dear god of fashion,
please forgive me for wearing repeated.
hey yo hey yo ! lisa is a happy girl once again. ha ! ha! ive thot about it all and im gonna learn to accept wotever life as to offer. im gonna learn to survive in a hostel. im gonna learn to live there no matter wot the " house " is like.
i am a happy girl becoz ?
i bought more items today !!!
ha ha. it's so fast, yes it is, that i can already scratch off the reso of " get a new school shoe. "
well went over to orchard early in the mornin. i am now officially a life time memeber of CONVERSE. it's in block letter cos i emphasize on the brand cos i don't use it !!! seems like these few days i am gettin unwanted memberships. i am a memeber of bobbi brown, esprit edc, the body shop and ? converse.
coverse is the best tho cos theres a 15% discount for great brands and that includes PUMA. timberland, lee cooper, adidas, le coq sportif, diesel, vans, everlast, kappa, lacoste, converse obviously, gola, birkenstock, papillio and pony. the others are i think mountain climbing brands. columbia, keen, merrell, sperry, teva, raters, lecco, red wing shoes and cat.
well anyway and so.
i wanted to get myself a ankle cut but bloody hell, my legs dont go well with 'em so i just got an average sneaker. it's actually pretty eye catchin. that is for outside wear. momsie got her gola and another birkenstock cos the previous one she got yesterday wasn't as pretty as today's and ha ha. our shopping basically revoled around the definition of ' regret. ' cos lateron when we went to taka, the shoes there were so much more gawjuz. so mom said she shouldnt 'ave bought the gola but to get the everlast instead. i got everlast for my school shoe BTW. actually i wanted this pointy toe kappa which is absolutely adorable but mom said it's just pretty at first sight so. and then when we got to DKNY, she saw a really pretty sandals that coght her eyes. she then complained ( i dont kno the vocab for this actually. its not complain. it's like, aiii-ya ! i shoudave got thi instead !!! y'kno ? well ill be usin complain in all scenerios anyhow. ) that she shouldn't have bought the birkenstock since she already got one and get the DKNY one istead. ( which. im gonna get for her tho its a secret. tell me im filial or wot. ) then ! we went over to tommy hilfiger. i wanted to get this really fucking nice knitted pullover but fucker bitch bastard its only meant for really slender people so i didnt get it. we then went over to paragon cos M wanted to get some sports outfit for her dancing lessons. i tried on this tube top by adidas and it looked pretty so i bought it. AND GUESS HOW MUCH IT WAS !?!?????? bloody hell i have to say all the f word but im controlling. im controlling bad. it fucking cost 110 $ !!!!!!!!! TOMMY'S JUST 109 $ !!!11!!1 YOU TELL ME I WANT KILL PEOPLE OR NOT. adidas and tommy ! pfft ! like the answer is not obvious ! fugger. wots more is that the tube top look like 30-40ish ( money. not age. ha ! ha ! ) .

please forgive me for wearing repeated.
hey yo hey yo ! lisa is a happy girl once again. ha ! ha! ive thot about it all and im gonna learn to accept wotever life as to offer. im gonna learn to survive in a hostel. im gonna learn to live there no matter wot the " house " is like.
i am a happy girl becoz ?
i bought more items today !!!
ha ha. it's so fast, yes it is, that i can already scratch off the reso of " get a new school shoe. "
well went over to orchard early in the mornin. i am now officially a life time memeber of CONVERSE. it's in block letter cos i emphasize on the brand cos i don't use it !!! seems like these few days i am gettin unwanted memberships. i am a memeber of bobbi brown, esprit edc, the body shop and ? converse.
coverse is the best tho cos theres a 15% discount for great brands and that includes PUMA. timberland, lee cooper, adidas, le coq sportif, diesel, vans, everlast, kappa, lacoste, converse obviously, gola, birkenstock, papillio and pony. the others are i think mountain climbing brands. columbia, keen, merrell, sperry, teva, raters, lecco, red wing shoes and cat.
well anyway and so.
i wanted to get myself a ankle cut but bloody hell, my legs dont go well with 'em so i just got an average sneaker. it's actually pretty eye catchin. that is for outside wear. momsie got her gola and another birkenstock cos the previous one she got yesterday wasn't as pretty as today's and ha ha. our shopping basically revoled around the definition of ' regret. ' cos lateron when we went to taka, the shoes there were so much more gawjuz. so mom said she shouldnt 'ave bought the gola but to get the everlast instead. i got everlast for my school shoe BTW. actually i wanted this pointy toe kappa which is absolutely adorable but mom said it's just pretty at first sight so. and then when we got to DKNY, she saw a really pretty sandals that coght her eyes. she then complained ( i dont kno the vocab for this actually. its not complain. it's like, aiii-ya ! i shoudave got thi instead !!! y'kno ? well ill be usin complain in all scenerios anyhow. ) that she shouldn't have bought the birkenstock since she already got one and get the DKNY one istead. ( which. im gonna get for her tho its a secret. tell me im filial or wot. ) then ! we went over to tommy hilfiger. i wanted to get this really fucking nice knitted pullover but fucker bitch bastard its only meant for really slender people so i didnt get it. we then went over to paragon cos M wanted to get some sports outfit for her dancing lessons. i tried on this tube top by adidas and it looked pretty so i bought it. AND GUESS HOW MUCH IT WAS !?!?????? bloody hell i have to say all the f word but im controlling. im controlling bad. it fucking cost 110 $ !!!!!!!!! TOMMY'S JUST 109 $ !!!11!!1 YOU TELL ME I WANT KILL PEOPLE OR NOT. adidas and tommy ! pfft ! like the answer is not obvious ! fugger. wots more is that the tube top look like 30-40ish ( money. not age. ha ! ha ! ) .
ok set all regrets aside. i am contented i agree great minds think alike and oh my !!!!! ha ha how could i possibly forget !! i got myself a few sets of bra from pierre cardin. girls whore readin, GO GET THEM NOW !!!! it's comfy as hell.
y'know it's really true about gettin the right kinda bra. my breasts used to be well, since it's interent, they used to be bigger than wot i own now simply becos of the fugly bras i maximizedzedzed myself to wear ! i thot since it's school, there's no need for sexy bras but damn was i not wrong. my boobs have totally,
no joke. im using the lousy thriump which is so bad for mine i might as well throw them away. which i already did. well back to the point. PC's are really, really, really absofuckinglutely comfortable. it's like, your breasts are sleeping on clouds.
like theyre resting in cotton land. wow just too fantabulous. go grab them quick !!!! ha ha actually i didn't even realize that my boobs kinda dropped in size until mom pointed them out to me. i was bloody sad cos now i know that boobs
mean a lot. so when i got home, the first thing she said ?
" go throw away all those lousy bras of yours and start wearing these. if not, your boobs will
really be gone in a few months. "
so and where was i ?? aaaah. great minds
think alike. i support this group. tho heh heh, not to flatter myself, that i have great mind :oP
but truely. as i was walking, i got pretty pissed cos the bags
were so bloody heavy i started cursing myself then i thot. my aim is that. the next time when i'm older, im gonna hire a shopping assistant for myself. so basically, i'll just buy buy buy and she'll be the one carrying them all. so on
the way back, mom was like whoa theyre heavey. to which i replied ye !!!!! and
she said, next time when you're older, go get yourself shopping assistants to help you carry your stuff.
great minds think alike yes ?
anyway. im already bikining ( HA HA ! HOLY SHIT. ) to get my stuff ready to leave bukit timah for 2 good years. so the deal is :
i focus myself, i surround myself, i wrap myself into the invisible towel of knoledge ( fuck how d'ya spell that word. nor-ledge. ) for 2 good years cos it's crucial.
secondary 3 and 4 is, crucial and i cant play around lika fool. i cant let my mischievous-ness drool cos theyll endup makin me blue.
isnt somethin ill do with for the resta my life. im just gonna be a goody-two-shoe and be a study fanatic, a study maniac, a . . a . . a study psychopath ! i am indeed, a very, very, mad woman.
okay anyway. i guess i'm ready for a new life and all ! y'kno.
interecting with new people. damn. i dont kno if this new twist in my life is gonna be life changing cos they claim ill be a totally independant once im out cos there, i can only be depedant on my own bloody self. did i mention I , of all people, have to clean the bloody toilet once every
alternate week ???? so you can actually see how goin to this hostel is gonna affect me and transform me into a MATURED girl. well anyway. the choice after 2 good years is, i will
A) shift back to bukit timah after secondary 4
B) rent\buy an apartment and live with my brothers.
both seem attractive enough for me to pray before i sleep to let time fly by. if the option is bee, then my life is gonna take a twisting turn again cos then, i'll be sorta like a mom, y'know, takin care of a house. the good thing ?
> sleepovers everyday.
> total freedom.
> i rule. and of course, my brothers.
> it's MY house, ditto to the brothers.
> it's MY house !!
> and it's still MY house !!!!
ha ha ha. okay lets get serious. are you bored readin this trash ? well wotever it is,
i can practice to be a mom. y'kno. shop for groceries, house hold items, furnitures. jaw and i already planned on designing the rooms 2 years back. the bad thing ?
> i will forever be having the air-con switched on.
> i will take forever to bathe.
> i will not not not cook fantastic tasting dishes.
and i dont kno. i dont kno how it's like takin care of a house. tho i love moping. ha ha ! it's so much fun ! you can blast your ears and wriggle your body like as tho the handle is your dancing partner and it's 20 minits to 2 in the morning yes i type so friggin slow and my stomach hurts bad thus the title says why cant i have crazy fever instead and i wanna sleep now ive got a whole new day ahead of me bye and bye.
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