ha ha ! hello again ! i'm in the lan shop again.
well for yesterday, wait, i think i'm just gonna blog according to what happened cos i haven't been giving a thought about everything revolving around my life these few days. there's totally no time ! because when the night falls and my mind starts to wonder, i get sleepy and get escorted straight to the firstest class of dream world. you get the picture ? so.
i'm a really good girl damn ! for this morning, i only stuck to porridge and an omelet. and i only bough 1 ONE ONEONEOEN111ONE snack, picco chocolate. which i'll be sharing with the kids so i won't have to gain unnecessary fats. well right now i'm " gaming " with 4 guys. 2 teenagers and 2 kids. the rest of the kids are like, 4-5 more ? all guys and just a girl which is less than the age of a mere five letters, three. ha ha. birdie told me the next teenager, weelok ( i suppose it's spelt this way, thai translated to english by the professionale yo. wheelocks ? ^^ ) today.
birdie is a guy that has been in love with the queen for like, years and years ? ha ha ! i have been travelling with him for decades now. moms stuff. and yesterday he was like asking me if i was going to mae sai ( another small part of thailand. ) after the wedding which i said no cos i'll be off the vietnam but jaw and jasone would be cos they don't wanna go for the wedding and he was but he prepared a gift for me that he wanna gimme.
" my friend is tom. "
" tom ?? who's that ? " * screwed up face thinking of every person i know with the name tom.
" tom. she's boyish. "
* oh ! TOM-BOY, silly.
and he was all, why ain't ya going ? the stupid gift which is prepared by TOM and him will be passed to jaw which will be passed to me when they're back from MS and i'm back from viet. ha ha. the thing i like about birdie is that, as you know, i don't like people who smoke and i hate the stench of cigs right. so yesterday, when jaw suggested they buy beer instead of just plain mineral water, birdie was like, no cos it'd gimme a bad impression of him ( AFTER AlllLllLll THESE YEAR !? ) . sweet ain't ! and then when we went to play snooker, jaw wanted to smoke right. then birdie was like he doesn't want cos i won't like it. lol. sweetie birdie
my throat feels sore. ha ha. could you believe it i washed my hair thrice yesterday !? first was when i just got here early in the morning. second was when i woke up at noon and third was when i got back from snooker WHICH I STANK SO BAD !!!!!!!!!! i was filled with the stupid snooker holder and the ball and the pool table's stench. my shawl, top, pants, bra, undie all stank i can vomit. we played till 1 am in the morning and when i got back, i went straight to have a very warm bath and then i WASHED MY OWN CLOTHES cos i couldn't ta-han the smell any longer. ha ha.
yesterday was absolute fun mian !
after playing this stupid computer games, we went over to birdie's house and had lunch, came back and we went roaming around the hotel. sang karaoke ! ha ha. which was hosted by a sexaye lady with a tongue piercing. first like damn shy shy lah. cos it's not like singapore's k-box or something. it's a restaurant ( but no one was dining. ) with a stage. so nevermind. the queen launched the big leap and sang. AND ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT !!!! ha ha. after singing, we went out of the hotel to explore the outside world. was looking for a piercing shop cos the hostess told us she pierced hers down the street. we couldn't find no shiet so we went back to the back of hotel, which is the snooker place thang. and i was okay, dreads. i hate billiards. i can't fucken play ! so the guys were like okay playing and i was there snapping pictures for them. jaw asked me play AND I INSTANTLY SCORED TWO BALLS ( ? ) !!!! ha ha. by then i was hooked mian. in fact, i'm already waiting till it's night time when we actually set our sexy feet there again ! ha ha. oh yeh. i was MADE to watch STAR WARS yesterday while hanging at sweet bird's house. my dear god. it was a torture ! jaw napped so i was there staring at the screen with stupid other thoughts in my mind. bitter bird was explaining to me the scenes but GUESS WHAT I THOUGHT WHILE WATCHING !?
ha ha ! CHEEPENG ! YOU CAME INTO MY MIND !!!! remember the other itme when we were on the line and you were talking about the SABER ( see i can remember the name you know ) made of fire or something and one slash and you can whatever ? ha ha ! yes. i endured the whole time watching something i don't fancy ._.
the only thing i like is the underwater home. cool ah that one ? like you can just swim swim swim and then WALK PAST THE WATER and the thing inside is all home-ly. and the robots helping to repair the spaceship ( ? ) . the stupid thing is that the fish ate the thingy ? damn stupid lah wha lau !! why would the fish be attracted to some metallic stuff right !? might as well go eat some other fishes right ! and then the other bigger crocodile ( ? ) ate away the evil fish. that was damn what lah. okay enough about star wars. cheesy penguin,
HOW ARE YOU ? get off yourlazy sexy arse and come read my interesting blog lahdeh
yeh so that's prolly about it. i got a friendster comment form hamin !!!!! ha ha. unexpected, totally. i used to fancy him in the primary school days ! ciao ! i go reply him now. eww. cig smell.
well for yesterday, wait, i think i'm just gonna blog according to what happened cos i haven't been giving a thought about everything revolving around my life these few days. there's totally no time ! because when the night falls and my mind starts to wonder, i get sleepy and get escorted straight to the firstest class of dream world. you get the picture ? so.
i'm a really good girl damn ! for this morning, i only stuck to porridge and an omelet. and i only bough 1 ONE ONEONEOEN111ONE snack, picco chocolate. which i'll be sharing with the kids so i won't have to gain unnecessary fats. well right now i'm " gaming " with 4 guys. 2 teenagers and 2 kids. the rest of the kids are like, 4-5 more ? all guys and just a girl which is less than the age of a mere five letters, three. ha ha. birdie told me the next teenager, weelok ( i suppose it's spelt this way, thai translated to english by the professionale yo. wheelocks ? ^^ ) today.
birdie is a guy that has been in love with the queen for like, years and years ? ha ha ! i have been travelling with him for decades now. moms stuff. and yesterday he was like asking me if i was going to mae sai ( another small part of thailand. ) after the wedding which i said no cos i'll be off the vietnam but jaw and jasone would be cos they don't wanna go for the wedding and he was but he prepared a gift for me that he wanna gimme.
" my friend is tom. "
" tom ?? who's that ? " * screwed up face thinking of every person i know with the name tom.
" tom. she's boyish. "
* oh ! TOM-BOY, silly.
and he was all, why ain't ya going ? the stupid gift which is prepared by TOM and him will be passed to jaw which will be passed to me when they're back from MS and i'm back from viet. ha ha. the thing i like about birdie is that, as you know, i don't like people who smoke and i hate the stench of cigs right. so yesterday, when jaw suggested they buy beer instead of just plain mineral water, birdie was like, no cos it'd gimme a bad impression of him ( AFTER AlllLllLll THESE YEAR !? ) . sweet ain't ! and then when we went to play snooker, jaw wanted to smoke right. then birdie was like he doesn't want cos i won't like it. lol. sweetie birdie
my throat feels sore. ha ha. could you believe it i washed my hair thrice yesterday !? first was when i just got here early in the morning. second was when i woke up at noon and third was when i got back from snooker WHICH I STANK SO BAD !!!!!!!!!! i was filled with the stupid snooker holder and the ball and the pool table's stench. my shawl, top, pants, bra, undie all stank i can vomit. we played till 1 am in the morning and when i got back, i went straight to have a very warm bath and then i WASHED MY OWN CLOTHES cos i couldn't ta-han the smell any longer. ha ha.
yesterday was absolute fun mian !
after playing this stupid computer games, we went over to birdie's house and had lunch, came back and we went roaming around the hotel. sang karaoke ! ha ha. which was hosted by a sexaye lady with a tongue piercing. first like damn shy shy lah. cos it's not like singapore's k-box or something. it's a restaurant ( but no one was dining. ) with a stage. so nevermind. the queen launched the big leap and sang. AND ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT !!!! ha ha. after singing, we went out of the hotel to explore the outside world. was looking for a piercing shop cos the hostess told us she pierced hers down the street. we couldn't find no shiet so we went back to the back of hotel, which is the snooker place thang. and i was okay, dreads. i hate billiards. i can't fucken play ! so the guys were like okay playing and i was there snapping pictures for them. jaw asked me play AND I INSTANTLY SCORED TWO BALLS ( ? ) !!!! ha ha. by then i was hooked mian. in fact, i'm already waiting till it's night time when we actually set our sexy feet there again ! ha ha. oh yeh. i was MADE to watch STAR WARS yesterday while hanging at sweet bird's house. my dear god. it was a torture ! jaw napped so i was there staring at the screen with stupid other thoughts in my mind. bitter bird was explaining to me the scenes but GUESS WHAT I THOUGHT WHILE WATCHING !?
ha ha ! CHEEPENG ! YOU CAME INTO MY MIND !!!! remember the other itme when we were on the line and you were talking about the SABER ( see i can remember the name you know ) made of fire or something and one slash and you can whatever ? ha ha ! yes. i endured the whole time watching something i don't fancy ._.
the only thing i like is the underwater home. cool ah that one ? like you can just swim swim swim and then WALK PAST THE WATER and the thing inside is all home-ly. and the robots helping to repair the spaceship ( ? ) . the stupid thing is that the fish ate the thingy ? damn stupid lah wha lau !! why would the fish be attracted to some metallic stuff right !? might as well go eat some other fishes right ! and then the other bigger crocodile ( ? ) ate away the evil fish. that was damn what lah. okay enough about star wars. cheesy penguin,
HOW ARE YOU ? get off your
yeh so that's prolly about it. i got a friendster comment form hamin !!!!! ha ha. unexpected, totally. i used to fancy him in the primary school days ! ciao ! i go reply him now. eww. cig smell.

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