so today, i woke up early in the morning at 8am and got ready for, AHEM AHEM AHEM *ksdjsjkfdvnmsdmv for church but failed badly at trying hard to listen to the preacher ( it's a christian term if i'm not wrong ? ) i was so sleepy i kept yawning, cracking my knuckles and pretending to do prayers, shutting my eyes out and dang ! that felt great ! y'know, my eyes were straining so badly, so dyingly craving to be shut for a good rest but i just HAD to listen. the lady beside me must have felt irritated but i more irritated with her lah ! her voice damn high sia ! the pitch can go as high up as a, well, just high. she doesn't even need to screw her face up just to have a high pitch. it just came but it was so ear piercing !! i couldn't even hear my own low voice ! so i didn't quite sing happily today. jasone was worse. he kept stretching his arms, every seconds. so i showed him how to rest his eyes ( ? ) . after nudging him, i was like, asked him to look at me. i pretend to rub my browns with 4 of my fingers ( so it covered up the sides of my face. ) and blinked my eyes out. and took a few seconds of rest which at that time, was a blissed moment, even though it's just a few seconds. i hope Jesus won't hate me, but of all these ( how do you call. ) i've read, they stated that jesus loves you for who you are and i promise i'll have a good night's rest the next time before making my way out to the church the next time !!
okay, enough about church. uncle drove us to ngee ann poly afterwards. to just like, check out ? ya know, prepare me to study hard blah. the campus is fucken big ! i think if i ever, ever get into it, i'd be dying of tiredness every pace i take and did i mention that the ground is somewhat hilly ? like a slope ? i'll check it out in the internet laterz.
meanwhile, i'm suffering from a very sharp pain in my abdomen area. and it's raining. and i can hear the droplets of rain hitting my roof.
rat pat rat pat pat.
and here i am, typing. i wanna go off to bed. soon, soon. these few days, i'm just being really naive. i know every drip of energy in my body's completely drained out but i still sit there, surfing the net and on what ? i really have no idea. i'll just dwell and dwell till my. shiet. thunder ! scared me out ! oh my. okay, as i was saying, till my pc crash down. aaaaah, another thunder. do yours suffer the same fate as mine ah ? mine'll just go *black, and switch itself off. irritating lah ! jas said it's coz the pc's too hot but no leh ? i have purposely faced the " lips " of the air-con directly down and i'd be freezing but yet, the darn pc still break down. ha ha, crazeh. emotional breakdown ? physical breakdown ? like, it's too cold so it fainted ? ha ha ? bye ?
i'm not feeling blue, no.
oh yeh, i finally read my mails today ( i read 4. ) and thank god i read this. it was sent to me from all the way from turkey. HA HA ! i think khatab just forwarded it to every of his contacts but anyways, it's a chinese proverb originated from the netherlands. real stuff, pretty cool. i likes. oh hehe, i forwarded it to 20 of my friends. this kinda stuff JUST had to forward lah, it was perfect 20 mian ! i didn't count, it must all be meant as, fate. HOEHOEHOE. i sent them to special people i chose so if you received it, THANK ME ! cos I sent it to YOU ! but if i didn't then, then i didn't flood yer shiet i'm lame i wonder who okay, enough about personal stuff and here it is.
with money, you can buy a house, but not a home.
with money, you can buy a clock but not time.
with money you can buy a bed but not sleep.
with money, you can buy a book but not knowledge.
with money you can see a doctor, but not good health.
with money, you can buy a position, but not respect.
with money, you can buy blood, but not life.
with money, you can buy sex but not love.
if you agree, cheers. =>

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