" miss, you are so smart ! "
two seconds of faux intelligence crushed by,
" err . . ha ha, actually im only stayin there, not studying. ^^ "
anywuzzzz. i will be doin an entry about the life in that hostel but sadly, many of the pictures i took when i was stayin there cant be published cos my computer is dead and all my datas have died along with it too. plus, i didnt bring my camera there today but anyway, just when i got in to the lift, KK called me but the line got cut off cos there wasnt any reception so while i waz clearin the room, i called her back askin her what was up and guess what she told me !!!!? mr level 7 was walking back and forth right in front of the bench she was sitting ( for half an hour no less ! ) ! he walked behind her, in front of her yadee deedah.
even tho i dont feel attached to the hostel, i felt rather sad when i was walking out . . somehow. it's always been like this tho . . which is why i came up with,
" going is dreadful, leaving is painful. "
ZL made this when i was coming back from vietnam last december. i dreaded goin there so much cos both my brothers weren't goin with me and i was only travelling with mom to attend one of her brother's ( non-blood-related. ) wedding. i wasn't even keen cos jaw had the whole house to himself and jason fag was living with his friend whereas for the poor lisa, she had to follow her mom to a wedding whom she doesn't even kno belong to whom but anyway. i made the super right choice of goin cos it was hella fun ! the 1000kg of memories left behind is not to be forgotten. speakin of overseas, i have a blog for my overseas trips which i created last year so i will link it up later. thank goodness this blog exists if not, all my overseas pictures can pretty much kiss my big fat stinky ass good bye !
so anyway, today i took a different bus to meet KK and whoa, i must say, there're so many places in singapore that hasn't seen my pretty face !!!
even tho the ride was damn boring, the sceneries were super fresh ( even tho they were simply HDB buildings after HDB buildings. ) i hav to start havin an opinion of my own too. when people ask me how i think of singapore, i go by the choices of :
1. " oh, clean and green. "
4. " very safe. "
5. " no 4 seasons. "
43. " fun. "
65. " okay lah . . "
duh, #1 is so snatched from others' opinions.
#4 i can kick outta the list cos just a few days ago, KK and i got stalked by the indian man whom scared our spirits off. no exaggerations here. that guy reeked of whisky. or beer. whichever. i dono which he drank but it sure stank. to me.
#5 is the absolute truth. since when did u last feel snow after u stepped outta the gates ? maybe yesterday but hey. im talkin about white snow here, not white bird shit.
#43 is fun becos of the friends. not the country. singapore will rock if there is a super huge amazement park with super xtreme roller-coasters.
#65 is the reply i always give.
but anyway, what i am tryin to prove is that i suck at giving replies regarding singapore. i kno for once that singapore is super safe, i know it is clean but now, i kno that singapore's advanced tho not as much as London. didja kno they have this ultra cool bins where it can hold some sort of bombing threats thingy and it displays the weather forecasts ??? not that i have seen it but i read about it in the papers and right then, i know fosho i wuld love to live there one day but as i was sayin, singapore is also advanced cos it has the public transport system, the CPF thingy which i learnt in S.Studies.
the thing i love most about singapore is the fact that the government has already pretty much planned the life of the singaporeans. they dont have to worry about not havin sufficient bread to eat when they are old cos they hav the CPF thingy mentioned above to sustain their ancient life. not to forget the eduSave. smart, rewarded. hardwork, rewarded. bravery, rewarded. if myanmar ran a system like this, i promise i will always be loyal there and serve the country gloriously. ha ha, " serve the country. " came outta mr tan's mouth today.
" myint myint. you must work hard leh. i tell you people in myanmar are suffereing you know ? do u know that ? " eyebrow raises.
" not really. " i said.
" they are suffereing !! they have to beg for rice you know. " clearly exasper8ed.
" oh really ?? " i really didnt kno.
" ya. u are a very fortunate girl, you mother send you all the way here to study but see what you are doing here. honestly speaking ah, you are the first person from myanmar to give us trouble. you kno who is aung thet ? "
" yah. " and i kno u r gna praise him.
" see ! he broke his leg but he still come back for exams you know ? " gotcha.
" oh really ah. " i also stomach pain but do physical education one ok.
" ya, you know twee nee ? 3e3 one. ( something. ) 4e5 one. see. they all work hard ! you must learn from them ! you are the ambassador of myanmar. you know what is ambassador or not ? " yes and im not that daft thanks.
" ya. " i've heard i am the ambassador for too many times im sick of that word.
" that's why. study hard ok ? then serve your country after you graduate like me now. i am serving singapore yadee deedah. " pride in his words.
. . . and you kno how mr tan's speeches go. slow and slow. oh golly im speakin so off-the-point but anyway !! what was i tryin to prove ah ? wait i go scrow up see first.
right. that i know so little of singapore. you know, if i go back and people ask me to recommend them a place to visit, y'kno wot i'd tell 'em ??????
W E S T M A L L ! ! ! ! ! !
ha ! ha ! ha ! i tell you i know westmall in and out. i've been walkin there for wot, 3 years now ?? i am sucha kampong girl i need to explore singapore soon. if not, even tho i've been here for almost 8 years, it is still equals to 8 weeks, or worse, 8 days !
so guess what !!!!!
this is the news of THE year !
ha ha ha, i am literally hopping with joy ! miss c told me i can be released this friday yo yo yo yooyoyoyoy oy oy yo ^____^ so my 20 days are officially cut short probly due to some angelic behaviours by the angel herself. but come to think of it, the 20 were still served cos of the ESSP. oh ye. one thing super good is i only have to report at 8EIGHT8888 !! ha ha, i can get up @ 7am now---- have a loooooooong warm bath, have breakfast, stroll to the bus stop and then take the bus to school. and one more thing ! i am released @ 12pm wifihfksnkfs !! how cool, you ask me !!!!? super cool i'd say. only 4 hours ! this is where i feel like trying the evil witch laugh : neeee-aaaakk-ha-ha-ha-ha -!
anyway. i tell you ah, the past few days, wearing the school uniform was still all right cos some students still hadda attend some courses back in skool and no one will really bother you much but now ah . . wear school uniform can stand out like some alien tree planted in the shopping mall like that.
okay lah. i goin sleep already. it's past 1 am so bye bye.

to my one and only sister, here comes ur one and only sister ( and 2 brothers. ) ! ha ha, shit. i am so xcited to go back !!!! ^___&
1 comment:
Yo!!!You look lovely girl>.<
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