-_- zzzzzzzz.
i couldda been in little thailand \ myanmar doing so many things !!!! it'd've like only a day since i'm there cos i'd be busily busy ! but here i am, just idling, waiting for visa shiets to be done. this is totally killjoy ! okay. bye.

{ howev. you spell it. }

this is taken off photobucket. which explains the size. the copy of it in my pc's been stored in the cd and i can't possibly look for the disc just for A picture ya get what i mean ? anyways, this is our yenhui, the desginer.
* applause.
it's painfully annoying and disgusting how i see some people switching to myspace WITH AN ANG MOR " ATTITUDE. " sick can or not lah !? just because you wanna attract that hunk\chic doesn't mean you hafta change your profile to such a, ew. be proud of yourself lah !? where's that asain pride seh ? my g.
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