note : i am not writing a poem !!!!!
the aligning thing just looks better this way to read.
hi there.
i am writing this entry to tell you that i sincerely apologize
for breaking up you and jaw's relationship.
just becos of the one tiny thing that flew out of my big fat mouth,
it has to result in u two's love and destroy it in a sudden.
to make it clear,
to make it clear,
when i mentioned about you giving your everything to jaw,
i did mean :
- if you two slept together
- if you two shared your everything,
- if you two slept together
- if you two shared your everything,
from last love, last betrayal, last secrets to last everything
but perhaps you mistook what i meant.
but perhaps you mistook what i meant.
i hav never been good with the way i construct my words
so what i thot just did not come out right
and what did not come out right didn't go in to your mind right.
after re-reading and reading and reading
the same old paragraph about you two over and over again,
i realized that it probably didnt sound like what i had in mind,
perhaps i made you sound like someone that you are not
and that wasnt what i wanted to say.
i hope you get what im saying cos i really suck at words so ye.
but anyway, i was just thinkin about you guys'
last things together ( not that it concerns me the least. ) becos jaw loved you
last things together ( not that it concerns me the least. ) becos jaw loved you
and that was why i even bothered to give it a thot.
not like it has anything to do with me but becos the
previous girls in jaw's life ? he didn't care and love and talk
about them as much as he talked about you
to me and my friend KK
( and i never fail to share you two's love to my friends !! ) ( not that it is my business again ).
so to wrap it all up,
so to wrap it all up,
i would like to apologize to both you and jaw if things weren't
exactly like how they used to be.
even though jaw stood up to me,
i am sure he was super mad at me becos u two are over
and since i am sandwiched in between 1 mad brother
and 1 mad brother's girlfriend,
i decided i have to say sorry at least so yep !
to candice, sorry and i hope to kno you someday :o)
to jaw, sorry and i will buy you some surprises back to yangon yo ! ^__^
to both, i am ultra queen sorry :o(
to jaw, sorry and i will buy you some surprises back to yangon yo ! ^__^
to both, i am ultra queen sorry :o(
okie dokie ! so anyway ! today's singing session was sucha dread we only sung for a mere short 3 hours becos for one, the sound system suck sofa king bad the tunes were in a big lousy mess and for all, the microphones sucked cock. they should at least have good sound systems so can make our voice sound nicer and more professional lor but. oh well, while screaming into the mikes, our stomach talked to us. it said it was empty and that it'd appreciate it berry berry much if some food were thrown down so K and i left the kbox and went over to the pizza hut just opposite to gorilla-out. ( we were too lazy to travel to cine to sing so we went over to clementi's. ) ha ha, again K and i laughed our way to ice creams even tho we were fucken full. today we talked about how we are gna set up a food biznez when we are both back in myanmar. the 2 things we both love ultra lord most is eating. she loves to invent food and we love to eat to the core so this is where our future lies. also, the other thing we love is shopping. so the other biznez we're gna be setting up is designing clothes for the bigger boned girls. we are both not skinny but we kno what clothes look good on who so this is where we are gna be brainstormin our ideas and take the first single step to a journey that has mbzillion miles to offer. we thot of askin jaw and lawrence in for the food biznez cos they are also gna be stayin in myanmar for a period of time so yep. maybe when we really do open up a shop, you must come and eat to your life's content ah ! cos it'll be professionally designed by jaw who's good in art, professionally cooked by astrid who's magically talented in inventing food, professionally billed by lawrence who's way ahead of me in mathematical skills and lisa who will professionally open the door to welcome you cos she has no talents wotsoev in anything good :oP sounds like a good plan doesnt it !!! i will talk to mom about this soon so movin on ! i feel like shitting so bye bye. what an abrupt ending lol.

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