hellio !
well i'm supposed to be off to bed yet again, for my morning jog tomorrow but i just HAVE to blog. well, i just got back from mae hong son this morning. why is leaving always so sad !? it's just like, going is dreadful, leaving is painful. you're so lazy to travel the ohh-so-long distance but when it's time to leave the place, you're already used to being there ! and it makes you wanna tear, just thinking of the memories. well, many things happened. or rather, many of my emotions exploded. i had the in love, i had the pissed, i had the angry, the annoyed, the uh-huh uh-huh, the blah blah blah the shut up shut up oh y'know. if you want me to put it in words, i really have no fantabulous vocabrammar to describe it.
well, last day of mhs was spent chilling till dawn in the snooker place. the guys drank like anything and jaw got drunk. ha ha ! the feeling of not being able to help in any way made me shiver. it's like a phobia ain't ? like witnessing a fight ? you're there witnessing what's going on but you can't do nothing to stop it because you yourself is rooted and scared to bits. have you felt this way ? aaah wells, back to my story. i think i like wheelocks. better than ugly fugly bird lor ! i hate shietty bird. he just rang me a while ago asking if i've reached Bangkok, if i have eaten if i can send him the pictures we took together blah. hate him hate him. you will know why if you've watched my video in my the other blog. anyways wheelock i have known since i went to mae sai ( another part of thailand. ) years back. i think i used to like him and i was darn close to his sister whom is in a part of myanmar now. the only good and close memory i have of him when we were young was -
1) we both were out of house in ms, at some random shops buying candies which was located not very far from the house, when all of a sudden, he started pulling my hair and then he pulled off the rubber band my hair was tied up with. i was " give it back !!! " and started chasing him. ha ha. we ran round and round the area. both laughing. him teasing and me chasing " madly. " how i got back the rubber band, i have no idea.
2) we were sleeping, he was horizontal, his sister and i were vertical. i wasn't sure if he was asleep but i kinda pretended that i have no affections for wheelocks and so his sista and me decided to whisper into his ears. ha ha. when he was sleeping. i was so close to his face. =(
yep. that's prolly all i can remember of. all i know is that he kept his cool. he ain't talkative. and he still isn't now. he's still the same old i guess. he's got those ugly long hair now though.
i prefer him in both hairstyles. he's got this really serious face. anyways, even though we hung out these few days, we didn't speak much. i indirectly spoke to him this morning in the hotel room 1020 though.
lisa. " asuin jui, help me get tissue from the maid. my stomach very pain, i want to shit. "
thawat. " wheelocks, go help lisa get a tissue. "
and when he got back with the roll of tissue, he passed it to thawat whom replied pass it to lisa and so he passed it to me and i gave him a thanks. idk. oh wells. we communicated a little yesterday though i guess. i wasn't drunk so i'm pretty sure of what was going on aight. my mind was still absolutely clear becos i had just two gulps of spy. ha ha. the rest were drunk by wheelocks. i helped the guys mark the scores. ha ha. jaw and i were having fits of laughter over @ stinky bird's score. he had a zero while the other guy and wheelock was getting sky high 2 digit-ed numbers. did i mention that wheelocks is a professionale at billiards ? so shiet bird got a zero so i was like, drew out a zero so big that it occupied the whole of his space on the whiteboard and wheels was like, ha ha, bird, your zero is so oo big !
well when it got later into the night, wheels was munching on the snacks we ordered, so i took the chance and told him i wanted to try to play. he handed me the stick and when there're times i don't know how to shoot, he'd like move the balls around to suit my standard. the other guy, whom i call black cos of his top color and i didn't ask for his name, jaw calls him " black agua. " and even wrote it on the board hehe. he's also a big professionale at billiards, he was so good i lost the interest of playing but wheels was just there nevermind and he taught me how to hold the sticks. he demonstrated the way i should hold it unlike that fuking bird lor ! come touch the queen's hands. while beautiful wheels was teaching me, ugly bird came and said he'll teach me instead he was so close to me i moved back and i guess he got the idea, who won't !? , so he too demo-ed to me but i was just whatever, boring face to him. and when it was time to go back, jaw was deadly drunk, he couldn't hold his position so everyone of us were like helping the limping jaw. well not everyone, just the other three guys cos i was busy video-ing the whole process of jaw being drunk. i was like i can't remember, fell or something or was slipped my pace or something cos the mini tiara on my head dropped. i couldn't find it when i was outside 1020 when black ( agua. ) came and handed me my tiara. ha ha. i said oh. and it was damn late in the night, damn early in the morning so i predicted that thawat must be asleep. so bang bang bang on the door but he didn't come to rescue the damsel in distress. it was left with only me jaw and shiet. wheels and black were already outside at the door ( we took the back rout to hotel. ) they didn't sleep over. i waved heartily at them both whom waved back. i was actually indicating for them, that they should go back and get rest themselves cos we'll handle wots left. i couldn't stand any longer waiting so i ran to the lobby which i didn't reach cos the door was opened and when i got back, beautiful black\wheels were gone. i spent the night helping or rather, ordering shiet to help jaw in everything. like puking or to the toilet. lesson learnt. be prepaid for tons of water when you're drunk. and of corze, the vomit too. we didn't know what to do so we went outta the hotel at around 4 to 7-11 and i stupidly bought two large bottle of mineral water and shiet suggested buying hangs. it's a kinda drink that can make a drunkard become un-drunk. stupid can !? people already drunk come and drink to un-drunk damn stupid lah whalau so i got so pissed he kept insisting so i bought it anyway while he was asking the staff if hangs was really meant for drunkards i mouth butted his question with my own flat question. " how much ? " in thai. and i went walking ahead of him back to the hotel. damn angry lah whalau. cos he smoked when we were en route to the hotel. irritating sia.
so nevermind. the next day, jaw had a hangover. like yeh. oh man. every time i close my eyse is locks i see. am i in love ? no, i can't be. ha ha. lemme share with you some little things that happened during before after the wedding.
annoyed, very annoyed. ) couldn't stand the bloody ahpekmahs staring at me so i got off my butt and helped around the chores. like serving food to the guests and such. yes, laugh. it's me serving baby ! i was damn nice lah whalau ! i wearing heels some more leh if i fall how huh huh huh you stupid old folks ! the ground damn unstable lor whalau ! so i walked really slowly but steadily serving. and i still got stared at lor ! whalau, in chinese, it's simply called " hao xing mei you hao bao. " translated, your good deed is not paid back. whatever lah. i dress damn simply already lor ! which reminds me, just now too. today i dressed fucking simple but i still got stared @. like =.=
my life damn sad right !?
almost to explosion. )
bloody bird almost made me wanna stuff my scarf down his throat. he made me get him his stupid cigz !!!! FROM ALL THE WAY FROM THE POOL TO THE HOTEL ROOM lor. he asked me to help him bring which i forgot but it's his fault right. if he fucken wanna smoke he should have the initiative to bring it himself right but no, he was damned stupid. and still is ! ugh. angry lah. so i stomped my way back to the room and got him just ONE stick. and it was broken !!! ha ha ha ! so he walked to the room himself and got the whole box down instead. mua-ha-ha !
dreadful. ) shiet man, i was so pissed at that fat ugly bird he made me not wanna attend the wedding. i was busy cam-whoring. and i told thawat i don't wanna attend it no more. but i showered anyhow. and changed into the gown anyway.
hurt. ) what more could i ask for. moms told me " enough enough. " when i took pictures with her. =-(
stupid. very damn stupid. )
girl = you grade.
lisa. = i'm in grade nine.
girl. = oh no, i mean you look great ! * touches my fringe, like a princess.
lisa. = oh, ha ha. thanks. you look great too :-)
nervous yet excited. )
i went up on the stage to sing !!!!! in front of all those wedding go-ers !!! ha ha. was damn excited lah ! the bride smiled at me and she looked so amazed by me !! ha ha. got roses !!!
relieved. ) done singing and when i got off the stage, the person who was in charge of the vocals stuff never took his eyes off me and was all * thumbs up. ha ha.
idiotically timid. )
i was taking my favourite shot of the skirt-fly thing when a stranger remarked " sui mark mark. " which translated, means, very pretty ! so i was just smiled at him and he started speaking thai with me so i replied him with don't-know-how-to-speak-thai in thai. so he was oh ! and then the rest of the guys came but no wheels ! cos cheekoopek told the guys i was beautiful =-( ha ha ! silly me lah ! cheekoo then took off his mobile and tookd pictures of me. I FELT LIKE A CELEBRITY !!!! HA HA HA. he showed me the pictures he took of me and i have to admit, i do look good !! and then towards the end, he stood next to me and was like wanted to take a pic with me but his face was only 1\4 of the pictures so he requested for another one and it was pretty. i mean, I was pretty. :-D wheels was there by then and he was translating what cheekoo said. cheekoo said my voice was nice ( which meant he was in the wedding thing. ) and that he's working as a pilot -.- WHICH I MISTOOK AS A AIR-CON MAN ! really no joke, i think i was too idk what to hear what wheelock said. so i didn't show him any interest. plus, he's 30 odd. he just kept looking and idling at my area. i was out and i didn't go into the wedding thang. every time he snaps a picture of me, he points his cell straight at my boobs lor ! so i damn pai-seh lah right !? and he stank of beer smell. ew. and every time he took picture with me, i'd be rolling my eyes weakly with a grin at wheelocks who smiled back weakly at me. lol so before i left, he asked for my number which i replied, " i have no mobile. " he he worz. and i went up on stage to sing again and horror of horrors ! he was there looking and he took pictures of me yet again !! ha ha. desperate lah !
thawat came back asking me if that pilot asked for my number and i told him everything and he told me that guy was indeed a pilot. unbelievable lah ! and he told me i attracted some people. ha ha ! saying it'd be so lucky if their sons get to marry the queen ._. it's always like these kinda comments when you go to a wedding filled with oldies. which reminds me, the bride told me today that " you're so cute !!! " ha ha ! before i left mhs. and just now when i was watching heros ( damn nice ah the show !!!!! ) thawat was on the line with some one and he said my name and then he said " siu. " so i kicked him hard and demanded what the other person was saying. siu means pretty by the way, ha ha ! these kinda basic thai must know ah !!! ha ha. he said the bride's friend said that girl in green dress is pretty. he he. anyways, my in love is ohhh mian ! in love ! the toilet got stuck in mhs so called the receptionist and they sen the most gorgeous plumber ( ? ) alive !!!! damn happy can !? of all these times when i call for service, they never even send handsome ones lor stupid people ! aba opened the door and the plumber was those that i like. bald and tanned and sunny. he didn't notice me at first i was lying on bed watching tv. he went to take his tools i think and when he got back, thawat was in the room and he opened the room, he was like " yes ? " to the plumber who was half way into the room. the plumber was embarrassed i think and he did the cutest thing alive !!! he stepped back and looked at the room number. ha ha ! i replied " yes, it is this room ! " in thai and WE SMILED AT EACH OTHER LIKE WE KNOW EACH OTHER !!!! ha ha, i thought he was cute at that time. no affections. and when he was done, i was talking to thawat about the wedding, i looked at him and he looked at me and we did our smiles again !! i got up and said " omg he's so cute !!! aaah, i love him ! he's so handsome ! can help me ask him if i can take a pic with him !? faster !! " in chinese to thawat but thawat was " he's ugly lah. " and he left =-((( so i was left with aba in the room and i kept telling him i'm in love with the plumber to a twelve year old and asked him if he was cute. even aba said he was lor ! he even said plumber was cuter than pilot !! x-( and aba was there askin me if i wanted to go down to the staff's room to take a pic with him =-(
sad. ) this morning, is my last time seeing wl. i sat next to him in the car on the way to the house. i sat in the middle you see. i gave him two bubble gums. and the only thing he said to me was, " help me take this. " and he left. that stupid bag was mine. i thought was his so i could pass him back. he left mhs first with some other people. i stood next to the car he was in and when the car drove past me, he waved me goodbye like how i did the previous day. so did blacky. i smiled really warmly and waved them good bye.
goodbye. pictures will sure be up tomorrow i plomix.
it's 1 here now, 2 in sing. bye bye okie dokies ? oh yeh !! ha ha. i'm taking vocals now !!!!!!!
i went searching for ballets this evening but they said i shouldda started at the tender age of 10-12 :-( cos i won't be able to do splits. sad lah ! so after deciding on vocals, piano or guitar, i settled with vocals. starting after i'm back from vietnam. will be going vietnam on novembre 24th and the latestest news yet again is that after vietnam, i'll be going to chang mai ( yet another part of thailand. ) for a week or hopefully, lesser and stay in thailand for a while and then fly to hong kong for christmas and back to singapore :-( why is holiday so short this time !? sad, really :-(
just so i remember , i was told to get the fringe outta my eyes when i was taking pictures with the other girls ! purposely lor hit on me !! and the ama said " you look really good, you have ( don't know how to say, like the eyes nose mouth ears. ) all nice but you need to pin up your bangs. you look great :) " i loves her. she's a really cute 80 y\o granny. her specs's giorgio armani. HA HA !
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
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