" do you have lg's chocolate ? "
" no no more already. "
" but i came the other day and the attendant told me there was one gold chocolate left. "
" *attitude. okay you gimme the price you want for the phone then i go and find. "
" no. there was one left here. i wanna look at it. i'll be buying it anyway. "
" no dont have. "
so i looked around. and found this another lg. very nice. like pda. touch screen function.
" can i have a look at this ? "
" no it's only for display. "
WTFLYINGFUCK. display my fat buttock ah !!!! atrocious right !!!! so i stared at him , " tsk. for display. " and left the shop. when i reached another mobile shop, i was telling my mom singapore's famous for these kinda people. they don't wanna serve you nicely, all they're popular for is their fucking attitude the attendant in the shop was like looking at me and then asked nicely
" may i help you ? "
give them pisai eat lah. i hate some singaporeans. damn rude lah ! so i finally went to the last shop, by this time, my mood was tom-bah-leck already. so i asked them for the pda like phone and it cost 700 odd then i asked for choco but they said no more already." what's your budget ? "
" 3 to 400. ( i thought budget was the minimum leh. ) "
" okay. we have this to that. * took out some bulgy ones. and does it have to be nokia ? "
" yes, preferably nokia. "
" okay we have this. "
" can you show me the ones that're slim built ? "
" this. * took out THIS * this is very nice to use. very function friendly ? ( this word is made up by me. he said something that meant very easy to use but i cant remember the word. ) "
and the mobile turned out to be the one my mom already bought so i said my thanks and told mom that i'll just take that one. then mom went for her hair and pedi manicure at wheelock's so jasone and i went to border's to read. i bought a really nice address book !!!!! 16 only. damn nice. well for me lah. this is what represents my age, SEVENTEEN17. then i bought a m. ( people who're smart will know that i put just a m cos i dont know how to spell the stupid mechanical word. ) pencil for just 4. wahhh damn nice i tell you. then i took a cab home with jasone in the rain. and now, i just sorted out the class photo shoots. now, to birthday. well while we were having lunch, my guardian told me that HONGWEI IS MATURED. ha ha ! blushing nortx !!! then he said everything was good cos i've learnt to organize ^^ and that i'm getting prettier and omfg !!! ha ha ! speaking about beauty, in 2006, i went to countdown in this trader's hotel in myanmar. i was sitting with thawat's bloody rich friend who's bloody fat who sells bird nests who owns this 10 story building thing who is 20 odd who is fat fat fat but rich rich rich and then mom was like. " oh yes !! you're gonna laugh until you die when you hear this. "so she told me that the fat guy called my fave aunt who's damn poshed, ( ego aside. ) , and asked about me and told her that he fancies me and that he thought i was 20 PLUS. my aunt was like, noo! she's just 15 !!! and then she was if you wanna like my neice, you first gotta lose that tummy of yours !!! ha ha !!! funny arsed. then thawat, who always jokes about me marrying rich men told me about his wealth which i flatly replied like always, " you guys are just using me as an object to enjoy the stupid money right. aiyah so what if he's wealthy ? when there's no love, it just means there's no love. marrying'll be living in hell like that. i'd rather marry someone who's poor but someone whom i love. " then he'd be then how're you gonna go shopping if you marry someone poor ? will he have the money to pay for you ? you dont wanna enjoy life ah ? everyday just go lv shop and comeback just order the servants to things. then i'd change my mind and go ya !! i'll marry rich arsed men but no love leh ? iayah nevermind lah. at least i can go around the globe before i die. ha ha. okay speaking about brands, my guardian was telling mom about last night's celebration when my guardian told momsie that 18th and 21st is a MUST MUST celebrate birthdays. cos these 2 ages signify adulthood so i told mom that i'm gonna make it grand for my 18th. and i asked her if she could get me a sleek watch for my 18th that signifies my age.
" mom can you buy me those kind of elegant watches ? those slim silm pretty pretty ones. cos i want something that reminds me that i'm 18. clothes can't remind me. "
" oh yes sure. "
" can you buy me rolex ????? "
" oh !! really ? then does louis vuiton have watches ? "
" no i dont think so. "
" yes they have. but it's in europe. ( uncle. ) "
" oh . . "
" what about dkny ? they have pretty nice watches. "
" yeah ! ! will do !! what about simpler brands like guess, chanel, prada ? "
" yeah it's okay "
" oh !!! okay cool. nevermind i dont want guess anymore cos lots of people're using guess. can i get prada ( if they manifacture { ? } ) ? "
" yeah if you want. i'll get it for you but you have to know that 18 is the age you have to pay full responsibilities for your own actions. "
" yeah i will. i can't wait till i'm 18. cos i can buy myself my own stuff. i dont have to depend on anybody for money and anything that i want. "
" yeh, that's right. "
" all you have to remember is to be careful when you go out with guys ( i told him about aloysius. i told him i went out with him a couple of times for movies but i always bring along my friends. ) bring your friends along. you never know what they're gonna do with you. boyfriends these kinda stuff don't have to . . . ( uncle. ) "
" i don't even have a boyfriend ! "
" what ?? ( mom. ) "
" i dont want a singaporean as my boyfriend. i want ang mor. "
" ha ha ha ( mom. ) "
yes, momies are the best aren't they ? so i'm already looking forward to being 18 !!!!!! ARE YOU NOT !? OR ARE YOU ALREADY ??? OMGOODNESSSSSS !!!!!!! 18= PROM !!!!!!WOOOOSDIFSAHEHEHEOFDBJJJOMHOMGOMGOMGO WHO NOT EXCITED !? GO AND DROWN YOURSELF !!!! omg what shall i wear !? i've already got a vague idea actually but not telling !!! later you copy how !!? ha ha ! no lah. i wanna wow you :oD
okay so oh yes !! then i talked to her about stuying overseas. told her i talked to my teacher and he said that both us and uk are good. excpet us's more relaxed but it's still good. then mom was asking me which i wanted to go. i don't know. which should i go ??? us or uk ??? i don't think i'll be going after secondary 4 :o(((
" i'm not sure, i feel like going uk. "
" you decide. see which you like. "
" okay, i'll go think about it. when're we going ?? after sec 4 right ? "
" no, i thought was after graduation ( the poly thing. ) "
" i dont know. see first. if you wanna go after sec 4 then okay. "
" okay, i'll go ask my teacher more about it. i think i go us lah. cos my teacher say uk more expensive. 4 times more or something. "
yah. okay nevermind, i shall skip. i re-read my post for last night and i discovered so many grammar mistakes !!!!! and i forgot to mention a few things so here.
thank you so much my little aunty. you've helped me soo bloody much i love you for it. for sacrifising ( how to spell ah. ) your time to come early and cook with me. thank you for co-organizing with me. you're a real beau ! but that one is cos thanks to my make up hor ! HA HA. thanks for hunting for kw and hw in eng kong garden when they were already up in my room. and made you perspired like hell. thank you for bringing those ugly food to and fro the house to the park to the house to the park to the house oh you know. sorry about dragging you so late till late night when you were supposed to be going home. hope you had fun ! xxx
liyana junie sheila.
the gifts are cute enought to make me smile,
the 3 beauties !! ha ha, thanks for coming !! sorry for the disgusting food and venue. ha ha ! liyana. the maid like keep on toughing you !!! ha ha ! cannot stop laughing at sayang. she cute or not ??? ha ha !!
" you must eat more if not . . . "
ha ha. and junie and sheila, very cute ah !! :oD
thank you husband. the rest you know what i wanna say.
aloysius and daveyan.
ditto the 2 points about food and venue. oh and thanks for the kawaii neh little flip flop ah aloysius !!! my feet can fit in or not !?!? ha ha ha. daveyan, you look bored :o(
koh and hong wei.
thanks for rushing from the church all the way here :o( it means alot to me that you guys sacrifized ( htspell again. ) your church time just for my 17th. love love mwah mwah. hong wei. you very kawaii mei mei leh. ha ha ha ! liyana, he sure blushing right !!? ha ha. hong wei, you know jason said you wear very coolx ? ha ha. koh wei. so sorry it was warm in my room. the aircon lah. got problem. nevermind, the next time you come, it'll be replaced with nice cooling one ! sorry we didn't get to play the proper truth or dare and no massive picture taking. still, hope you enjoyed too ! xx
to all :
" we have to buy for chriselle what joyce's wearing. tights and the kind of top. very cute. look like a barbie doll. ( guardian to daughter. ) "
" wahh look at joyce's sandals ! so cutee ! ( guardian. ) "
" yeah but very fragile. ( daughter. ) "
aiyah. one second of bliss demolished in 0.01 second.

who say crazy peopl cannot shop.

he he he. guess what you guys ate !? queen and aunt played wings !!! :oD

actual thing.
i had a hard time choosing between two dresses. one look too pubbish without tights on the other look common cos i've already worn that . . 2 years ago. so after asking maids and rah and guys' opinions, i settled with the old one.

smoking kills so " smoke " the biscuit sticks.
whoah this thing taste better than ciggies !
come come ! let's go smoking again !! addcited already.
i feel stunning. i'm healthy and im smoke free. peace.

jaw did it ! first shot !
QUEEN ! and jaw jumped. and peng peng too.

aloysius jumped.
mid way aloysius and cheesy penguin.
mid ways.
xiao peng peng jumped.
liyanana jumped. aloysius hong wei and junie mid.
jasone did it. liyana landing. ha ha !
sheila and sone.

love love mwah mwah.
so jaw did the job.

queen with xiao hong wei.

xiao rahrah and queen.

junie's prettier than you.
koh wei's more laughing - friend than you.
hong wei's better looking than you.
jaw is cooler than you.
daveyan's cuter than you.
aloysius's hotter than you.
queen's slimer than you. ( FUCK !!! I FORGOT TO WISH FOR THAT. )
farah's sweeter than you.
liyana's more adorable than you.
cheepeng's more matured than you.
sheila has a cuter face and pose than you.

hello ! you know how to spell 17 not !? need me tell you how not !?

lighting the candles inside this candle thingy. and done !

if only this was designed for me. .

actual thing.
i had a hard time choosing between two dresses. one look too pubbish without tights on the other look common cos i've already worn that . . 2 years ago. so after asking maids and rah and guys' opinions, i settled with the old one.

so jaw did the job.

hello ! you know how to spell 17 not !? need me tell you how not !?

my little magic put out the " raging fire. "

i hate husbands who squeez cakes down my throat. you think is dicks ah !
the larwa ser-car-lee s.

the larwa ser-car-lee s.

" yay husband. we take our wedding picture. can closer ? must be in love. "
" okay okay. * UNWILLINGLY AH !!!! "


a left over pizza to the ants i gave. bless me hard.
oh your queen. i look so tired dont i ? pity poor soul :o( but i still smile on ! coz thats me yo !
little fishies from pale pink to pale yellow.
part of the swimming club.

ice kaching.


i'm dead beat.
it's one thirty am now i was bloggign since 8 odd. AND I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW :'o( OH WHY OH WHY :''''''''''''''''''''''o(
oh yeh, hello shariff. it's all here :o)
good night i sleepy i wat sleep snore sleep snore sleep snore and just drooooooooooool.
" yay husband. we take our wedding picture. can closer ? must be in love. "
" okay okay. * UNWILLINGLY AH !!!! "



part of the swimming club.


i'm dead beat.
it's one thirty am now i was bloggign since 8 odd. AND I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW :'o( OH WHY OH WHY :''''''''''''''''''''''o(
oh yeh, hello shariff. it's all here :o)
good night i sleepy i wat sleep snore sleep snore sleep snore and just drooooooooooool.
omhgoodness omgah omgod omgreatgreatgod i'm smiling. i love this song so. i kept pestering ex-husband to play this song on repeat ( which he didn't. ) so i go download myslef lah. ha ha, aloysius said the song is great too :oD i'm darn sure the whole world will agree on that. it's damn nice. let's mambo jumbo ! listen to it but don't make if your favourite just because i love it hor. ;oD
simply adore this song to the maxxx.
download this song if dont know how i send you then on it to the maxxx and you'll smile every time tim says " and i was dying inside toooo holddd you ! " just like i do to the maxxx. blast your stereo with this song. it's great to the maxxx. meanwhile,

to the MAXXX.
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