hey yo yo yo yo ! i am back from the masquerade and i must say, it wasn't
so bad after all ! tho i dont understand why it is called a
masquerade since we don't even have to move about actin mysteriously sexy with the vampy masks. all we hadda do was sit at our table and enjoy the food
( i enjoyed the food hehe. ) and watch the performances. guess what ! i got a vid of mr indian. he doesn't look too good here but it is here anyway. he was apparently representin india as its model. but anyway. took like hell little pictures so i will be wearin the same thing tomorro when i meet mom and take more pictures with it. i just realized it doesn't look too bad, my piece of rag. oh well. here's the few pathetic pictures. enjoy. ciaoz. oh yes !! how culd i forget ! as we were registering, i scanned thru my name and found that im the
only one with " sec 3 " while everyone were JC, year 5 , 4 blah blah. and i am ?
sec friggin 3.
cant they write the ages instead ???
I HAVE A NEW E-MAIL !to add :
livewithlizard@hotmail.comthis is real.
lisa = lisard = lizard.
live = you can chat with me live and not mail me and wait for my reply vice versa.
what i wore. my piece-of-rag turned piece-of-dress. necklace was different tho.
karen and level m8.
with my room8 !
again. flash and no flash. she's lay kwan and is 18 in year 5.
the balloon stretched far ahead from the table till the ceiling. we were laughin our asses off at this but i apparently didn't capture the table.
pretty yummy but not fresh.he na in red is the cluster leader.
lay kwan in pink is my room8.
lisa in rag is the only girl from sec 3.

lise, kwan and karen who's from hong kong.

this suck cock. sour as hell.

wu rui and he na both from china.

sandi's the one under the FAMILY towards the left.

this doesnt really say much. i was just writing what i felt.
unclear. but check them out anyway. nothin special tho. just some of the talents of NUS high math and science.
singer. i will always love you.
violinst. inspires me to take up violin lessons.
and the bollywood dancers ! i really loved this dammit ! full of vibe and so damn bouncy i kept shakin in my seats. really amazingly amazing.
mr indian.
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