well 2007. the last guy i remember liking is this guy by the name of jamesawb. crazy i know. i can't remember liking anyone else after him. the reason why i liked him was, pretty simple and logical. i didn't go for his looks ( though it did help a little ? ) i went for his personalities instead. i remember asking joshua about him on the line the other time when he was telling me i shouldn't be with ekx and he described jawb as someone who ain't got no future cos all he cares about is play and everything. of course i was disappointed, well who won't right ? but on that fateful day when j had detention with lotsa other guys, i sat infront of him, and no i didn't like him anymore cos of josh, and y'know, everytime i have detention, all the guys'd be ccb, sibei boring lah, wa lan eh waste my time blah but j was like, he studied or revised his work, together with this rum guy ( HE'S SO SWEET !! he asked if he could help me carry my table when i was trying to carry it to the spot i wanna sit. he already got himself his table and chair. and when oscar saw, he got up from his seats and got a chair for me ! haha, i was a princess *_* if you're from bukit view, you know how detention or in house suspension goes right. and rummie even helped me put the table back when time was up. see, this kinda thing i remember, who was helpful and not ah bengish. ) and some of his cliques. at first i thought he was like just gonna study for 5 minutes ? most 15 ? but he didn't. he did his work, even asking mr n for worksheets cos he wanted to do them. i was, well, kinda, touched is the word ? cos he was just so. oh i don't know. he said he didn't wanna go back to class cos then he won't concentrate blah. but yeah, that just tripped me off my feet. not swip cos i wasn't in love, it was just, shocking. and i like his voice and it's so embarrassing to be in a state where i couldn't help keeping my ears locked cos every of his words kept coming into my ears. it's embarrassing to eavesdrop cos then i'll feel, poor ? don't know the word. so then, yeah, i started liking him but couldn't see him after that day cos he had exams i think. can't recall it's been too long and slowly, my feelings faded. so yeap. he was my last crush. for 2007. haha. if words can describe him, i'd put him under matured, helpful, determined.
oh !! yes, one millionbillionzillion pounds point. this rum guy or someone was like complaining, saying he ain't gonna make it for the last lap. he's failing blah blah blah but jawb was like, y'know, telling him he shouldn't be thinking that way cos there's still a week left to prepare and shiet. forgot who said it, it's like, " you're given a choice to choose. in life, you have choices, which you have to choose. " or something like that can't remember and it hit me hard, it was so right dontcha think ? it's like, there're choices in our lives but the answer is what we choose. i wrote it in my diary but not sure which diary. i'll probably post it up when i find that particular diary. yeah, rum had suspension the next day again so on the way back from the washroom on the second level and again, people of bukit view would know what i'm talking about, i saw him as i was passing the teachers' lockers and i was like, THAT'S THE RUM ! to farah. i mentioned his good deeds to farah. so i was should i say hi ? so i looked down and shouted rum ! he was like, looked to his sides only to look ahead, haha. the action is funneh. so people, when you hear your name, don't stick to looking at only left right but also top and bottom if there is ever a bottom. and yeap. he looked up finally and i waved at him estatically. people like rum deserves my friendly sides =>
actually i was kinda on and off about jawb on the way i felt about him. crazy as it sounds, but i used to
" JAWB IS HOT !! " or something like that, as my msn nick. melvin was james from bukit view ? haha ! yeah, and i told him i like him. jaryl gave me his email, or i think i asked him, which i got but i didn't add of course. i just wanted to see what's his email is like. like y'know, was it just james or james123 or was it something else like a brand, a name or something. hehe and speaking of jaryl, he's like. haha, i used to like melvin. my god. do you wanna know how ? okay, crazy as it is, i saw this guy's picture in the school year book and he just totally attracted me. i squinted my eyes at the name printed really small. it stated melvin o. he looked real smashing in both the pictures. then i saw him with brown name tag so it's definitely secondary 3 so i went to sec 3 side and looked at all those classes with all the lads but none matched the mel. so i looked at the names and again, none seemed to match. i went over to the normal side, i was only concentrating on express, and i finally saw that name but the peekchures didn't lookalike. so nevermind, i just took note of his appearance and i was like, looked for him in school ? but for a long time, i didn't find him until one beautiful fine perfect day ( haha, so dramatic. ) i was in 173 on the way to school when i saw this guy outside the bus, he was tall, i didn't take much notice and that melvin guy wasn't that important cos it been too long searching for him. i just gazed outside to my right again. when he came into the bus, i don't know why but i turned to my front and looked at him, " aye ~ he looks familiar. *gasp ! is that melvin guy right !? " so i looked at his chest for name tag but there wasn't one so i just took note of him and i think the next day or something, he was in the bus again and when i looked at his shirt, there was his name tag and name and yeap ! i found the gold. gold ? whatever, haha. then i got to know jaryl from friendster, we chatted pretty lot over at messenger and yeap. that was how i knew melvin. through jaryl. hehe. there was this time when melvin was in a relationship with this girl from sec 2, last year. i liked him last year, thank you. and fuck ! damn sad lah !
but yeah man, that's life right. but it hurts ( again, dramatic. ) sometimes when i view j back in friendster and there'll be these " thanks for adding, mind to intro ? " shiet from these ka waii nehx girls. it's like, bloody flirt. all in all, it's nice when you like someone. it's like whenever you see him, you'd be like, * GASP !! and then, hahaha. girls'd know what i'm talking about. haha, farah, remember that time when we liked " chao-ta \ apple \ linkin park guy " ?
" *GASP !!!! "
* he turns suspiciously.
" *gasp, farah ! you forgot your homework ! "
lots of memories ladeh, now i feel like talking with you about our past with those ugly trees =<
and how pathetic can my love life be. i haven't really got boyfriends, really. it's irritating everytime i have to reply to these people who shoot questions at me like, " really meh ? don't bluff lah. " well, yes, for the nine mbzillionth time, or more, i really haven't had a boyfriend. or a proper one at least. i've only had two " boyfriends. " which i can't even put under the category of " romance. "
my first one was with, joshua, our " relationship " was damn weird lah ! haha, well, farah and i were like, usual, in the school library last year after school when joshua and his friends came in. they were doing some work while aunty tan and i were reading and chatting. both our tables hung out till the library closed. eh no, the other table was left with only aloysius and christian the eldds guy. so when farah and i were walking out and again again again, only people of bktvw will know, we were like outside the gate, the old yellow gate, walking at that small pathway when somebody " excuse me. " i was like, w-t-f-f. so angry lah, cos it's indirectly telling us that we're too fat, occupying the whole pathway right, can't he use his brains to move to the road and walk or something ? so i turned back with such force and je-ling ( it's in malay, i don't know the english word for it. ) ed at him, only to realise it was aloysius, and no, i didn't know him at that time. so i was, oh. and moved behind farah so he could walk but he was like, my friend want your number blah blah, so i called farah and it was very silly ! the whole incident ! haha, farah will know what i mean. so yeah, that's how josh and i became " couples. "
and i just found out from joshua that, y'know when aloysius told me j wanted my number, the actual was, joshua was like, looked up from the table ( in the library. ) cos he wanted to take a rest, like, after doing work, you'll look up and rub your eyes yada yada right. so aloysius caught him and was " ya, you want her number right ? " haha, so joshua was huh, no lah ! and aloysius was yes lah, just ask lah thing but aloysius told me j wanted nevermind, the reason why i say my relationships are odd is, well you see, joshua asked for stead on i think two days before june holidays and i agreed, it was at midnight yes fuck. cos he was my first. i'm not gonna tell you about what i did when i agreed !!!! haha, so embarrassing !! =D
okay, yeh so all we did was text message each other. i hate answering calls i don't know why so eveytime he calls, i'd be just, ignore. and yeh that was it. so in short, we were more of a text-message-bgr. and then i had to leave on june holidays right, so we so called lost contacts. no message no calls blah and when i got back from thailand, we were just, strangers. oh ! did i tell you that when we were in relationship with the open and close inverted, i never once said hi or acknowledged him in school. haha ! crazy pig. so yeap, we went silent. until this year only did i chatted with him on the line. he's nice actually, i didn't even know that about him last year. see. the stupid thing about going into a relationship with someone right away.
so then, the second which is the last of these kinda relationships i promise myself, was with, uhm, can't say his name. haha ! cos yeah, he was v. okay so we knew each other in sports camp. i didn't like him at first cos he was really ah bengish. and i decided i had to detest him. and luck of all luck, he was my camp leader. but nevermind, the first day was spent hating him cos he kept teasing about being careful at night cos ghost's gonna look for me. lol. crazy ass. but the next day, we were joking ! haha, i totally loved his presence. y'know, being with him is like, you're alive ! the first day i knew he was hot, but fuck. his attitude suck. big time. but like i said, it was more of like a friend for me. he was funny and i can never talk serious with him cos i'd just joke - automatic.
haha ! if i can, i'd give you the link to my the other blog on my entry on how i know him and everything, it was really nice :) i'm smiling now hehehoho. but cannot lah, can't say his name can't say why too cos can't. haha ! not becuse of him though. we'd text each other in class, oh yes, i didn't like him at first in camp but after camp was over, i liked him, totally.
okay, lemme just share with you this. well, he was like all, i tell you, after the camp, i'm gonna get your number and disturb you. it's really fun with him lah, and i'd be telling farah about us, who wasn't in the same group as me, everytime i had a chance. haha, and when it was supposed to be volleyball shiet, how to say ah, this word, fuck. i was smiling and so into my memory i forgot this word, volleyball ( ? ) like this group against that. what's that fucking word !?!? not challenge, volleyball OH !!!!!! MATCH ! match, fuck, match. he asked me to go, i said i didn't wanna. i finally went and i failed the teams o he was,
" MYANMAR ( he calls me that. ) ! WHAT HAPPEN !? "
" i don't know, your fault what. ask me play i told you i don't know how right. "
" okok, you don't play already. later this team lost ah. "
" eh. cannot. i want play. "
so i went but again. lost. so yeah when he said i don't play, i will, when he said i play, i didn't want. haha ! funny i lost my mood to blog about him. so yeah anyways, my relationship with him was also text message but his was better cos we see each other in shcool. but then sadly, i had to go china, so yeah. but i texted him all the way from china ! haha, crazy me. but canttellcosidontknowwhyitsjusthahahahaicantbelieveyouactuallyreadthisworh.
and yeah so i was talking to joshua one day and i told him everything about ekx and he told me to break off with him. which i did ! cos i really felt irritated with ekx. he was, ew. but half of me didn't wanna, so j was, either i send him the message ( that j helped me type from the internet. haha. ) or i lose my frienship with him. of course i chose j cos i didn't feel anything for ekx anymore so yeap, i sent him and all i got back was, " ok, over.... " fuck lah. just that but i was too tired to care.
and haha i ain't sure if farah remembers but she said " YOUR EX BOYFRIEND TOLD YOU TO BREAK UP WITH YOUR CURRENT BOYFRIEND !? " hahahaha, everytime i think of those two mates, it's that sentence that comes up. so. yeah. what am i trying to say ah ? haha. yeh. so. ya lah. and i was telling farah that if i see somebody that i really like, I'll be the one to make the fist move cos i don't want him to be like, i-sms-you-you-sms-me sort. i'll go up and chat with him. lol, which haven't been processed cos too busy to notice any real cutie i like ! i like guys who're nerdy :)
like, i used to like guys with floppy hair and everything but now, i think it's damn disgusting lah. i mean, for me, isn't it like they're tryna be fucking scene kids with that moppish hairstyle, eyeliners, girls' skinnies, tight top, and stupid gay nail polish !? think about it, urks.
so yeh, the type of guy i like has to be close to botak, with style of course, and not too dishy, but just simple and sweet. yeapie doo doo ~
this is what i mean, i saved this pic since like it was january - march 2007 ? but haven't got the time to post. yeh, so. bye. love love love.

not to forget .
D I M P L E S !!!!!!
dimplesdimplesdimplesDIMPLES !

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