and when the rule of faking the notes is violated,

she pitifully got sent behind bars.
but instead of being caged for 2.5 years, considering the fact that what she did was serious, she was let out early for she possessed a special aura that drew people into her, making them wonder if she ever have any flaws, at all. the prison soldiers thot she looked too much like an angel to be playin the devil. the media eyed her and welcomed her into the family with big open arms like
()------big arms-------- o.o -------big arms------------()
she was invited to many shows and modeling agencies.
she posed for the Christmas Times,

and even got into the show during christmas which was nominated for the best acting award !

she was a very accomplished young celebrity, appearing in world-wide mags, takin over many of the older and more recognized faces.

after just 3 weeks of being recognized by the public, her picture was already makin its way to the Gallaria of Women-in-the-Fast-Lane.

she appeared every where - - the window displays, the walls, basically any and every where she could possibly be.

she was invited to all the endless of glamor parties, never failed to attend any of them without havin her pictures taken.

got the main roles as easy as hey-hi-bye.

some crazy filthy wealthy people even idolized her to the extent of hanging her on their front gates !!!

world-top designers were awed by her they were inspired by lucy their designs were based on lucy.

her posters hit world wide.

she was even on the wall of the most-important houses across the country ! literally listenin to each and every words exchanged.

but alas !! she was ready to go on a battle. a battle that will completely twist her life 360, givin her no friggin chance to turn over ever again, leavin her no mercy in her past wotsoever. but of cos and expected, she didn't see any of those mentioned coming so she put on a bright face and marched on.

she has met the man of her dreams - the man she thot was everything she ever wanted, and every thing she had ever needed.
Mr Romeo. Mr Hero. Mr Super. Mr Wonderful. Mr Perfect. Mr Everything.

The Stuperman.
- notes to reader. -
Mr S was on a play when Lucy took this picture in case you go thinkin Mr S is a Mr Weird wearin that costume that was never meant to be in the real life.
she wasted no time, afraid the quote of " you never know what u got until it's gone. " so she wasted no time and got hitched. Mr S obviously agreed like a hungry puppy cos remember lucy carried a luring aura around her ???

millions and millions of her fans supported her even tho she was considered the married one. see that ring there ? thats the 100kg rock she was pampered with by Mr S.

tons and tons of her male fans she once had were on the verge of a complete breakdown, no, they were well past that stage. they were utterly miserable. this man here was so completely hopelessly in love with lucy he maniacally printed thousands of the same picture of lucy, starin at her in the frame and crying with heart-ache. PS, Mr A for admirer was 32 years older than Lucy but he loved her from afar despite the different age groups.

but of cos, lucy had no clues she had such crazy fans in fact she was so in love with Mr S she spent her day and night snuggling in bed with him without meeting the world and leading the life she once used to.

and of cos, as expected. unLucky Lucy was cursed with the birth of a baby girl who looked just like her. i'm sayin she was doomed with a kid becos as expected from celebrity hubbies, they dump you the mo you have a kid. lucy thought she could go back to her old golden days to earn some blings for her family but who knew people would reject her so harshly ? gone were the time people thought of her as the diva, the goddess, gone were the days were she lived off her wages, gone were her money and her fame, all she was left with was a bloody child and a few sarongs she found in her neighbor's bins.
may i add that Mr S had a middle name ?
he was actually Mr T S. the full name of his was Mr Thief Stealer but obviously it sounded uncool so he had the thiefy cheeks to change it to Mr Tea Stuperman but obviously, Lucy was too love struck to bother about his name or any shit like that. so ! Mr Thief obviously married Lu for her beauty and her fortune. this cunning little fucker here managed to persuade Lucy into sharing the same bank account with him but like i said, lucy was way to in love to care a shit so after Lucy had Loosy ( it was a loose-child. if that makes sense. ) Mr Thief that cunning fucker grabbed every cents of Lucy's and changed the password for their shared account which was of cos very typical of thieves. Lucy no longer had the status and the money needed for survival. she crashed down as immediately as she rose up.
big companies dropped on her,

her posters no longer saw the light of the day

for they were replaced with new models.

her portraits were tossed around like a Flat Frisbee.

she was left with nothing, but Loosy.

from a celebrity to a beggarity,

lucy felt her heart filled with anger and betrayal but remember. she was a Lucy Strong indie woman. she hit the pubs daily and drowned her sorrows in alcohol but she did not turn into an alcoholic cos well, she is not one. in case you cant make out what the title says, it says
" Drinking signs from Fatal position. "
well if you dont understand what it means, it was just one of the slangs they used back then so dont bother.
the media got hold of Mr A for admirer, remember him ? well he was Lucy's oldest admirer and Mr A said he wished upon his last working tooth that Lucy would not crumble down like an apple crumple. he longed to see the ol lucy more than savin his last strand of black hair.
" Dearest Lucy, if you can hear me, please, get back. you were never different before or after you were wedded to that bloody bastard. you will always remain as the queen of my heart, remember, there are many of us out here who still care about you. please lucy, think lucky and lucid. "
as quoted from Mr A himself.

well magically, lucy got hold of the newspaper clipping and she thot to herself :
why the fuck and i brooding over the past ? why do i fall so badly ? why do i give so much of a shit to people who don't love me for who i really am ? why do i care if they love or do not love me ? i am only botherin about them, pleasing them when i am not born to do it, i will get a grip of my life and start afresh. i am gonna live my life to the fucken fullest you nincompoops !!! "
so here she goes marching again, but take note : this time, with determination and re-stored independence. with every steps she marches, she tells herself no one is gonna get in her way, with every steps she took, she tells herself she is not here to please others. with that, she marched off to a place no on knew of.

her best friend Mdm Loonsie found out that Lucy was a fisherwoman now, living the life like the fish - free and carefree.
" Loosy is here carrying the fish, living her life with Lucy happily so . . . "
quoted from Mdm Loonsy herself.

ha ha ha !! holy shit. that was one hella lame story but i had fun typing and imagining.
the pictures are edited from photofunia. i decided to check this site out after visitng KK's friendster. this guy gave her a comment thru photofunia and it seemed pretty interesting so itchy hands me went to check it out and so check it out when you get the chance to too cos it pretty damn rock !
well anyway !! i had lunch over at pu-tien restaurant and then met lawrence over at orchard to watch a movie but there weren't any that fitted in to our time slots so we settled with max payne ( read pain. ) it isn't say very good or very bad i guess. actions are fine but story line is pretty off my knowledge of understanding. well anyway, jason and momsie watched with us too. after watching, law and i went to westmall cos it was still kinda early by the time we reached bukit batok and then we decided t take 173 home cos it takes like 30 odd minits to reach his and an hour to reach mine but anyway ! here're the pictures.

they are all either a little shaky or unclear cos we were the bus that kept jerkin. BTW, if u referred to L's blog, i am really a big eater like he mentioned. ha ! ha ! i had the fuckin fullest lunch ever but after that we still ate like there was no tomorrow. i wanna go escape theme park real badly ! either that or snow city. as long as i can have the wind blow my hair and make me scream, im fine with it all. im sick and tired of sittin in the air-packed room just watching and talkin. i need the life of an adventure. it's a pity singapore doesnt offer much of an adventure-based theme park or esle, i will be their most frequent visitor of all time ! ok i sirpoze this is all my big fat mouth gotsa say so ciaozzzie !!

i was given the crab to attack. ha ha ! jannie pokie bimbi ! remember coconuts ??? ha ha ! i feel like eatin 'em again dammit !

as the caption says it all, as the caption says it all . . .
more fun with photofunia. the xtras.

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