hushed and shushed by him.
poor me ~
and my hair isn't that bad now. i just had a close look from the washroom's mirror and though my hair's really colorful now, it's unique and hot. my fringe's brown and reddish brown. the mid part of my head's gold and the bottom is brown and black. haha, let's just see how it goes tomorrow, y'know. with the sunlight and everything. meanwhile,
no edition. so you can see the actual color.
W E T.
from the topz.

D R I E D.
( sounds weird.)
taken at 3.30 odd.
haha, how i look in the wee hours, lack of joy.
lack of sleep, blah.

my eyes are blood shot. good night, god bless me =>
and i looks like i'm having dark eye rings. panda eyes ?
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