lisa " hello ? "
caller " hello, i'm callin from paragon. "
queen. " oh hi. -thinkin it was a PC from her- "
c "didn't catch her left her phone here . . "
queen. " come again ????? "
c " your niece left her phone here we got it didn't catch. "
queen. " NIECE !?!??????? sorry i don't have a . . OH !! HA HA HA ! it's coz my name's aunty han right !? well she's not my niece, she's my friend but she calls me aunty actually uhm, i'll try get her mom. where's that again ? "
c " paragon metro metro paragon. "
queen. " right okay thanks so much. "
c " ok thank you wee'll be waiting for her. "
so this NIECE of mine is farah arah goh cahp may chap chap rah farahlinsa lynn and what not. ha ha ! oh my goodness you don't careless anymore when you're out ah !!! if not later every valuables will just fly away you know. ha ha ! birthday still want lose thing s ! ha ha i remember the old folks' tales about this. it's like if you lose or cry and get angry on your birthday, you'll continue doin that threw out all the year !!! ha ha ha. hope it's fake lah hor. anyway happy 15th like finally !! ha ha but no matter how fast you get older, i'll always be there as the ahem matured ahem. 2-years-older-than :oD since it's your big day, ( may 31st. ) , for once and for all, imma gonna say this for once ONLY !
di da-lan du-nia ini, farah adalah wanita young young young ba-lin la-wah ser-car-lee !
anywayz !
i koght up with janelle and jaw on tuesday to have lunch at orchard. tho we were famished to the extent of grabbin anyone in sight and bitin them off, the food was too spicy and thus, we didn't manage to enjoy them well well anyway. jaw went to meet his friends while not chicken not beef not steak but pork and i went over to skatepark to get some live knocledge to be a brilliant sk8r. went over to queensway shoppin mall after that where we became the tough bimbos. ha ! ha ! we went counter strikinin but how come no enemies one ah !?!??? walk like 360 degress north south east west inside upside down wall to wall stairs to stairs tunnel to tuneel but still, no enemies appeared. i even got stuck in the jacuzzi ITE. so we went auditionin instead. ha ha ! i quite pro already i think. i don't have to take ages to click the buttons. next time have to go once again, to be a better gamer. i realized my life lack computer games. a ha ha. my life is slowly but surely chaning. like in the past right i used to think that things life computer gamings and televisions are a total waste of time, and i still think tey are, but now that my life here in bedok is so bloody boring i have to start watchin the tele. on the contrary, tele has now transformed to be the only way to PASS time, not WASTE time hehe. is the italics makin your eyes very slanted ?? huh huh huh ? okay lemme switch back cos my eyes sure are flippin to the corners.
SO ! went to meet janelle pok's friends pei hu and michelle after our failures ar CS-ing. went over to ikea to buy bimbo's food blah blah and we went night eXcess-size-zing. ha ha ! all eneded like bloody late so i slept over at pork's. blah blah blah and in the morni, i went back to get my stuff and we are reunited over at vharbour front to make our way to sentosa. pictures shall speak for me as i'm dying not literally from neck shoulder joints spine fingers arms ache. good bye. oh before i leave, just so you know, holidays isn't workin out for me :o) cheers to you who think likewise.

caller " hello, i'm callin from paragon. "
queen. " oh hi. -thinkin it was a PC from her- "
c "didn't catch her left her phone here . . "
queen. " come again ????? "
c " your niece left her phone here we got it didn't catch. "
queen. " NIECE !?!??????? sorry i don't have a . . OH !! HA HA HA ! it's coz my name's aunty han right !? well she's not my niece, she's my friend but she calls me aunty actually uhm, i'll try get her mom. where's that again ? "
c " paragon metro metro paragon. "
queen. " right okay thanks so much. "
c " ok thank you wee'll be waiting for her. "
so this NIECE of mine is farah arah goh cahp may chap chap rah farahlinsa lynn and what not. ha ha ! oh my goodness you don't careless anymore when you're out ah !!! if not later every valuables will just fly away you know. ha ha ! birthday still want lose thing s ! ha ha i remember the old folks' tales about this. it's like if you lose or cry and get angry on your birthday, you'll continue doin that threw out all the year !!! ha ha ha. hope it's fake lah hor. anyway happy 15th like finally !! ha ha but no matter how fast you get older, i'll always be there as the ahem matured ahem. 2-years-older-than :oD since it's your big day, ( may 31st. ) , for once and for all, imma gonna say this for once ONLY !
di da-lan du-nia ini, farah adalah wanita young young young ba-lin la-wah ser-car-lee !
anywayz !
i koght up with janelle and jaw on tuesday to have lunch at orchard. tho we were famished to the extent of grabbin anyone in sight and bitin them off, the food was too spicy and thus, we didn't manage to enjoy them well well anyway. jaw went to meet his friends while not chicken not beef not steak but pork and i went over to skatepark to get some live knocledge to be a brilliant sk8r. went over to queensway shoppin mall after that where we became the tough bimbos. ha ! ha ! we went counter strikinin but how come no enemies one ah !?!??? walk like 360 degress north south east west inside upside down wall to wall stairs to stairs tunnel to tuneel but still, no enemies appeared. i even got stuck in the jacuzzi ITE. so we went auditionin instead. ha ha ! i quite pro already i think. i don't have to take ages to click the buttons. next time have to go once again, to be a better gamer. i realized my life lack computer games. a ha ha. my life is slowly but surely chaning. like in the past right i used to think that things life computer gamings and televisions are a total waste of time, and i still think tey are, but now that my life here in bedok is so bloody boring i have to start watchin the tele. on the contrary, tele has now transformed to be the only way to PASS time, not WASTE time hehe. is the italics makin your eyes very slanted ?? huh huh huh ? okay lemme switch back cos my eyes sure are flippin to the corners.
SO ! went to meet janelle pok's friends pei hu and michelle after our failures ar CS-ing. went over to ikea to buy bimbo's food blah blah and we went night eXcess-size-zing. ha ha ! all eneded like bloody late so i slept over at pork's. blah blah blah and in the morni, i went back to get my stuff and we are reunited over at vharbour front to make our way to sentosa. pictures shall speak for me as i'm dying not literally from neck shoulder joints spine fingers arms ache. good bye. oh before i leave, just so you know, holidays isn't workin out for me :o) cheers to you who think likewise.


lisa is not only a nurse, she's also a house keeper :o)
pork and i enphasize the scenery while PH and M. emphasize the pretty faces :oD

pork and i enphasize the scenery while PH and M. emphasize the pretty faces :oD


the beauty of beaches.
wot are we golf-ing ??
scroll down to see !

this is the national treasure ! ha ha ! look what pork found ! a deadly beautiful chicken with nuffin on but feathers and tiny winy bones.
yo whazzup sunset.
another great find - a star fih.
this couple. it's like, there's i love you and me 2 at different ends of the beach. all girls are not trying to be jealouz of the guy right. damn i know i know. i highly doubt there's any guy as sweet as this ( whoev he is. ) .

bye bye sentosa sunshine hello vivo c.

today, i cooked mee-go-rain all wrong. my MGR was like black and white. so i decided to add some soy sauce. but problem is, i couldn't find any with the label. so i ended up with this odd lookin bottle with black content. thinkin it was SC cos it looked familiar, i poured the whole bottle in to my MGR and bloody hell it stank lika *&^%h my MGR becaome rats food. HA HA ! what a joke i am.

this is the national treasure ! ha ha ! look what pork found ! a deadly beautiful chicken with nuffin on but feathers and tiny winy bones.
bye bye sentosa sunshine hello vivo c.

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