The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

howdy !

HEY YO ! well guess wot. i'm actually already on bed gettin myself ready to tuck myself into the bed but i'm not sleepy so i thot i'd come online here to update about my life.

well while i was on the way to fetch my momsie from the airport, a series of unfortunate events occured to which i can only conclude as karma. my selfishess to be specific. well since momsie's here in singa for only 3 days, she decided to stay in khar shinn aunt's house so the granny sorta moved to my room which has a really lousy low bed and i agreed to her almost immediately after she requested we switched rooms so momsie and i can sleep on the bigger big but anyway. thiZ is how my bad day went.
as i was walking outta house to the train station, i called hwee koon. i don't know wot got into me, but i was so into myself dialin HK's cell number when before i knew it, my bloody sandals somehow made my foot twist in a very nasty way and i ended up trippin myself OFF the padastrain walkin lane. just so you kno, the road was packed like a fish market. so after cursin myself, i continued dialin her number but this time, bloody hell my eyes were more focused on my mobile than the ground so before i knew it, i shrieked and my legs like totally bent inwards can. never mind. nothing is enough. so i stopped at this tena merah place, i hadda switch trains to getto te aiporto. so then as i got outta the train and got into the other one, before i knew it, i was transferred back to bedok once again. i called arah who told me i had to take the MIDDLE trian which i did you kno. i think the train goes forward and backward or somethin cos i DID take the middle train. same like that JE one. but anyway, i got to CA. i wanted to piss but my eyesight is shit it led me to a dead end with odd looking plants. i walked outta the place only to be greeted by the baby's sign. so anyways. as i finally got into the cubicle, the seat was dribbed with urine and i sat right down !!!!!!!!! and hehe no i didn't :oP i don't even sit on te toilet seats to begin with. it's friggin unhygienic. and even tho were all girlz, i don't understand why they have to bloody piss alllll over the seat. it's like they have million vaginas that splash out urine wherever they set their vaginas on. y'kno sometimes it's just bloody dizguztingz but i wipe clean the bloody seat even tho i didn't use it before i exit the cubicle, even when the urine doesn't even belong to me cos i don't want the next person to think that I was the one that had the million vaginas. it doesn't leave a good impression it's just, your self image at the endda day. like wots the seat for sometimes eh. and sometimes i'm scared the person before me's urine will evaporate into my V so i always take up squats instead of seats. nevermind. i don't kno how i even got to talkin about toilet zeatz.

well anyway, after fetchin momsie, i felt a little annoyed coz the aunt that i met en route had moms to herself. it's like i couldn't and didn't even get the chance to hug her which i usually do !!! she chatted with mom like shit and i was shoved far away. screw her big. and on the way back i had to fucking shed a few ( crocodile. ) tears. it's like i told her i wanted to study nursing and she was so bloody against it she started tellin mom that nursing is a very hectic job cos you gotta clear the patients' sai, urine, vomit, blood, and just y'kno, all the " dirty " work. and the reason why there will DEF be a job for nurses is that NO ONE wants to be one mainly cos it's a hideous job and she started givin me this look that's dizguztedz bloody hell. it's like, i finally made up my mind about focusing on a course y'know i had such hard time tryin to find what truly attracted me and her big fat ugly badly stung pimply red black brown green yellow eyesights straining mouth just had to demolish them in a bloody split second. it's like i really love helping the sick people NATURALLY no matter how much salivas they drib every second, no matter how their hairs drop everywhere they go, no matter how sick lookin they are. not coz it's part of my job wotsoever. bloody hell. damn hurt leh. it's like finally you realize wot youre gonna do with your life and you feel so proud of it cos it's all you really wanna focus on but suddenly, this witch comes in the way and kaaaa-piak, demolishes your dream with her wickedly mouth. brrr pissed is beyond what i feel.

well on a brighter note, I HAVE FINALLY MANAGED TO GRASP HOLD OF MY CHILDHOOD BEZT FRIEND'S MOBILE NUMBER !!!!!! ha ha ha ! it's like, she's studyin here in singaporez !!!!!! it's been 7 odd years since we last saw each other. and excitment is beyond wot i feel. i anticipate for her return ( she's in thailand now. ) when she gets here, i'ma teach her mari kita !!!! smart not. ha ha and then tour her round singa lik i'm a brilliant tour guide. this can improve on my observation skill and of cuz . . introduction skill :oD actually she wuz here for like 2++ months but i couldn't get hold of her cos i din have her number. and she din call me so. i thot she wuz A) just gettin settled eso shes bz lookin for accomodations, schools, tutors et cetera et cetera B) too awkward to call since it's like 7 odd years since we last met and C) as much as truth hurts, she doesnt think its neccessary to call me for help cos she can survive on her own. yep. but anyway, once junes over and she geds back here, hehehehehehe, woteva lisa ! :oP

well am sirpozed to be sleepin now cuz i gotsa get up at a bloody 9 tomorrow !!!!!!
-eye pops open wide.-

good night
and ill keep yer updated !

lisa. also known as the future nurse whos gonna kick butt and be friggin successful ( at cleanin patients' aromatic azz holez. )

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